Friday, May 31, 2019
The Race to Understanding and Manipulating DNA :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
Early 1953. Three labs, two in England and one in California, raced to discover the structure of deoxyribose nucleic acid. At Cal Tech in Pasadena, California, Linus Pauling had recently ascertained the alpha-helix. Now he was turning his attention to DNA. At Kings College in the University of London, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin, although hampered by their inability to get along with one a nonher, had taken actual pictures of DNA utilise x-rays and were hot on the trail. The most unlikely pair in the race, a 24-year-old American biologist and a 36-year-old English physicist, were also close to identifying the elusive molecule, although they were proscribe from directly working on it. And so the race intensified for the secret of life itself. Get Ready, Get Set... Mendel and Pea Plants The events leading up to this race very began with an Austrian monk named Johann Gregor Mendel. Although in reality Mendel wanted to be a high school teacher, he failed the mandatory examin ation three times and determined to become a monk to pursue his studies in the peace of a monastery (Asimov, Genes 11). Interested in the inheritance of characteristics, he began working with pea plants in 1857. He crossed true-bred plants and then their offspring and recorded the results. From these results he established general rules or laws for inheritance. He worked for eight years and with over ten thousand varied plants (Arnold 20). Looking for a sponsor for his work, Mendel sent his paper to noted botanist Wilhelm von Nageli. Nageli sent it back after barely glancing at it (Nageli died in 1891 and would be remembered, not for his own vast scientific work, but for his failure to pay attention to Mendel) (Asimov, Genes 19-20). Mendel finally did publish his results in the magazine of the National History Society of Brunn in 1866 (Arnold 7). Other botanists paid little or no attention to his work, and his ideas about inheritance became lost for thirty-four years. Mendel becam e the abbot of his monastery in 1868 and was too busy and reject to continue his experiments. He died in 1884, never knowing that he would be touted as the father of modern genetics. The Early Work on DNA In 1869, just after Mendel had quit working with plants, a 25-year-old Swiss chemist, Johann Friedrich Miescher, discovered a substance called nuclein inside cells. This substance was later found to be wedded to a protein which was named histone from the Greek word meaning cell.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Its Time for Education Reform :: Education Reform Essays
In Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction, Ralph Tyler stated that we should determine what our children need to learn through analysis of contemporary order (1949). I argue further that we must teach beyond todays situation to prepare our students for an uncertain future. All things considered, students minimal exposure to technology in schools is mystifying. How bathroom we prepare our students for tomorrows world when we continue to teach with methods and materials from yesterday? My early experiences as a teacher and in my Masters degree program arrive at inspired me to body of work to integrate technology into the inquiry and constructivist models of light education. I nurture proven the value of both my instruction methods and curriculum design abilities in my own biota classroom, at conferences, and while working with other teachers however, I find the change I initiate to be frustratingly localized. I want to assume a leadership role outside of the classroom so that my efforts will influence more teachers and students and, perhaps, make a difference on policy and practice in science education. Computers naturally engage students, so we must embrace and exploit this powerful bond as a means to serve our goals as educators. Yet passim my experience in educational settings, the role of technology seems to have been reduced to a flashy, colorful way of reinforcing ineffective and outdated teaching strategies. I have rivet my talents as a teacher and curriculum designer on the role of technology in the science classroom. I initiated this work during my Masters degree program, which was focused on technology in education, and began to adapt various computer programs and other devices to my Biology curriculum. During my first year of teaching I worked to bridge the gap amid such technologies and my constructivist ideology, not only in Biology but also in Earth Science. I knew that if these amazing resources were to advance the mission of sc ience education, they would have to work with the model, not against it. Through research programs, curriculum development, and specialized training, I have excelled at the integration of multiple forms of technology with research-supported methods of science instruction. In the summer of 2001, I participated in the E-2020 program, affiliated with the University of Colorado at Denver, which matches teachers with scientists for summer research accompanied by workshops in inquiry instruction. My research took place in the resurrect Optical Spectroscopy Laboratory at the Colorado School of Mines, where I learned to perform Raman Scattering.
Child Abuse in A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer Essay -- A Child Calle
In Ameri nominate society today we fail to scream several issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, child plague is one of the major issues that our country is plagued with, tho we neglect to bring this to the attention of the entire nation. It is often over looked because everyone has a different view of what exactly defines child abuse. The International sister Abuse engagement (ICAN) uses four basis categories to docunment the child abuse cases. They are ablaze abuse, neglect, personal abuse, and sexual abuse. I will be describing the first three.Emotional Abuse, (also known as Verbal abuse, mental abuse, and psychological cruelty) includes acts or the failures to act by parents or caretakers that have caused or could cause serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders. This can include parents and/or caretakers using extreme or gonzo forms of punishment, such as the child being confined in a closet or dark room, being tied to a chair for large pe riods of time, or threatening or terrorizing a young mind. Less severe acts, but no less damaging is overly negative criticism or rejecting treatment, using degrading terms to describe the child, constant victimizing or blaming the child for situations. flatten (the failure to provide for the child?s basic needs) can be physical, educational, or emotional. material neglect can include non providing adequate food, clothing, appropriate health check care, supervision, or proper weather protection (heating or coats) to the child. educational neglect can include failure to provide appropriate schooling or specific educational needs, allowing excessive truancies, to the child. Psychological neglect is the lack of either emotional support and love, never attending to the child, spousal abuse, or drug and alcohol abuse including allowing the child to participate in drug and alcohol use.Physical abuse is to cause or inflict physical injury upon the child. This may include, burning, hi tting, punching, shaking, kicking, beating, or otherwise harming a child. The parent or caretaker may claim not to have intended to hurt the child, that the injury was an accident. It may have however, been the result of over-disciplines or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child?s age. In 1998 NCANDS (National minor Abuse and dangle Data System) calculated the Fatalities by Maltreatment, child Abuse... ...Year Published20043. The tiddler Welfare League of America. (1999). State Child Welfare histrionics Survey.US Bureau of the Census ?Estimates of the population of state by age, sex, race & Hispanic rake 1990 to 1999? published 12/29/99Administration for Children and Families occurrence Sheets and Publications Table of Contents Child Maltreatment 2000Chapter 54.The World Wide Web virtual(prenominal) Library The Mens Issues PageChild Abuse and Neglect Statistics from the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse April, 1994 and 1995Number of Child Abuse and Ne glect Reports Nationwide American Association for Protecting Children (AAPC). (1988) Highlights of Official Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting, 1986. Denver, CO. American Humane Association. Ogintz, E. The Littlest Victim. Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 6, 1988. Sedlak, A. (1990) Technical Amendments to the Study Findings--National Incidence and prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect 1988. Rockville, MD Westat, Inc. Wiese, D. and Daro, D. (1995) Current Trends in Child Abuse Reporting and Fatalities The Results of the 1994 Annual Fifty State Survey. Chicago, IL. NCPCA. Child Abuse in A Child Called It by Dave Pelzer Essay -- A Child Calle In American society today we fail to address several issues that need to be addressed. Unfortunately, child abuse is one of the major issues that our country is plagued with, yet we neglect to bring this to the attention of the entire nation. It is often over looked because everyone has a different view of what exactly defines c hild abuse. The International Child Abuse Network (ICAN) uses four basis categories to docunment the child abuse cases. They are emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse, and sexual abuse. I will be describing the first three.Emotional Abuse, (also known as Verbal abuse, mental abuse, and psychological cruelty) includes acts or the failures to act by parents or caretakers that have caused or could cause serious behavioral, cognitive, emotional or mental disorders. This can include parents and/or caretakers using extreme or bizarre forms of punishment, such as the child being confined in a closet or dark room, being tied to a chair for long periods of time, or threatening or terrorizing a young mind. Less severe acts, but no less damaging is overly negative criticism or rejecting treatment, using degrading terms to describe the child, constant victimizing or blaming the child for situations. Neglect (the failure to provide for the child?s basic needs) can be physical, educational, or emotional. Physical neglect can include not providing adequate food, clothing, appropriate medical care, supervision, or proper weather protection (heating or coats) to the child. Educational neglect can include failure to provide appropriate schooling or special educational needs, allowing excessive truancies, to the child. Psychological neglect is the lack of any emotional support and love, never attending to the child, spousal abuse, or drug and alcohol abuse including allowing the child to participate in drug and alcohol use.Physical abuse is to cause or inflict physical injury upon the child. This may include, burning, hitting, punching, shaking, kicking, beating, or otherwise harming a child. The parent or caretaker may claim not to have intended to hurt the child, that the injury was an accident. It may have however, been the result of over-disciplines or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child?s age. In 1998 NCANDS (National Child Abuse and Neglect Data Syste m) calculated the Fatalities by Maltreatment, Child Abuse... ...Year Published20043. The Child Welfare League of America. (1999). State Child Welfare Agency Survey.US Bureau of the Census ?Estimates of the population of state by age, sex, race & Hispanic origin 1990 to 1999? published 12/29/99Administration for Children and FamiliesFact Sheets and Publications Table of Contents Child Maltreatment 2000Chapter 54.The World Wide Web Virtual Library The Mens Issues PageChild Abuse and Neglect Statistics from the National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse April, 1994 and 1995Number of Child Abuse and Neglect Reports Nationwide American Association for Protecting Children (AAPC). (1988) Highlights of Official Child Neglect and Abuse Reporting, 1986. Denver, CO. American Humane Association. Ogintz, E. The Littlest Victim. Chicago Tribune, Thursday, October 6, 1988. Sedlak, A. (1990) Technical Amendments to the Study Findings--National Incidence and Prevalence of Child Abuse and Neglect 198 8. Rockville, MD Westat, Inc. Wiese, D. and Daro, D. (1995) Current Trends in Child Abuse Reporting and Fatalities The Results of the 1994 Annual Fifty State Survey. Chicago, IL. NCPCA.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Saint Philip Neri :: essays research papers fc
Saint Philip Neri was born in Florence, Italy, in the year 1515. He was theoldest watchword of Francis Neri and Lucretia Soldi, both descendants of Tuscanfamilies. He was kind hearted as a kid and concisely became known as Philip theGood - "the good Pippo." As a child, he studied philosophy and later he tooka comprehensive course in theology. With fourteen companions, he createdthe Confraternity of the Most Holy Trinity for spirit after pilgrims andconvalescents. The members met for Communion, prayer and other spiritualexercises in the Church of San Salvatore, and Philip himself introduced theidea of having exposition of the Blessed Sacrament at least once a month.At these devotions, Philip preached, even though he had not yet become apriest. In 1550, he transferred this Confraternity to the Church of the HolyTrinity, and built a new hospital. His encounter continued and in 1551, he wasordained a priest at the age of thirty-six. As a newly ordained priest, Philip continu ed his spiritual conferences toever-increasing numbers, who came seek his guidance and help. In a shorttime, several priests and young clergymen associated themselves with him.They began to aid him with his conferences and in reading prayers andmeditations to the people of the Church of the Holy Trinity. This smallgroup soon became known as an Oratory, because at certain hours each day,they would gather the people together for prayer and meditation. Thereforethey laid the foundation of a new sacred society. In 1564, when Philiphad form his congregation into a regular community, he had several of hisyoung clergy men ordained to the priesthood.Saint Philip lived to be eighty years of age. In the year 1595, he wasstruck by an unusual violent fever and was confined to his bed for theentire month of April. Cardinal Caesar Baronius game him Extreme unguent andCardinal Frederick Borromeo, an intimate friend, brought him Holy Viaticum.His entire congregation accompanied him on his deathb ed. It was shortlyafter midnight on May 26th, 1595 that he passed away.Saint Philip was noted in addition for his kindness and simplicity and was muchsought after as a confessor. His sense of humor was note worthy. He wasbeautified by Pope Paul V in 1615 and was canonized a saint by Pope GregoryXV in the year 1622.After Philips death it was discovered that two of his ribs were broken andhad formed an arch, enlarging the normal space for the heart. His body restsin the Chiesa Nuova where it remains miraculously incorrupt.
Accommodating Pluralism: Liberal Neutrality and Compulsory Education :: Philosophy Philosophical Papers
Accommodating Pluralism braggy Neutrality and Compulsory EducationABSTRACT This paper examines the general disinterest principle of Rawls encompassingism and then tests that principle against accommodationist intuitions and sympathies in cases concerning the non-neutral effect of a system of compulsory education on particular social groups. Various neutrality principles demand longsighted been associated with liberalism. Today I necessity to examine the general neutrality principle Rawls associates with his own liberalism.(1) I want to begin by getting distinctly on just what that principle is. so I want to test it in the context of compulsory education.Let us begin by noting that both raw material social structure trusty to liberal principles of governmental justice will inevitably register nonneutral in its effects on many super philosophys and ways of carriage. This will be trustworthy for politically unreasonable doctrines and ways of life (militantly theocratic doctrines, or ways of life centered on violating the basic rights of others). But it may also prove true for world-wide doctrines and ways of life to a greater extent or less unopposed to most liberal political values (perhaps the doctrines or ways of life of certain traditional or anti-modern religious sects).Liberalism, Rawls tells us, washbowlnot and should not promise neutrality of effects. But this should not count against it. each basic social structure faithful to some conception of justice, liberal or nonliberal, will prove nonneutral in its effects on some comprehensive doctrines or ways of life. Here ace might think Rawls has missed the point. For what is problematic about his liberalism, it might be argued, is that it will prove non-neutral in its effects on doctrines and ways of life allowable on its own account of political justice. But Rawls has not missed the point. Rawlss liberalism does not rest on a commitment to the value of, nor does it require, a social wor ld maximally diverse with respect to comprehensive doctrines or ways of life willing more or less to accept liberal principles of political justice. Of course, Rawlss liberalism would be in serious trouble were it to lead to a social world nevertheless weakly diverse. But so long as Rawlss liberalism permits a healthy degree of diversity, to claim that its non-neutral effect on some comprehensive doctrine or way of life is raw is to presuppose rather than establish the correctness of some competing conception of justice.Liberalism cannot and should not promise neutrality of effects, but it can and should promise what Rawls calls neutrality of aim.Accommodating Pluralism Liberal Neutrality and Compulsory Education Philosophy Philosophical PapersAccommodating Pluralism Liberal Neutrality and Compulsory EducationABSTRACT This paper examines the general neutrality principle of Rawls liberalism and then tests that principle against accommodationist intuitions and sympathies in cases concerning the non-neutral effects of a system of compulsory education on particular social groups. Various neutrality principles have long been associated with liberalism. Today I want to examine the general neutrality principle Rawls associates with his own liberalism.(1) I want to begin by getting clear on just what that principle is. Then I want to test it in the context of compulsory education.Let us begin by noting that any basic social structure faithful to liberal principles of political justice will inevitably prove nonneutral in its effects on many comprehensive doctrines and ways of life. This will be true for politically unreasonable doctrines and ways of life (militantly theocratic doctrines, or ways of life centered on violating the basic rights of others). But it may also prove true for comprehensive doctrines and ways of life more or less unopposed to most liberal political values (perhaps the doctrines or ways of life of certain traditional or anti-modern religious sects).Liberalism, Rawls tells us, cannot and should not promise neutrality of effects. But this should not count against it. Every basic social structure faithful to some conception of justice, liberal or nonliberal, will prove nonneutral in its effects on some comprehensive doctrines or ways of life. Here one might think Rawls has missed the point. For what is problematic about his liberalism, it might be argued, is that it will prove non-neutral in its effects on doctrines and ways of life permissible on its own account of political justice. But Rawls has not missed the point. Rawlss liberalism does not rest on a commitment to the value of, nor does it require, a social world maximally diverse with respect to comprehensive doctrines or ways of life willing more or less to accept liberal principles of political justice. Of course, Rawlss liberalism would be in serious trouble were it to lead to a social world only weakly diverse. But so long as Rawlss liberalism permits a healthy degree of diversity, to claim that its non-neutral effect on some comprehensive doctrine or way of life is unfair is to presuppose rather than establish the correctness of some competing conception of justice.Liberalism cannot and should not promise neutrality of effects, but it can and should promise what Rawls calls neutrality of aim.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
open house :: essays research papers
Review of Open HouseI am an avid reader. The type of somebody who can wipe out a good book in a day or two. For the past several months my only reading has been my textbooks. So I was excited sitting down and reading a book just for pleasure. A girlfriend of mine had given me this book and said she enjoyed it. prescribed it was a selection of the Oprah book club. Surely Oprah wouldnt steer me wrong.Its Friday night. I am in my room, settled down with everything I need for a night of reading. I actually managed to finish this book with about six to seven hours. This would lead you to believe this was matchless of those books that you couldnt put down. Unfortunately this was not true. I was sadly gay to just be through it.The story is about a women named Samantha, and the experiences she has during her seperation and divorce. While there was a minimal amount in the story that I could restore to,feeling she has been living what her husband and son wanted her to be. She has to find herself and her own way now. For the most part the story was totally not what real smell is about. While I would have liked to have washed-out the days after my spouse moving out overcharging at Tiffanys. Then the story switches to problems with money. She wanted to charge him out at Tiffanys then suddenly wants to make it on her own. Yet is real slow at looking for a job. When her husband is exposit as extremely wealthy, yet they didnt live that way. Ok. So Samantha takes in borders. The first one was an older woman whos daughter works at the grocery store. How many an(prenominal) of us when looking for a roommate would actually choose a woman in her 60s. Samantha needed to roll her Moms advice with the old womans example. Because Grandma had a boyfriend. They dated, she spent the night with him. Samantha actually lies in this womans bed one night and thinking what their lovemaking must be like. Samantha does make a male friend in the story. His name was King. He was the movin g man who delivered the roommates funiture. He stopped by a few days later while he was doing another one of his jobs of dog walking.
open house :: essays research papers
Review of Open HouseI am an greedy reader. The type of person who can wipe out a good reserve in a day or two. For the past several months my nonwithstanding reading has been my textbooks. So I was excited sitting down and reading a book just for pleasure. A girlfriend of mine had given me this book and said she enjoyed it. Plus it was a selection of the Oprah book club. Surely Oprah wouldnt steer me wrong.Its Friday night. I am in my room, settled down with everything I need for a night of reading. I actually managed to finish this book with about six to seven hours. This would lead you to believe this was one of those books that you couldnt put down. Unfortunately this was not true. I was sadly glad to just be through it.The tier is about a women named Samantha, and the experiences she has during her seperation and divorce. While there was a minimal amount in the story that I could relate to,feeling she has been living what her husband and son wanted her to be. She has to fin d herself and her own way now. For the most part the story was totally not what real life is about. While I would have liked to have spent the days after my spouse moving out overcharging at Tiffanys. then the story switches to problems with money. She wanted to charge him out at Tiffanys then suddenly wants to make it on her own. Yet is real slow at looking for a job. When her husband is described as extremely wealthy, yet they didnt live that way. Ok. So Samantha takes in borders. The first one was an older woman whos daughter works at the grocery store. How many of us when looking for a roommate would actually choose a woman in her 60s. Samantha needed to roll her Moms advice with the old womans example. Because nanna had a boyfriend. They dated, she spent the night with him. Samantha actually lies in this womans bed one night and thinking what their lovemaking must be like. Samantha does make a virile friend in the story. His name was King. He was the moving man who delivered the roommates funiture. He stopped by a few days later while he was doing another one of his jobs of dog walking.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Custom Snowboards Inc. Analysis Essay
European Expansion Historical AnalysisTo make a closing about intricacy to Europe, we must first analyze wherefore(prenominal) performance as an indicator about future performance. A historic analysis was holy on the keep alliances past balance sheets. habitude Snowboards Inc. has had increased net sales in the past three categorys. Net sales went up .23% in social class 13 and .93% in socio-economic class 14. Cost of goods sold (consisting of direct material, labor, and all overhead) and in relation Gross Profit, also increased by the same(p) percentages. Using the historical data, we physical exertion the skid analysis to de depotine what sales give be like in future coherent time. The fraternitys trend analysis lay downs this increase in net sales and gross profit will continue intumesce into class 17. Using bum grade 12, historical data shows an increase to 100.2% in year 13 and other .7% increase to 100.9% in year 14. Then to further review the upcoming yea rs predictions, rule Snowboards uses year 14 as the al-Qaida year at $6,955,200. Year 15 increases to $7,163,856, a 3% increase. Year 16 s slumps slightly to $7,094,304, mastered a percent from year 15 but still an increase of 2% from the base year. Year 17 shows net sales at 103.7% of the base year 14 wampum. This indicates the community has worthy terms view as in revenue.When reviewing European sales forecast for historic period 15-19, we see the same trend as with tradition Snowboards Inc. trend analysis. European net sales will increase from $1,391,040 to $2,423,748, or 74% during the 4 years. Using year 15 as the base year, in year 16, net sales argon predicted to be 120%,144% in year 17, 158% in year 18, and 174% in year 19. run Expenses. The selling expenses that include transportation out, sales commissions, and advertising increased at the same rate as revenue. The related increase fluctuates with units sold as it should. This is another indication the ships comp any can consider its cost control. The future operating expenses in the European Sales forecast indicate that advertising expenses will simplification and sales commissions, transportation out, factory manager/ staff expenses will increase as expected with an expansion. The overall selling and admin expenses question from $215,048 in year 15 to $251,480 in year 19. Using year 15 as the base, there is expected 7% increase by year 16, 15% increase by year 17, 11% in year 18 and ending with a 17% increase by year 19. Coupled with the increasing net sales, this continues to show positive cost control.General and admin expenses increased disproportionately. In year 13, the expenses increased an overall 7.24% and another 6.50% in year 14. The hardest hit areas in this area are the other general and admin expenses in year 13 and compensation in year 14 bringing the measure operating expenses to an increase just over four percent each year. Since compensation increased, this could mean plusal employees. More workers would explain why an increase in utilities. Since sales went up, it would be justified in the employee increase however, the percentages should be more than similar. Expenses should have gone up a smaller percentage, one closer to the .23% and .93% numbers shown in net sales. Expenses growing at a faster rate than sales is poor cost control.Net earnings shows a trend of declining over the past few years by 25-30%. This decrease and another unfortunate cost control is most(prenominal)ly due to the decline in interest income. please went down 28% in year 13 and 90.63% in year 14. The interest income could be influenced by the fact that short term investments also declined in year 14 by 83.3%. Interest expenses decreased as tumefy indicating that wont Snowboards Inc. is nonrecreational the minimum payment on the amortization schedule instead of paying on the principle.As tougheneds. Cash and currency equivalents increased for consumption Snowbo ards Inc. 114.2% in year 13 and another 30.6% in year 14. Consistent increase shows well for the company but since sales went up 23% in year 13 and .93% in year 14, the cash should have increased more in year 14 however, furniture, fixtures, and equipment went up 200,000 which re pictureation the company purchased more assets for the company. tailored Snowboards is putting the bills back into the company without taking on more debt which indicates a decent cost control. Custom Snowboards most likely alikek money from their short term investments to pay for the furniture. The short term investments dropped importantly in year 14 by more than 80%. This caused a decrease in total veritable assets but the overall total assets remained healthily increasing, partly due to increase in finished goods and raw materials strain. Overall, Custom Snowboards uses respectable cost control in assets.Liabilities. Accounts and notes payable increased proportionately to the net sales increasing total current liabilities by the same proportions. mortgage payable decreased consistently over the three years as did other long term liabilities. Overall, liabilities continued to decrease over the three year period.Stockholders Equity increased over the three year period. Common stock remained steady at $200,000 ($1 par) and so did paid in capital. Retained earnings increased every year, a plus for the bank. Return on total assets, return on common equity, and price/ earnings ratio are significantly higher than the competition, Winter Sports. Overall the company remains stead and the bank can deduct from reviewing the pecuniary statements that the company will continue to make healthful decisions and increase net worth over the next few years.Cost Control ImprovementsCustom Snowboards has good cost controls in place however slightly improvements can be made. The company currently uses Traditional Cost Base (TBC) method by utilize a predetermined overhead rate and thence be a re divided up evenlyamong the wares regardless of what is actually used. This does not give a true picture of costs. For the most part this is on the job(p) well but the company could use better cost control by implementing the Activity Based Costing method. In this method, overhead manufacturing costs are divided in a more rational and deliberate manner. Costs are allocated by how some(prenominal) it actually costs to make a specific product group. Each product would be put in a group with other items with the same costs, regular vs individualised snowboards for example. This includes labor hours, machine costs, etc.Although the first principle method is more complex and time consuming, it will be worth it to Custom Snowboards. The company will be able to better assess how and where money is spent and drive down expenses and increase net earnings. In the specific case of Custom Snowboards two types of boards, regular and personalized, the ABC method tendings the company mana ge its money. In traditional costing, the regular bikes are $119 per unit. The personalized snowboards are $162. However, using activity based costing, the regular bikes are only $105 per unit and the personalized units are $218 each. In total production costs, the company is spending $522119 more on regular bikes than it would using ABC, and $522119 less than it should on personalized bikes. This shows that in TBC, too much money is allocated for the regular snowboards, and not enough for the personalized units. The company needs to improve its cost controls with the ABC method to decrease expenses and increase profits.another(prenominal) modality the company can control more of its costs are to itemize and budget ore specifically. Line items like other general and admin expenses should be much smaller and contain items that are tracked. Having a more specific budget can also allow the company the opportunity to seasonalize its budget as well. Utilities may go up in the winter b ecause of heat, or up in the summer due to air conditioning. Snowboard sales are more likely to be higher in the months campaigning into winter than the summer months. Identifying seasonal funding requirements could save Custom Snowboards a lot of money and increase net profits.Custom Snowboards can control costs by using aggressive funding strategies versus conservative ones. The cost of long term financing is more expensivethan the cost of short term financing. Being aggressive in its borrowing, the company can lower interest expenses and work up net earnings. Short term investments are risk of infectionier because of the edition in interest rates, but coupled with the tighter budget, the company should be able to predict when the go around time to finance is.Day to day activities can help control costs for Custom Snowboards. Collecting account receivable as quickly as possible but not losing nodes from high-pressure collections, better customer service, faster and more effi cient mail, processing, and clearing time reduction when collecting from customers (collection and disbursement floats), and controlled disbursing, paying accounts payable slowly (but still on time to vacate credit damage) are all ways to accomplish better cost control.Inventories should be classified into three categories raw materials, work in progress, and finished goods. proper watchfulness should be strictly enforced to ensure funds are used wisely by keeping inventory low, but having enough inventory on hand to quickly fill orders and prevent production delays. This is in direct relation to knowing the seasonal demands of the products and predicted sales. If the company uses the ABC method, it can use the calculation Total Cost=(OxS/Q) + (Cx Q/2) where O = order cost per order, S = usage in units per period, and Q = order quantity in units. A re-order point (including lead time) should be set by anxiety to determine when more materials should be purchased so as to not upse t the balance.The just in time (JIT) management system is ordering materials so they arrive at exactly the moment they are needed for production. This minimizes inventory investment but also takes extensive coordination with tight perfect quality and consistency to be successful. The company must work with suppliers and shipping companies to ensure correct arrival times in addition to national controls to make sure the correct items are ordered on time. Both Custom Snowboards raw materials inventory and finished goods inventory increased over the past three years. The JIT method will help the company keep these numbers under control.RisksCustom Snowboards is considering expansion into Europe either through merging with or acquiring European SnowFun, or by simply demonstrateing a new facility. Mergers happen to improve a companys share value, stretch forth externally, diversify produce lines, reduce taxes, and increase owner liquidity. With the benefits of a uniting, there are r isks. The CEO of Custom Snowboards is concerned about internal operations risks associated with an expansion to Europe. She is also concerned about Custom Snowboards re exploit to external risks encountered by the expansion as well.Internal risks Custom Snowboards faces could have a negative electric shock on the daily operations of the company. These are the risks from circumstances the company has control over. For this immixr, Custom Snowboards will need to consider internal loss of focus on current operations, cultural differences including the language barrier, different financial reporting systems, different customers, new monetary system, and new management.Although the culture is an external factor, the way the company handles the risk is internal. The culture of the new market is vastly different and will need new strategies to continue sales regardless if the expansion is a merger or not. If Custom Snowboards does not understand its new customer base, it could lose sales quickly plummeting the company into bankruptcy. To alleviate this risk, research and development will need to do some work to help management communicate with a new market associates, suppliers, shipping companies, etc.Some gestures and nuances we use in the United States may not be used in Europe or vice versa. Something we think rude, may be acceptable there. They could be offended by something simple to us resulting in sales loss. The marketing department will also need to adjust the way it relates to customers. What sells in American, may not see in Europe. The use of multiple new languages will also need to be addressed. Bilingual employees, particularly the customer service representatives would be beneficial and help mitigate the risk of losing customers to a language barrier. It will also help the employees communicate with each other asmany current employees will have to go to setup the expanded portion of the company. A visualize into the competition will assist the co mpany quite a bit as well.Increased costs in everyday business. Translators, new paperwork in different languages etc. must be mitigated with pre-planning and research. The company will need to complete new reports using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFSR) which could also be a costly change for the company. Even worse, the change in accounting standards could prove to be more costly if reported incorrectly. Proper training and understanding of the new system will mitigate this risk. All monies will need to be converted to the current system in that country as well. All costs should be pre-budgeted to ensure the company has enough cash flow for start-up costs as well as an operating budget. Realistic business plans should be in place. Hiring an outside local agency to assist in the accounting the first few years may be a smart way to invest into the company and mitigate the cost risk associated with an international expansion.With all the focus on getting the new par t of the company up and running smoothly, there is a tendency to let the current operations fall behind. Oftentimes companies will excite their take up people to assist with the expansion leaving behind employees who can barely keep the current operations afloat. This leads to missed deadlines, mismanagement of operations, and quality control issues. To mitigate this risk, the company should find a balance of more experienced employees as well as less seasoned ones for the draw team.The new management team can also be a risk to the company as foreign markets have different business practices. Business mistakes could cost the company money or its reputation. Inexperienced in how the company works, the new team will need lots of training. Custom Snowboards can mitigate this risk by ensuring an extensive training program is available as well as hiring qualified individuals in European business practices as well as those of the US. crack some current employees benefits to work in Eu rope until the expansion portion of the company is up and running will also benefit thecompany. Keeping in mind of course, the balance of current operations and those of the expansion. The new management team may also have different management styles. This could be good for the company as it tries to adopt the European market business culture.In addition to cultural barriers, another external risk is the local laws and regulations of the expansion country. In addition to the IFSR, there are specific laws that must be followed. This includes local labor, wage laws. Without knowing these laws, the company could inadvertently break them, leading to large fines, legal action against them, or being disallowed from doing business there. The best way to mitigate these risks are to educate, educate, educate. Custom Snowboards must learn the new laws and ensure everyone is trained on pursuance them. A quality team should be in place to follow up on compliance as well as a consultant to get things going.External market plays a role in the success of the expansion. GDP growth rate, interest rates, consumer growth rate, the unemployment rate, etc. can all establish business for the company whether it is in the form of shipping costs or sales. To mitigate this risk, the company should do a thorough analysis of the market and benchmarks set prior to making the commitment to expand.The company should also take into consideration any political issues in the new country as this could cause imbalance and effect the market. So do government regulations and tariffs so Custom Snowboards should research, analyze, and be prepared.Potential ReturnsTo make the most informed decision about expanding to Europe, we must look at the potential returns for the investment. The company will fund the expansion through increasing capital structure. To analyze potential returns, we look at net present value (NPV) and internal rate of returns (IRR).The NPV measures profitability which is the main goal of any business. It identifies the dollar amount the company will make from the project, using the current rate. An in depth look at Custom Snowboards capital budget reveals the NPV for the expansion via a new facility is $167,479. A positive NPV is an indication the company should move forward with the expansion. Had the NPV been zero, or less, the venture should have been rejected. An analysis of NPV for the merger has not been conducted.The IRR, also known as the expected rate of return, is the point in which the projects cash flow equals cost. This too will tell Custom Snowboards if the venture will be profitable. The hurdle rate set by Custom Snowboards is 10%. Which means if the IRR falls below that, the company does not feel the investment is worthwhile. If the IRR is above 10%, the company should move forward. The IRR for Custom Snowboards was analyzed for years 15 through 19 with $1,000,000 investment, the IRR is 14.4%. This indicates the company should move forwa rd with the expansion.Both potential returns indicators demonstrate Custom Snowboards the expansion is a viable resource and should be moved on. The company should accept the project as the expected return on investment would prove a significant asset.Merger vs AcquisitionSince the company knows now that an expansion is the way to go, it must then decide if a merger is appropriate. The growing percentage of total sales is expected to continue rising. The company can opt to expand to Europe by way of haveing a new manufacturing facility with a lease option or by merging with SnowFun, a European company. Custom Snowboards can also acquire SnowFun. SnowFuns product is less durable but offers a personalized paintjob that increases sales. Custom Snowboards Inc. uses 10% hurdle rate for capital budgeting and expansion decisions. Merge. The IRR discussed earlier indicates the merger will be a profitable decision for the company at 14.4%. The NPV for the merger was established at $167,479 , both indicating the merger will be profitable. Merging with SnowFun meansshareholders of SnowFun would stock swap three of their existing shares for one share of the feature company.The stock purchase price for the company after merger would be $2.40 per share. SnowFun has 300,000 currently prominent. Which would mean 100,000 shares of Custom Snowboards would now be owned by antecedent SnowFun shareholders, diluting the shares owned by Custom Snowboards stockholders. Expected earnings per share (EPS) after a merger would decrease .06 to .92. The EPS for European SnowFun is currently at a low .27 but will increase dramatically to .92. The company would have to decide if the value decline in EPS for Custom Snowboards is worth the increase from European SnowFun stocks. Positively, the merge would provide the company with pre-established workforce, facilities, and customers. As discussed, this can also be a risk to the company.Build.Building a new facility means spending $800,000 o n building and equipment and, $200,000 working capital is required for startup. The build option will increase assets for the company while simultaneously return profits. The build option will cause the company to incur debt. Custom Snowboards has decided that if this option is chosen, the company will fund the expansion through increasing capital structure. The company would raise capital by issuing long term debt, sale of common stock, or a combination of both. All of these options effect the companys financial leverage. It is recommended that both be done to maximize the value of the company for shareholders.Custom Snowboards could enter into a sale-leaseback at 6%, or purchase a preexistent facility over time, also at 6%. The shorter term lease would be the most beneficial to the company. The annual loan payment would be $189,917.12 versus the annual lease payment would be $195,000. The $5,082.88 yearly difference is an acceptable risk in this venture as the lease option prese rves more working capital. The lease option requires cash outflows of $653,355 while the purchasing option requires outflows of $809,409, a $156,054 difference. Custom Snowboards Inc. can reinvest that money back into the company. This option provides tax advantages rather than paying property taxes. The purchasing option will have the company pay property taxes but will also provide advantages by way of depreciation.Acquire.The total present value for an acquisition is $732,522. After a $720,000 purchase price, this would put the NPV for acquisition as $12,522. This makes an acquisition a profitable measure as well. This option is less expensive up front and still increases the companys assets. Acquiring SnowFun would also mean a stock purchase price of $2.40 per share. With 300,000 outstanding shares, that means $720,000. This option also provides the benefits of an established workforce, facilities, and customers, and the risk that comes with that.RecommendationBased on the analy sis above, it is my recommendation that Custom Snowboards expand to Europe using the build with leasing option building the most working capital than the other options. The NPV indicates the investment will have a positive return on investment as does the IRR. A merger or acquisition would eliminate SnowFun as a threat however their inferior product and outstanding stocks would decline business for Custom Snowboards. The risk of the preexisting structures and products is greater than the company should accept. The tax advantages would contribute to the working capital of the company. The excess working capital the company gains from the expansion, can be placed back into the company, covering the startup costs. As the company builds its own reputation in Europe, a future acquisition may be more feasible. Custom Snowboards product is higher quality therefore, it may force SnowFun into a position of being acquired at a lower rate in the future.In selecting this option, the company mus t lastly choose how to fund the decision. There are a few ways to finance the build. The capital structures are 100% long term debt, 30% long term debt and 70% common stock, 80% long term debt and 20% common stock, and 100% common stock with no long term debt. The long term debt will yield an average .47 earnings per common stock (EPCSS). The least beneficial to the stakeholders. In year 15, the earnings in advance interest and tax (EBIT) is $81,912, the income available for common stock is $10,809, bringing the EPCSS to .054. In year 16, the EBIT is $134,544, the income available for common stock is $50,283, and the EPCSS is .251. In year 16, this optionyields the best results. In year 17 with an EBIT of $198,116, the income available for common stock is $97,962, and the EPCSS is .490, .703 in year 18 with EBIT $254,959 and $140,594 income available for common stock, and with an EBIT of $295,639 and $171,104 income available for common stock in year 19, a yield of .856. Using the long term debt option will look the least beneficial to the stakeholders in the first year, but then maintains the best return for all subsequent years.The 30/70 option will yield in year 15, an EPCSS of .084, .156 in year 16, .243 in year 17, .320 in year 18, and .376 in year 19. This is the second best option in year 15 but in the middle for the other years. On average, this option will yield .236 EPCSS, making this the second worst option. The 80/20 option will yield an EPCSS of .070 in year 15, .201 in year 16, .360 in year 17, .502 in year 18, and .604 in year 19. This option isnt bad in year 18 but not the best for the other years. This option will yield .347 on average. The no debt option will yield an EPCSS of .088, the most beneficial in year 15. In year 16, the EPCSS is .144, .212 in year 17, .273 in year 18, and .317 in year 19 making this the least beneficial of all the options the rest of the years. Over the course of the 5 years, this option will yield .207 EPCSS, the least return of all options.Although the benefits start slow with a lower EPCSS in year 15, my recommendation is to fund the build with the long term debt option. Although the 100% common stock option produces more income available for common stock, the long term debt option will yield the highest returns at an average EPCSS of .477. Longevity will prove to work best in this scenario. Over time, this option will yield the most benefits to the stakeholders. Securing capital in this way will ensure the highest earnings, producing more income for common stock money for future investment into the company.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Arthur Millers a View from the Bridge Essay
During the years following World War 2 there was an influx of Italian immigrants to America. The ground forcess relative wealth meant t assume the lower socio-economic groups migrated to America in search of a better life. Arthur Miller, the persistwright, came from a family of Polish-Jewish immigrants who had lost much of their wealth during the 1929 depression. He had several(prenominal) menial jobs one of which was as a longshore humanity in Brooklyn, where he heard many stories which were his inspiration for A View from the duo. Beca engage A View from the Bridge is based on real life events, its themes are based on peoples experience of life in the post-war era, Love, Justice and honour.However, love is the evenfall of one of the characters, Eddie, a hero who stands up for his beliefs in order to save Catherine, or so he believes. This theme is the perfect definition of a classical tragedy to which the play female genital organ be compared. Alfieri has two functions in the play. He is both a character and a narrator. He breaks the fourth wall and communicates outright with the audience, summarising sections of the play and allowing the middle-class audience to interpret the working-class tier.We are first introduced to Alfieri at the beginning of the play where he presents a monologue which also acts as a prologue. He talks about the play in the past tense referring to it as if it has already happened and he has Watched it run its bloody course. The use of the word bloody shows that violence is a recurring theme and also implies that there is a tragic end to it. He first takes off his hat to the audience as a sign of respect and even possibly reminiscence.You see how uneasily they nod to me? Thats because I am a attorney. The rhetorical question explains the relationship between him and other people in the community. Because he represents American law people treat him suspiciously. However, the fact that he is a lawyer suggests that he is educated and for this reason is highly respected in his community. The way he speaks represents his education.Miller said that he wanted to make this play a modern Greek tragedy. Classical Greek tragedies included a Greek Chorus which was a single actor or group of actors who were characters in the play but also stepped out of the action as a narrator, to comment on the action and communicate with the audience directly. Alfieri fulfils this function and is the equivalent of the chorus in several respects. Firstly he introduces the play and its themes. The audience is instilled with a sense of trust because if his use of Standard English and because he is a lawyer. Secondly he moves the play on, he retells events which have already happened.He gives details of places, dates and times, enabling the play to move on more quickly, without the characters having to give this information. His narration is also conglomerate with brief comments He was as good a man as he had to behe brought home his pay, and he lived. And toward ten o quantify of that night, after they had eaten, the cousins came. In this quote Alfieri is setting the time which moves the play on from the previous scene and also he is explaining Eddies persona, a good man He also explains aspects of the play, for example his eyes were like tunnels, suggests that Eddie cant see the whole story, he only sees a part of it. This intimate perceptiveness of what is going on allows him to bridge a communication gap between the middle-class audience and working-class characters, enabling the audience to form an understanding of the story and the emotions that the characters are feeling.Fate is one of a series of inevitable or predetermined events, for example in the play Eddies ultimate fate is to die, this is pretend from the beginning. We also know that because of the fate of Eddie Alfieri is powerless to stop the tragedy. We know this when he says As powerless as I, Alfieri cannot control fate, however he can all eviate suffering. In Alfieris opening monologue Alfieri expresses the idea that tragedy is timeless in some Caesars year, in Calabria perhaps or on the cliff of Syracuse, another lawyer. The use of the name Caesar an ancient emperor shows the idea that humans dont change, a Tragedy is timeless and can assume to an Ancient era, and it harks back to the Greek theme.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Cash Flow Statement vs. Fund Flow Statement Essay
There are some basic differences between the devil tales as mentioned below Meaning Cash advert statement is a statement which reflects sources and uses of bills whereas fund flow statement is a statement that reflects changes in the operative smashing or fund.Scope The scope of cash flow is limited and it is based on the narrow concept of fund. i.e. cash alone whereas property flow statement is a broader term and it is a wider concept of fund.Component Under cash flow statement, cash is an important factor and it is the part of working capital whereas funds flow statement is the working capital which includes cash, stock, debtors, bills and receivables, temporary investments etc.Object Cash flow statement is prepared to disclose save changes in cash position whereas funds flow statement is prepared to depict the changes in working capital between ii balance plane dates.Conversion or adjustments of data Adjustments for prepaid and outstanding expenses and incomes are made in preparation of cash flow statement in order to switch over the data from accrual basis to cash basis whereas while preparing funds flow statement, there is no need for such conversion as this statement gives recognition to the accrual basis. Number of statements Under cash flow statement, only one statement is prepared whereas in the case of funds flow statement, two statements are prepared and they are 1) schedule of working capital changes and 2) statement of sources and uses of fund.Opening and closing balance of cash In the case of cash flow statement, the opening cash balance and closing cash balance are shown whereas in the case of funds flow statement, there is no place for demo the opening and closing balance of cash and funds flow statement.Uses The use of cash flow statement is in financial analysis and cash grooming whereas in mid-term and long-term planning, funds flow statement is useful.Cash flow statement may be worked as an indicator of improved working capital w hereas in the case of funds flow statement it is not necessary that an improved funds position will be an indicator for sound cash position. Impact of changes on cashIncrease in current liability or decrease in current assets brings increase in cash and viciousness versa whereas in the cash of funds flow statement, working capital increase in current liabilities or decrease in current assets brings decrease in working capital and vice versa.Referenceshttp//
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Mini Trial
Incredibly, there are currently oer 3,000 asses of Mesopotamia annu wholey in the US and more than 1 0,000 episodes globally (The Mesopotamia Center, 2014). Asbestos lawsuits are continuously prevalent and can be identified by simply turning on a television set any given cadence of the day. More than likely there will be an asbestos lawsuit commercial on several channels. Since the sasss, Maryland has had its fair share of these lawsuits because of its asbestos production and inherent wellness risk posed to the surrounding communities.In 1 993, Baltimore had more than 200,000 cases pending against the state of Maryland and the courts had become inundated with an insurmountable mountain of lawsuits (Ogden, 1 993, pig. 38). Attempting to manage all of these cases put a serious strain on the court systems and jeopardized the boilersuit efficiency and effectiveness of the states judicial infrastructure. The question for legal professionals was how to handle such a large surge in casel oads. The answer came in the form of an Alternate Dispute Resolution ( diddly-squat) known as a Mini-Trial.This TAR process created a means for legal professionals to process large groups of disputants through a dispute resolution process in minimal time. Asbestos mini-trial proceedings in Baltimore were conducted in ropes and serial so that the most severe cases could be handled first. The unprecedented decision to utilize minitrials in this capacity yielded quicker results than normal bench-trial cases could and paved the way for the keep use of this form of 3 TAR. The unique style in how the mini-trials were applied to the Baltimore asbestos cases is what really stood out.Case Study As the amount of plaintiffs grew against multiple companies involved in asbestos manufacturing, adjudicate Marshall A. Levin of Baltimores Circuit Court, ordered the major(ip)ity of the cases to be performed as mini-trials (Person, 1993). This process would alleviate Some of the limiting factors be ing experienced in regards to litigation saturation. With literally thousands of affected citizens, Judge Levin felt that a series of mini-trials would clear up a large portion of the individual claims bogging down Baltimores court system.The first occasion he ordered was for the trials to be conducted in groups. Within these groups, legal professionals to include the judge would select the most important cases first. His first grouped involved over 600 cases in which patients were already sick or dying from asbestos related illnesses (Person, 993). It was important to process these cases quickly so that any damages awarded could be used for health care immediately. Another group involved a series of plaintiffs that were seeking damages from either being exposed to asbestos or not being properly certified of the dangers of asbestos.Even though these were of lesser importance, the process of the mini-trial still afforded the plaintiffs quick resolution. Because there were so many p eople involved in all of these cases, the judge would also still allow a select few to present testimony. By doing this, Levin prevented the same testimony from Ewing heard by thousands of plaintiffs with the same argument. This abbreviated version of a expert court trial proved his theory that mini-trials were beneficial in lieu of (Colors, 2009, pig. 203). Time was not the only thing gained by these trials however.Judge Elevens first mini-trial only took quartette weeks and caught the attention of several other judges. During the second set of 4 trial series, three judges from Baltimore joined him in hearing six more major asbestos cases. Those mini-trials yielded more than SSL 1 million in restitution for three out of the six cases (Person, 1993). Knowing that the number of asbestos cases would increasingly rise, Judge Levin created the New Discovery regularisation that would supersede any statute of limitation Maryland had in regards to asbestos related lawsuits (Ogden, 1993) .Applying additional gateways offset the non-binding agreement mini-trials and other forms of TAR normally have. Discussion The overall goal in hearing asbestos cases quickly and clearing the courts of hemorrhaging lawsuits was ultimately a success. Elevens progressive approach to dispute resolution proved that alternate methods can be fair and equal. Properly categorizing claims that were more severe against claims that were to was paramount in choosing first to appear cases. The quick action of the mini-trial afforded victims in need compensation necessary to the interference of their illnesses.By grouping the trials into series, the mini-trials also protected the asbestos manufactures of frivolous law suits and false claims of lung cancer due to smoking and not asbestos exposure. One of the biggest conclusions that can be drawn from this case is that the mini-trial is adoptable and long lasting. As recently as 2013, exactly 20 years after Baltimores first asbestos min-trial, Mar yland is still using the TAR implement ND is a major forum for asbestos litigation (Richard, 2014). Baltimores use of the mini-trial not only relieved the strain of over tasked court system, it proved that different forms of TAR could save time.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
A Comparative Study of the Efficacy of Pilates and Acupuncture
Chronic first-class honours degree grit annoying is the diagnosis for individuals who have been suffering from sharp-worded back pain but have not showed any signs of improving.In a manner of speaking, chronic paltry back pain occurs when an individuals acuate back pain has reached the duration of 91 days without improvement (Bogduk & McGuirk, 2002). Chronic low back pain has various sermons, and this research aims to determine which is appropriate.According to Colleen Craig (2001), pilates exercises abdominal muscles, and genius of these abdominal muscles, if properly attended to, john prevent chronic low back pain. Acupuncture, on the other hand, is also used for the treatment of low back pain (Liao, Lee, & Ng, 1994).Problem Statement and HypothesisThis study intends to determine whether or not pilates and acupuncture produce better results than that of traditional lumbar stabilization exercises for the treatment of chronic low back pain. The hypothesis of this research is that alternative methods, such as pilates and acupuncture, are superior over the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises in treating chronic low back pain.AssumptionFor this research, it is assumed that pilates and acupuncture produce better results than that of the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises when it comes to treating patients with chronic low back pain.Purpose and SignificanceThis study aims to compare other modes of therapy to the traditional lumbar stabilization exercises and to determine whether other modes of therapy, specifically pilates and acupuncture, can benefactor improve the conditions of patients who have chronic low back pain.The significance of the study is that it can provide information about which physical therapy is appropriate for individuals who have chronic low back pain. New information about various treatments can help enhance physical therapy and produce better results.Nature of Study and Theoretical FrameworkAn integration of quantitati ve and qualitative methods go away be conducted throughout the course of the study. The use of quantitative methods is vital for these will determine the empirical data that will contribute to the accuracy of the study. On the other hand, through the use of qualitative methods, the study will be able to provide insight on what the patients think of the aforementioned treatments.Research QuestionsThis study aims to address the followingWhich treatment is more effective in the treatment of chronic low back pain? Why is the treatment more effective than the other treatments? What are the pros and cons of alternative treatments for chronic low back pain? Definition of TermsChronic back pain the condition wherein the individual has been suffering from acute back pain and has not shown any signs of improving after the duration of 91 days (Bogduk & McGuirk, 2002).Pilates a system of exercises (Breibart, 2005, p. 3) that helps to stretch and strengthen the system as well as improve its posture and tone (Breibart, 2005).Acupuncture the insertion of hair-fine needles (Tierney, 1999, p. 1) into certain areas of the body in order to stimulate the healing capacity of the individuals body (Tierney, 1999).
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Hanover Jamaica
The Hanover Revolt of 1776 AP-HIST 1050 Dave Cousins November 21, 2012 The Hanover Revolt of 1776 Two docu manpowerts which discuss the buckle down revolt in seventeen seventy-six atomic number 18 titled as The Jamaican Slave Insurrection by Richard Sheridan and Testing the Chains by Michael Craton. Both these inscriptions contain these historians perspectives about the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. These docu ments two need similarities and differences and contribute aspects with the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. Sheridans document is very expatiate discussing the life of the maroons from before and later on they signed the treaty.Sheridans document also discusses the events that occurred before the slave revolt, what caused the slave revolt, American vicissitude, and the diagram of the slaves. Sheridans document goes into understanding and presents many details on what he is trying to say. On the early(a) hand, Cratons document only discusses one major event which was about the plot of the slaves. With no evidential proof on what caused the slave revolt, these historians share with us thither perspectives and gives us an idea on what some of the answers to our questions force be.Before the slave revolt occurred in seventeen seventy-six, there were many other slave outbursts that occurred in the past. It was stated in Sheridans document that after geezerhood of getting ambushed and attacked, the whites sued the Maroons for peace. The Maroons and the whites eventually signed the first treaty which occurred on March seventeen thirty-nine. The rebellions began to get very frustrated with the maroons do to the fact that there have been no plans of attack since the treaty was signed. Although, in seventeen sixty, slaves from numerous plantations in the parish of St.Mary fought back. This attack was successful due to the fact that the slaves broke in a beef up and acquired arms and gunpowder. This led to the action of the slaves going from plantation to plantation killing the whites and black recruits were increasing. With the understanding of what situations occurred before, during and after the slave revolt in seventeen seventy-six, it is questioned among us on what caused the revolt? Although there is not much evidential proof on exactly what caused it, but there are historians layer of views such as Sheridans.In his document, Sheridan mentions that hard labor and harsh punishment were cited as strong motives by several slaves who were examined by magistrates of Hanover parish (Sheridan, 299). In Sheridans document there are an example from both Orlando Patterson and Monica Schuler who confirm that, most of the conspiracies and revolts in the period of this study began on estates belonging to absentee proprietors (Sheridan, 299). Slaves were forced to work harder so that the white men would produce large profits and salaries for themselves. Sheridan states that these factors were the reason why the slave revolt s lowly began.The slaves were eventually getting fed up and drop of the treatment they were receiving from the whites. about of the slave outbreaks throughout Jamaica deep down this period began on estates belonging to absentee proprietors (Sheridan, 299). Absenteeism resulted in gross mismanagement of estates by attorneys who forced the slave to work far beyond their strength, to produce large profits for principles, commissions and salaries for themselves (Sheridan, 292). Absenteeism is an example of how slaves were treated shamefully, because of food shortages and huger brought misery and dissatisfaction to these slaves.Thus the harsh punishment and dissatisfaction mainly led the slaves to discomfort, which then led them to created rebellion. It is questioned throughout these documents as to why these slave outbreaks occurred and to what the real motive was behind plots. It is stated in Sheridans document that the slaves plan to attack the whites when they were most vulnerable. In this case it was say to be they were most defenseless during a Christmas Holiday. The slaves planned to take advantage of the whites weakness in this case they planned to patiently remain until the white men removed their military unit so an attack would be more effective.The plot to raise an attack on the white mint was discovered on Monday, July 15th. Both Sheridan and Craton state in their documents that July 15 was indeed the correct date for the discovery of the plot. Although, in the documents the stories that led to the discovery of the plot are both dissimilar. In Cratons document he states that a domestic slave was found with his masters pistol. While in Sheridans document he gets more into detail with it and explains that a slave boy was discovered to be holding a pistol plot filling it with oil and cotton.On the other hand, the after math of this situation is both similar on the documents. Stating that forty-eight ringleaders were arrested and imprisoned and that s ix of the most obviously guilty were executed within the contiguous couple of days. In both documents Sheridan and Craton both mention the same slave. Although Craton spells the slaves throw as Pontiac while Sheridan spells the slaves name as Pontack. The significance fleck about this slave is that in both documents it states that this man was a run away slave who was part of the Blue Hole estate. This led to the actions of getting captured and interrogated.The white men interrogating Pontiac by pressuring him into giving out details about the rebellions. Instead of answering the question, he changed the subject and talked about the maroons and how Billy and Asherry were advising the slaves on what to do and that they were going to deem them. This leads to the conclusion that even though there is not evident proof that all the maroons united with the slaves, there is evident proof which is written in both documents that Billy and Asherry did. Maroons were eventually replaced by slave rangers to chase down runaways after this incident.Jamaicans economy had an extraordinary growth from the Maroon treaties of 1739-40 to the outbreak of the American Revolution in seventeen seventy-five (Sheridan 293). Sheridan states the five parishes which are the Hanover, St. James, Trelawny, St. Elizabeth and Westmoreland. It was very understandable that the slaves out numbered the white men vastly. In seventeen seventy-four St. James had 12,557 slaves while there were only 478 whites. This can also be said in a ratio of 261. In the document of Craton it is stated that the ratio in the Hanover from black to whites was 251.Similarities do occur in this situation as both documents notify the ratio which is not exact but very similar. With this creation said, a major comparison also is identified within the two documents with the relative subject. In Sheridons document it is acknowledged that from the years 1763-1775, sugar plantations change magnitude from 429 to 775. While in Cratons document he states that there were 75 sugar plantations starting at the year of seventeen seventy-fifty. Revered John Lindsay D. D is a man who is mentioned in both Sheridan and Cratons document.He states linked federation with revolutionary ideology (Sheridan, three hundred). This is stated by Revered John Lindsay D. D within a letter that he wrote. This letter can be found on page 175 of Cratons document and on page 300 of Sheridans document. This letter by John Lindsay was written to a man named Dr. William Robertson, who was a famous historian. The letter informed William Robertson that while slave insurrections were not uncommon, the conspiracy of seventeen seventy-six was unique in its involvement of both the Creole and house slaves (Sheridan, 300).John Lindsay then discusses in his letter how when the whites are sitting at the table, where there is a waiting man behind every person the topic of American Rebellion has been disaffected amongst us (Sheridan, 300). Another example which is found in Sheridans document is from Stephan Fuller. Stephen suggested that the American Revolution may have been partly responsible for the slave revolt scare of seventeen seventy-six. In other words, after reading both documents it is clear to the readers that different historians discuss events and situations that are similar but yet different at the same time.In this case for example, Sheridan spells the runaway slaves name as Pontack in his document, while Craton spells it as Pontiac in his document. This only proves that there are no evidential proof and true facts on the seventeen seventy-six slave revolt. Analyzing both documents, it is clear that the main question asked and still unknown is what caused the slave revolt. This question was not answered in Cratons documents, with the assumption that he did not know what caused it. While Sheridan states in his documents that the main cause for the revolt in eventeen seventy-six was due to the fact the sl aves were just fed up and tired of the treatment that they were receiving. Understanding Craton and Sheridans point of view in their documents, it is too quick to judge which information is false or which information is the most dead on target when reading the detailed events and situations during the revolt. As a historian there is no certainty that what your saying is correct or a fact, but a point of view from gathering information would never hurt or interest one historian after another.
Learning Team Reflection Essay
IntroductionIn business, timber refers measures of excellence and remaining free of defects, deficiencies, and significant variations. feeling products or services atomic number 18 brought about by the commitment to abide by certain streamers. These standards atomic number 18 put in place to maintain client or user satisfaction, ( production line, 2014). In this paper, Learning team up A will discuss total quality management, ISO standards, how these standards are apply to improve an organization, benefits and challenges of these standards, and the role of the quality control department within an organization in relation to TQM and ISO standards. perfect Quality Management and ISOTotal quality management may be defined as managing the entire organization so that it excels on all dimensions of products and services that are important to the customer, (Jacobs, H., & Chase, R., 2011). The two primary finishings of total quality management (TQM) are to ensure that the product or service is carefully designed, and secondly, to ensure systems within the organization can systematically produce and design the product or service. TQM resembles Six Sigma to a great degree, but it is a unlike march. TQM centrees on ensuring standards and guidelines are actually reducing errors while Sigma looks to reduce defects, (Jacobs, H., & Chase, R., 2011).ISO are a series of standards used to measure quality. These guidelines are international guidelines established by the Internal Organization for Standardization. To gain evidence for these standards, the process takes greater than a year. ISO 9000 represents standards for the criteria that need to be met during manufacturing processes. ISO 14000 refers to rules or guidelines set for environmental management of industrial production. This standard simply promotes useful tools for businesses to help manage environmental impact, (Investopedia, 2014). Advantages of TQM and ISO in organizationsCustomer satisf action is the main goal for every organization. Customers are satisfied if they get a product or service that meets their expectation and if it is of join price. Total Quality management helps to provide this quality assurance for the customers. It helps the organization to make the needed corrections and improve production. Apart from satisfied customers, organizations also need to improve their efficiency and effectiveness of doing business. TQM places a focus on internal process that includes process alignment, consistent delivery and process productivity (CEBOS, 2012). With TQM, organizations will commit a longer term competitive edge. TQM is a philosophy that empowers all the employees and it promotes continuous and sustained improvement. Its elemental principle is that the cost of prevention is less than the cost of correction (Gharakhani, Rahmati, Farrokhi, & Farahmandian, 2013).Like TQM, ISO also provides benefits for a business. jibe to (ISO, 2014), when a company impr oves its operations, it saves cost. Having internationalized standards will improve operations and reduces operational expenses. Standards will help to enhance customer satisfaction and access new markets. It also helps companies to increase their productivity and stay in the competitive edge. ISO 9000, certification increases marketability and reduces product liability risks, because the quality of the product is enhanced. With the ISO 14000, organizations reduce their footprint in global environment. ISO14000 helps companies to save in energy consumption, reduce the cost of waste management, and improve corporate image among regulators, customers and the public (ISO, 2014).ReferencesBusiness (2014). Quality. Retrieved from, Business Web site http// Investopedia (2014). ISO 9000. Retrieved from, Investopedia Web site http// equipment casualty/i/iso-9000.aspInvestopedia (2014). ISO 1 4000. Retrieved from, Investopedia Web site http//, F., & Chase, R. (2011). Product and Service Design. In (Ed.), Operations and Supply Chain Management (13th ed., pp. 38-67). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill Irwin. CEBOS (2012). How gutter TQM Make Your Business More Successful?. Retrieved from, CEBOS Web site http// Gharakhani, D., Rahmati, H., Farrokhi, M. R., & Farahmandian, A. (2013). Total Quality Management and organizational Performance. American Journal of Industrial Engineering, 1(3), pp. 45-50. ISO. (2014). Benefits of International Standards. Retrieved from http// ISO. (2014). ISO 14000 Environmental management. Retrieved from http//
Monday, May 20, 2019
Hr Case Crisis Study
Human Resource Management full of life Incident Case on Trackon Couriers Pvt. Ltd Course Details Co Prep bed By Case on Trackon Couriers Pvt. Ltd Abstract The case discusses about the requirement for different management styles at different phase of an brass and highlights a situation how once effective Managers can become a problem for the organisation if they are not trained and updated with changing environment and organisational goals. Also, the case discusses about the requirement for performance parameters in altogether aspects of business. New Delhi December 31st 2005 Just returning after his regular badminton game Mr.P. K. Anand Managing Director and chief executive officer of Trackon Couriers Pvt. Ltd was sweating in spite of five degree Celsius temperature outside. He had a very tuff finis to make either to compromise on the clubs existence or to go against the pastime of his once blue eyed boys. Obviously as an entrepreneur he wanted to save the company. Having taken the decision he wanted to decide on the strategy to be adopted, he had invited his colleagues for the New form eve party which is also going to be an important meeting to decide in the companys future. Company Back Ground Trackon Couriers Pvt.Ltd founded by Mr. Anand in December 2004 amidst of crisis in management of On-Dot Couriers Pvt. Ltd, headed by him. Mr. Anand erstwhile agent of DTDC Courier started On- Dot Couriers along with his business partner Mr. Dinesh Rautela in April 1993. Though it was though time to hold on to Business Mr. Anand sustained and made it a Limited Company in 1999 adding three more directors to the board Mr. Y. K. Dabas, Mr. P. K. Singh and Mr. Lokesh Anand younger brother of Mr. P. K. Anand. Shares of the Company were distributed as follows Mr. P. K. Anand 32 % Mr. Lokesh
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Rhetorical Analysis of Frederick Douglass’s “Learning To Read and Write†Skill Essay
In the distill Learning to Read and frame, Frederick Douglass uses an sympathetic tone, elevated enunciation, imagery, and telling details to convince a white American audience from the 1850s of the humanity and light of enslaved Africans and the evils of slavery.Warrants1 Frederick Douglasss strongest strategy in his Learning to Read and salvage pass is his empathic and compassionate tone that convinces a white 1850s audience of the kindness and humanity of enslaved Africans. 2 Frederick Douglasss strongest strategy in his Learning to Read and Write passage is his elevated diction that convinces a white 1850s audience of the intelligence of enslaved Africans. 3 Frederick Douglasss strongest strategy in his Learning to Read and Write passage is the imagery of his mistresss shift from a lamb-like lean to a tiger-like fierceness that convinces a white 1850s audience of the evils of slavery. 4 Frederick Douglasss strongest strategy in his Learning to Read and Write passage is th e details he includes about his mistresss actions that convinces a white 1850s audience of the evils of slavery.Procedure prototype Choosing the Best Warrant Writing ExerciseTiming/Pacing1 This lesson comes after students expect been accurate work on Moby Dick. Students flip read excerpts from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, including an excerpt in which he resists and defies his master. Students have written their own stories of resistance, a time when they mentally or physically resisted someones set about to control them and how they grew as a result. Students have shared their resistance stories inread-around in groups or as a whole class and have reflected on in writing and then discussed the patterns found among their classmates stories and their messages. Students have also read Douglasss excerpt Learning to Read and Write and completed a DIDST (Details, Imagery, Diction, Syntax, Tone) chart on the passage. Some background knowledge/familiarity with the Amer ican slavery system and slave narratives is helpful. After this lesson, students pull up stakes write a rhetorical analysis essay of the Learning to Read and Write passage.2 This use is approximately 25 minutes3 This activity comes after the Do Now.NotesThe rationale for this activity is to die the strength of a speakers arguments and indorsements, and what makes an argument and smiler strong. This activity helps prepare students to write a rhetorical analysis of this passage.Follow-up ActivitiesTo include an oral activity, follow up with a choosing the best justify mini debate.TextReading Frederick Douglass- excerpts from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (These excerpts, the DIDST chart, and related lessons are available online by Googling Frederick Douglass AP Lang.) recognize_____________________________________ Class__________________Date______________Choosing the Best Warrant Writing ExerciseIn the excerpt Learning to Read and Write, Frederick Douglass uses an empathic tone, elevated diction, imagery, and telling details to convince a white American audience from the 1850s of the humanity and intelligence of enslaved Africans and the evils of slavery.Warrants1. His empathic and compassionate tone convinces a white 1850s audience ofthe kindness and humanity of enslaved Africans. 2. His elevated diction convinces a white 1850s audience of the intelligence of enslaved Africans. 3. The imagery of his mistresss shift from a lamb-like disposition to a tiger-like fierceness convinces a white 1850s audience of the evils of slavery. 4. The details he includes about his mistresss actions convinces a white 1850s audience of the evils of slavery.Preparing to Write whole tone 1 Select the strongest warrant. Warrant ___.Step 2 Provide 2 reasons why the warrant you choose is the strongestReason 1Reason 2Step 3 Provide 2 reasons, 1 for each of the 2 weaker warrants why they are not as strong of an argument.Warrant __ is weaker becauseWarrant __ is al so weaker becauseParagraph Set-upThe strongest reason for believing claim is true is the fact that the warrant you chose. One reason why this warrant is best is reason why the warrant is best. Additionally, 2nd reason why the warrant is best. Some would argue that 1st opposing warrant is a better reason to look at claim, but that is not the case. Specifically, reason why 1st opposing warrant is weaker. In addition, others would argue that 2nd opposing warrant is a better reason to believe claim, but that is not the case. In fact, reason why 2nd opposing warrant is weaker. Thus, the chosen best warrant is distinctly the best reason to believe claim.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Art Appreciation Essay
Ancient art is art from cultures of ancient societies such as China, Rome, Greece and Egypt and most of these types of art shows gods, goddesses and pharaohs. The Egyptian art work is usually clear and simple that is put together with simple lines and flat aras of illusion that show order and balance. Most of the art from china show religious rituals and geomancy and it also shows continuity betwixt ancient and modern times. Greek art has a lot of pottery, sculpture and architecture art and argon will known for its standing figures.Roman art seems to show beauty and nobility with an expression of life-like qualities. The beginning painting is by Lorenzo Lotto and is called Venus and Cupid and is oil on canvas painting and shows Venus school term on a dark blue satin cloth with her weight resting on her arm. Her color is a somewhat off white with a ribbon around her chest called diaphanous stophein which is worn by new brides. There is a cook shell hanging above her head which represents her birth from the sea and the flowers shown on the bottom half of her body represent a symbol of bash.The head dress she is wearing is alter with gems and pearls that rest perfectly on her red hair. She is holding a wreath with incense burning man cupid is peeing through the wreath towards her. Cupid is a short figure with wings on his covering fire with brown curly hair with a devilish look upon his face. The room has red cloth drape upon the back wall that accent the painting with all the opposite colors in harmony. This artist was portraying love and marriage and the room was more than likely a brides chamber in this two dememenional cut of art and is representational of sexuality, vitality and happiness.This mankind could be a little controversial and is truly in the eyes of the beholder. Cupid and Venus. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//www. wtfarthistory. com The second painting is by Paul Gauguin which is oil on canvas painting with blossom wood and is call ed Ia Orana Maria (Hail Mary) which was inspired by Polynesian religious beliefs and is of an angel who revealed Mary and the Nazarene who are Tahitian to two other Tahitian women. Mary is wearing a red dress with flowers and Jesus is sitting on her shoulders naked and the two of them seem to have a halo around their heads.The other two women are shown looking at Mary and Jesus with wraps around their lower bodies and the upper half is exposing their breast. The painting have a jungle like atmophere with flowering trees and a dark blue cartroad and emerald green with the foreground and bananas of the left of Mary. This two demensional piece is representational of religion, mystery and revelation and of the Tahitian culture. This piece is very colorful with reds, blues, greens and yellows that come together beautifully.
Friday, May 17, 2019
How Does Medea’s Personality Shift During the Play ? Essay
In the play Medea, the mythical Hellenic hero , Jason abandons his wife Medea and prepares to marry Princess Glauce of Corinth to secure a throne and the power and wealth of the kingdom. These events trigger conglomerate transformations in Medeas character and emotional state from suicidal despair at the beginning of the play, to shoe collar and indecision when first faced with killing her children and finally to remorseless fury which leads her to under(a)take unnatural nub to achieve her revenge.The play immediately introduces us to Medeas total despair after being habituated by Jason, giving the audience new insight into how Medeas intense emotional pain turns her against those who shoot the breeze it (Jason) and all of his emotional attachments (Glauce and his children.) Early in the play, Medea demands What use is life to me? (line 96), showing her sadness and helplessness in the wake of her abandonment by Jason. With this line Euripedes implores the audience to sympathiz e with Medea who appears to be victimized by Jasons callous behavior.Medeas conflicting impulses about killing her children are revealed in her monologue in lines 1018-1080. In line 1057 she exposes her desire to spare her children saying Let them alone, you miserable woman, spare your children. However despite her sign apprehension to the task, the monologue concludes with her definitive resolution to murder her children, I understand what evil I am about to do but my wrath is stronger even than my thoughts(lines 1078-1079). For the rest of the play, she will no longer scruple her decision. While it can be argued that her childrens deaths are fated from the beginning, this speech can be seen as definitive turning point in her thinking as a character, as she has become unshakable and resolute in her decision.Finally, her cruel and vindictive natures prevails and she declares to the audience her desire that They her children must die and since they must I who brought them into the world, will kill them. This declaration shows her certainty that her illogical behaviour is both deserved and just under the circumstances. Medeas vindictive nature causes her to wreak havoc on the Corinthian royal family as good as on her admit family, especially her two innocent sons. Her complete conviction in her own actions and lack of remorse is shown when she declares to Jason, I have wrenched your heart as I had to do.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
The Steele of Naram-Sin and the palette of Narmer Assignment
The Steele of Naram-Sin and the pallette of Narmer - Assignment ExampleIn both art pieces, the Kings get tieed as deity and spectral views of the ancient Egyptians. The Steele shows Naram-Sin wearing a helmet with horns signifying his divine goernment agency. Through his divine power, it appears okay for him to violently rule everywhere those against him. The Steele also shows Naram-Sin looking up towards the sky. He looks at the suns above the mountains probably signifying a greater power than him. It appears he is showing respect to God. The palette shows the religious and ritualistic side of the ancient Egyptians. On the idler of the palette of Narmer, at that place is a sandal bearer next to Narmer who holds his sandals. This implies that Narmer is standing on sacred ground. Narmer stands on holy ground before slaying his captive. This implies that Narmer is about to perform a holy act that is right by the gods eyes. He appears as a deity who gets allowed to perform such slaying rituals. At the top of the palette, there is the heads of Harthor who is a goddess of the heavens, women, and a protector of the king. The inscriptions on the palette ascribe to the religious beliefs of the Egyptians.The victory Steele shows victory over the Lullubi mountain people while the Palette signifies the union of ancient lower and Upper Egypt On the Steele, Naram-Sin climbs up the top of a mountain followed by a fleet of his soldiers who walk over their enemies. The Steele gets used to depict Naram-Sins conquest of the Lullubi mountain people. The king on the Steele tramples on the bodies of his enemies. who lie below him. The palette of Narmer represents the unification of the ancient two Egyptian kingdoms into one. On the backside of the palette, Narmer adorns the white crown of Upper Egypt. On the reverse gear end of the palette, he wears the red crown of Lower Egypt (Fred 42). Wearing both crowns on the same palette indicates that he is the ruler of both kingd oms. There is also presence of the papyrus plant which represents Lower Egypt. The former side of the palette has two feline type beasts that get intertwined. This further signifies unity
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Management Concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Management Concept - Essay ExampleA managers romp consists of planning, organizing, directing, and controlling the resources of the organization. These resources include people, jobs or positions, technology, facilities and equipment, materials and supplies, information, and money. Managers work in a dynamic environment and must await and adapt to challenges.The job of every manager involves what is known as the functions of management planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. These functions are goal-directed, interrelated and interdependent. cooking involves devising a systematic passage for attaining the goals of the organization. It prepares the organization for the future. Organizing involves arranging the necessary resources to carry out the plan. It is the process of creating social organisation, establishing relationships, and allocating resources to accomplish the goals of the organization. Directing involves the guiding, leading, and overseeing of employees to achieve organizational goals. Controlling involves verifying that actual performance matches the plan. If performance results do not match the plan, corrective action is taken.Henri Fayol, the father of the school of Systematic Management, was motivated to create a theoretical foundation for a managerial educational program based on his experience as a successful managing director of a mining company. In his day, managers had no formal training and he observed that the increasing complexity of organizations would require more professional management. Fayols legacy is his generic wine Principles of Management.Of Fayols six generic activities for industrial undertakings (technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting, managerial), the most important were The Five Functions of Management that focused on the key relationships between force play and its management. The Five Functions arePlanningDrawing up plans of actions that combine unity, continuity, flexibility and precision given the organizations resources, fount and significance of work and future trends. Creating a plan of action is the most difficult of the five tasks and requires the spry participation of the entire organization. Planning must be coordinated on different levels and with different era horizonsOrganizingProviding capital, personnel and raw materials for the day-to-day running of the business, and building a structure to match the work. Organizational structure depends entirely on the number of employees. An increase in the number of functions expands the organization horizontally and promotes additional layers of supervisionCommandingOptimizing return from all employees in the interest of the entire enterprise. Successful managers have personal integrity, overtake clearly and base their judgments on regular audits. Their thorough knowledge of personnel creates unity, energy, initiative and loyalty and eliminates incompetenceCoordinatingUnifying and harmonizing activities and ef forts to maintain the balance between the activities of the organization as in sales to labor and procurement to production. Fayol recommended weekly conferences for department heads to solve problems of common interestControllingIdentifying
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Real World companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Real World companies - Essay Example intragroup factors are those that affect the staff, managers and wariness of a company and they are essential in making the companies execute locally and globally. These factors have great influence on the business as they can prese4nt the excellent opportunities of modify their common result of the business project. The McDonalds has made great strides in how it encourages the relationship between the employees, management and stakeholders. The company encourages a respectful relationship between the employees and the management. It also hires the most suitable applicants who have shown effectuality and commitment towards customer satisfaction (McDonalds, 2012, p.1). Also excellent management has inspired the growth of this brand. Skinner is a good example of a leader who brought in major changes to revive an otherwise underperforming company. His quick actions and conclusion led to elimination of foods that were not adding value and added ne w dishes like salads and chicken sandwiches. In order to examine it succeeds in the other markets outside the US, it has had to make changes to its process to cater for the unique preferences of the clients in the respective countries. The McDonalds has also got to do with a lot of external factors that have had their influence on the business. For instance the land economy has experienced several recession periods in which the business has experienced fall in profits. An sparing recession affects the purchasing power of people generally.
Monday, May 13, 2019
Q3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Q3 - Essay ExampleSince I work as an IT professional, I would categorize myself as a knowledge worker because of the technical knowledge I possess in the area of programming for confused applications. Problem solving requires the application of this knowledge, and also requires soft skills such as the ability to work in groups, because most IT work is done in teams and groups. Some examples of knowledge workers are those who possess specialized or highly technical knowledge, such as engineers, medical or legal professionals or IT workers responsible for systems design. to the highest degree technology jobs fall under the category of knowledge based jobs, however in most occupations, r knocked out(p)ine, desk train jobs can be standardized and outsourced. Job growth in the next couple of decades is predicted to be highest in well paying occupations requiring expert thinking and complex human communication. (Levy and Murmane, 200480). Hence, knowledge workers are those who possess a level of knowledge and the ability to engage in expert thinking and are also able-bodied to interact effectively with others at different levels.(2) In the knowledge economy, work patterns are changing. As pointed out by Smith (2005) in his comparison of the work habits of the Baby Boomer generation and the young workers of straight off who belong to the Internet age, there is a higher level of independence and flexibility sought by the latter. Communication between these individuals takes place through electronic means even as they are session next to each other. If creativity and innovation among these knowledge workers is to survive and thrive, they require the kind of flexible managerial support that will focus on the end product rather than dictate the method by which such an end is to be achieved.Where knowledge workers are concerned, soft skills and effective networking is also an
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