Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Essay --
En Marã a el trama es ingenuo se portray el love de Efraã n y Marã a de una manera sincera y inocente hasta que ocurre la muerte de la protagonista. La novela nostalgic se identifica porque siempre tiene una pareja enamorados con diferentes problemas. Donde los hechos se desarrollaron en una forma directa, y aunque Isaacs narra en primera persona, es sabio task lo conoce. Teniendo el conocimiento de lo que ocurre significa que la novela fue creada con elementos autobiogrã ¡ficos con aspectos de su propia vida. Esta novela presenta caracterã sticas importantes que utilizan en novelas romã ¡nticas como el romanticismo, costumbrismo y el realismo. En esta novela discutimos en la clase que contiene informaciã ³n autobiogrã ¡fica del autor Jorge Isaacs. El viviã ³ en la casa donde se portray que time la casa de Efraã n donde se desarrollo el idilio en la hacienda llamada â€Å"el paraã so†. Conociendo detalles del autor hace entender la novela mas, como Isaacs siendo hijo de padres judã os igual que Efraã n convertido al cristianismo. Ambos estuvieron interesados en las mismas lecturas y estudiaron la poesã a, tambiã ©n queriendo ser doctores. En esta novela se caracterizan muchos elementos importantes de una novela romã ¡ntica como la idealizaciã ³n de la naturaleza. La abstracciã ³n del paisaje y la personificaciã ³n caracteriza gran parte de las novelas romã ¡nticas. La cuidad del Cauca donde el autor pasã ³ su niã ±ez y mayorã a de su vida es donde ocurre el sentiment, porque Marã a fue adoptada por sus padres ella fue a vivir an esa casa. En que los dueã ±os, y esclavos viven del love cristiano. La convivencia es typical a pesar de la diferencia social y econã ³micamente. Igual que la idealizaciã ³n en esta novela el romanticismo estã ¡ representado por varias formas. En ... ...a donde es posible estarlo en esa posiciã ³n. Isaacs expone su preocupaciã ³n por el realismo al prohibir la inhumanidad de lo que period la esclavitud. Las maneras de los personajes realistas se imponen en dos socios de Efraã n. Por ejemplo, â€Å"Pude notar que mi padre, sin dejar de ser amo, daba un trato cariã ±oso a sus esclavos, se mostraba celoso por la buena conducta de sus esposas y acariciaba a los niã ±os.†Los personajes Carlos y Emigdio. Los à ºnicos personajes romã ¡ntica as child Marã a y la mother de Efraã n. Efraã n tiene la personalidad de su creador con cierta idealizaciã ³n. El ser perfecto es grande en esta novela, la ambiciã ³n de Efraã n y su love imposible hace que separe a los dos. El realismo se nota en esta novela por los personajes menores como los esclavos y la clase baja. Los actores secundarios estã ¡n presentados de una manera realista, y no idealizan nothing romã ¡ntico.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Critical analysis of a book, Nectar in a Sieve Essay
Basic investigation of a book, Nectar in a Sieve - Essay Example The trace of progress gave in the lower status of Rukmani’s marriage is conveyed forward with the structure of the tannery in her husband’s town. Clashes of custom and the outside world start to imply themselves into Rukmani’s life, bringing change practically quicker than she can modify. Battling through neediness and deplorability, just as the changing financial culture of their town, Rukmani exhibits a tranquil, logical pride that is worried about existence. By recounting to the narrative of a youthful Indian lady as she marries her better half and develops old with him, raises a family and endures a few hardships en route, creator Kamala Markandaya endeavors to introduce an image of a changing world and how it is the adoration for a family that conquers these gigantic difficulties. Markandaya’s epic is an anecdotal record of an Indian woman’s involvement with the provincial towns of India introduced in first-individual story voice from Rukmani’s viewpoint. Since she never gives a town name or date, it is difficult to decide precisely when the story is occurring, giving it an ageless quality that talks similarly today as it did when it was composed, soon after India got free of Britain. â€Å"Some perusers of Nectar in a Sieve see Kamala Markandaya’s depiction of Indian laborers as mythlike. One figure frequently referenced as a model for Rukmani is the goddess Sita. Sita rose up out of the earth into life when her stepfather was furrowing his fields and turned into the spouse of the Hindu god Rama. In the incredible epic sonnet Ramayana, Sita is an image of commitment, ceaseless persistence, and benevolence. In craftsmanship, she is frequently demonstrated looking at Rama with delighted happiness†(â€Å"Study Guide†, n .d.). Rukmani is to be sure introduced as the encapsulation of selflessness and persistence inside the novel, reliably attempting to maintain the conventional convictions of her
Friday, August 21, 2020
Fig. 4 Study with me!
Fig. 4 Study with me! Grüezi mitenand! Thought Id give you all a quick update on how life is 6014 km away from the Tvte. Time flies (seriously), and Im already returning back to the US end of next week. This week is also the last week of lectures here at ETH Zürich. But, the semester technically doesnt wrap up until the 31st of August. Youre probably thinking, what? Ich auch. There are two main exam periods at ETH: the End-of-Semester and the Session Examination block. Most courses have exams during the Session Examination block that falls throughout the month of August, offering students the luxury of having the entire summer to revise and giving the school enough flexibility to schedule everyones exams so that none will conflict. That is a far cry from the reading period of one day we get at MIT. However, that means that students at ETH dont necessarily get a summer break or have the opportunity to do internships, MISTI, or UROPs. For the 6 courses Im taking this semester, I have 1 End-of-Semester exam Im taking the day before I fly home, and 2 session exams in mid-August. 2 of my courses are project-based. For those 2 classes, my project groups just finished our presentations this week. We still need to write final papers due in mid-June to count for the majority of our marks. For my German course, we had our final exam last week. As an exchange student, I was able to request to take my 2 session exams as distance examinations. Throughout the summer, Ill be interning in the US, and wont be able to fly back to take the exams. Other MIT exchanges have arranged preponements, a fancy term for moving the exams to an earlier date. Preponements usually only work for oral exams, but I (fortunately or unfortunately?) didnt have any of those. That means, though, with 2 papers still to write and 2 exams still in August, Ill have to spend my summer continuing to work and study. The term hasnt quite ended yet! To give you guys a quick look at what a day in my life looks like here in Switzerland, I thought itd be fun to put together a study vlog captured during a recent weekend, here: Enjoy! (I also have over 130GB worth of photos from this year alone, so look out for many more picture-heavy posts to come!)
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Lionel Richie And Irving Berlin - 1252 Words
Lionel Richie has a discography of albums and singles second to none and is part of the fabric of American pop music. In fact, Lionel Richie and Irving Berlin are the only two songwriters in history to achieve the honor of having #1 records for nine consecutive years. The real story behind Lionel is essentially the American dream. Lionel was born in Tuskegee Alabama. He lived in a small, isolated, predominantly African American community in the original home of Booker T. Washington. His family home is situated directly on the campus of what is now Tuskegee University and was previously The Tuskegee Institute, home the of the Tuskegee Airmen. Lionel’s grandmother, Adelaide Foster, a classical pianist, lived to be 102. His father,†¦show more content†¦He knew, however, that this act was the beginning of his stardom. This small pack of girls would turn into millions of screaming fans yelling not only his name, but also singing along with every one of his songs at ev ery one of his shows. Motown Records was founded in Detroit, Michigan by Berry Gordy, CEO and Chairman and was huge by 1971. Skip Miller was the Vice President of Motown University as Lionel jokingly calls it today. One night, Skip Miller walked into a club, saw The Commodores perform on stage and realized these kids had talent. Lionel, along with the rest of the group, was presented to Berry Gordy and given a record deal. This record label was prolific at the time because it had the most respected RB and soul acts of the era including The Supremes, Marvin Gaye, Smoky Robinson, Stevie Wonder, The Temptations, and The Jackson 5, who The Commodores would later tour with. As the opening act for The Jackson 5, The Commodores began the start of their international success. They released their first single, â€Å"Machine Gun†in 1974, which reached #7 on the US RB charts. The Commodores would go on have more singles that topped the charts including â€Å"Brick House†, â€Å"Just To Be Close To You†, â€Å"Too Hot Ta Trot†, Endless Love, just to list a few. Lionel Richie has countless albums, but he is also known as a Music Icon. International Superstar. 100 million albums sold worldwide.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Definition Of Love Summary - 1471 Words
Scholars often connect Marvell’s â€Å"The Definition of Love†is always connected to John Donne’s metaphysical lyrics by the scholars due to the luxurious imagery and the neo-platonic implications of love between souls or minds that is trenchant from the physical body. The poem composes an inspection of love by representing two perfect yet incongruous loves – the love of the speaker, and the love of his lover and their love is so perfect but at the same time they face distractions to meet each other which places them to the imperfection of their love.The poem is composed of eight stanzas, each of which features four lines of iambic tetrameter that rhyme alternately, in a pattern of ABAB, CDCD, and so forth. THEME OF HOPE IN ‘THE DEFINITION†¦show more content†¦Hope here just plays out a dull impression and almost does nothing in favor of this love to set it free from the disgrace of impossibility. Hope is simply here compared with a bird with gaudy but feeble wings which vainly flapt its Tinsel wings and cannot do a single deed to fulfill the promise to make appealing destination for their love. The poet says about this in the poem: â€Å"Magnanimous Despair alone Could show me so divine a thing, Where feeble Hope could ne’er have flown But vainly flapped its Tinsel wing.†(Poem: ‘The Definition of Love ‘lines: 5-8) So through these lines, it can clearly be understood that hope here does not play any remarkable role to make the two lovers united, sometimes it appears to be an inspiring deed to these lovers (it promises to fulfill this love but somehow it could not), but lastly it proves to be futile like a gaudy bird which vainly flaps it’s wings. THE ROLE OF FATE IN ‘THE DEFINITION OF LOVE’ The appearance of fate is very contradictory here in deed of love .The poet says that it is the hostility of Fate which is responsible for not permitting him and his beloved to be united. According the poet’s opinion, Fate is always jealous of perfect lovers, and never allows them to be united. A union of two perfect lovers would be a fatal blow to the power and authority of Fate. Fate has placed these two loversShow MoreRelatedUnrealistic Love Essay1688 Words  | 7 Pagesjust taken out of a love song, right? Truth of the matter is that love songs influence young culture on how love should feel and create this stereotype that love is nothing but a moment filled with passion and desires. But reality is that’s not always the case and these songs set up unrealistic measures such as, a passionate moment or falling in love solely on physical attraction; and if you don’t achieve that moment or are not attracted in that instant then you’re not in love. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Constitutional reforms since 1997 reduced free essay sample
To what extent have constitutional reforms since 1997 reduced the power of the UK government? BY AbbteQ To what extent have constitutional reforms since 1997 reduced the power of the UK Constitutional reform is the process of changing the way in which a country may be governed. There are many reforms that have arguably changed the UK constitution in such an extent that the power of the elected government has been reduced or restricted. Changes such have these have occurred much more frequently in the years since 1997. One reform that can be seen to have reduced the power of overnment in the I-JK is the act of devolution or decentralisation. An example of this is the establishment of a Scottish Parliament and a Welsh Assembly in 1999. The creation of these bodies meant that regions in the UK that are not very close to London, and in turn Parliament, could have easier access to politics as the people in that area could have their opinions heard better. We will write a custom essay sample on Constitutional reforms since 1997 reduced or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many would say that as a result of Devolution the I-JK was becoming more democratic and so this change to the constitution was a good thing. However, this reform may look positive on the surface ut if it as looked at in more detail it is clear that this may not be the case. Even though there are now democratic bodies in places that are some distance away from London, parliament and government still hold sovereignty and so can dictate what changes these devolved bodies can or cannot make. On the other hand, if devolution becomes more prominent in the I-JK, the general public may begin to lose respect for government and instead listen to more local political bodies when looking for direction on current issues. As a result of this government power may be reduced by eforming the constitution in this manner since 1997. Another way in which the governments power could be seen to be reduced is the reform of the House of Lords. This is because there is speculation over whether after enforcing Stage 1 of the reform (the removal of hereditary peers from the House of Lords, other than 92) the process should continue and Stage 2 be enforced. Stage 2 of the reform would be the conversion of the House of Lords into a second elected chamber. Many would argue that this reform would cause government to lose power as with a larger number of lected MPs there may be more checks on government actions put in place. Because of this those in power would have to be more careful regarding their actions and proposals. In contrast to this, others would argue that the government would not lose power as they would still be needed to be the body that runs the country. This is because it would be virtually impossible for such a large body to run the country on its own as the conflicting opinions would be too great and arguments would cause the decision process to be slowed dramatically. Consequently, it can be argued that his reform since 1997 would not reduce the power of the government in the I-JK. Referendums are one way in which the power of the I-JK government can be reduced due to constitutional change. An example ot this is when reterendums were used to help the government decide whether devolution was a good idea or not. This meant that the voices and opinions of the people living in the I-JK were heard when an issue that would affect their lives was being decided upon. The rapidly increasing use of referendum in I-JK politics could be reducing the power of government by giving the ublic too much power of their own. If the average person is allowed the opportunity to decide upon serious political issues to regularly then this could mean a loss of respect and faith in the government in the collective public. This would be caused by the idea that if the people of the country could make decisions perfectly well on their own then that said country would theoretically not be in need of a government. However, referendums are not yet legally binding and so the result can only be used to guide political decisions and not make them. Because of this the government can completely ignore the opinion of the public even after a referendum has been held if they choose to do so. Also, it is the government who has to hold the referendums to start with but if they do not feel they need the help of the public or want to know the peoples view they are under no obligation to hold a referendum. For example there was a failure to hold a promised referendum on an alternative voting system. As a result of this it can be argued that government is not losing power because of constitutional reform. To a certain extent, constitutional reforms since 1997 have reduced the power of the government in the I-JK. This is because the country can be seen to be becoming more democratic in that it is creating a situation of demos cratos (power to the people). However, the winning argument seems to be that government power has not been reduced. This is because no matter what reform has been made, the London government has overall rule on issues (combined with the influence of parliament) and there is still a need for the political body.
Saturday, April 4, 2020
Living Through the Pain of Ankylosing Spondylitis Essay Essay Example
Living Through the Pain of Ankylosing Spondylitis Essay Essay As I sit following to my sister. Natalie. she seems saddened as she tells the narrative that started her hard journey of covering with a womb-to-tomb disease. As she describes it. â€Å"At the immature age of 13. when my girlfriends were believing about an approaching 1950s-genre sock hop. I found myself in a Milwaukee back brace to handle a curvature of my spinal column called scoliosis. The brace keeps the spinal column virtually immobile. It held my caput in alliance with metal bars. clear down to a plastic cast over my hips. I wore the brace for two old ages and the childs in my school would inquire if I had been in a auto wreck. We will write a custom essay sample on Living Through the Pain of Ankylosing Spondylitis Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Living Through the Pain of Ankylosing Spondylitis Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Living Through the Pain of Ankylosing Spondylitis Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer I subsequently started high school in new Nike tennis places and the awkward metal brace. When I was a sophomore. I developed a terrible intestine redness episode which the physician idea was bacterial dysentery. It was atrocious. and small did I know that this was the start of a series of jobs that are all portion of a chronic disease. About two hebdomads subsequently. I developed painful puffiness in my right articulatio genus. It was terrible plenty to necessitate remotion of an remarkably big sum of synovial fluid. A few yearss after the right articulatio genus seemed to mend. the left articulatio genus swelled up. The same form continued for the following several old ages and the physicians said it was merely arthritis. I so developed an oculus infection called iritis in my right oculus. It was so terrible that it needed daily cortisone injections for 10 yearss. oculus beads and resting in complete darkness. For the following four old ages. I experienced terrible hip ( sacroiliac ( SI ) ) hurting that made walking hard. A pelvic X ray was taken. which showed merger in one of the SI articulations. I was tested and found positive for the HLAB27 cistron. The rheumatologist changed the diagnosing from arthritis to a unequivocal Ankylosing Spondylitis which is a debilitating. painful disease. without a remedy. that would go on to decline throughout my life and would most likely terminal with me crippled and in a wheelchair†( Rasmussen. 2010 ) Ankylosing Spondylitis ( AS ) is a ruthless. familial disease that makes life really painful and hard for those affected by it. AS affects every bit many as 2. 4 million people in the US today. which is more than multiple induration. cystic fibrosis and Lou Gehrig’s disease combined. Scientists are presently trying to happen out what this disease is. how it is contracted. and what can be done to assist those who have AS pull off their hurting. avoid farther bodily harm and hopefully happen a remedy. Pathophysiology: Ankylosing Spondylitis Ankylosing Spondylitis ( AS ) is a chronic inflammatory arthritis and an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is when the body’s natural immune system. that is supposed to contend against sources or foreign cells that enter your organic structure. misidentify its ain healthy cells as being encroachers and assail them. This can impact any portion of the organic structure or many parts of the organic structure at the same clip. In the instance of Ankylosing Spondylitis. the immune system attacks its ain cells doing arthritis of the spinal column. sacroiliac ( hip ) articulations and can do redness of the eyes. lungs. and bosom valves. It varies from intermittent episodes of back hurting that occur throughout life to a terrible chronic disease that attacks the spinal column. peripheral articulations and other organic structure variety meats. ensuing in terrible articulation and back stiffness. loss of gesture and malformation as life advancements. Signs and symptoms The get downing physical marks of AS normally start to look in late adolescence or early maturity ( ages 17-35 ) . but the symptoms can happen in younger kids or much later in life every bit good. The first symptoms of AS can include frequent hurting and stiffness in the lower dorsum and natess. and symptoms semen on bit by bit over the class of a few hebdomads or months. At first. uncomfortableness may merely be felt on one side. or alternate sides. The hurting is normally dull and diffuse. instead than localized. This hurting and stiffness is normally worse in the forenoons and during the dark. but may be improved by a warm shower or light exercising. Besides. in the early phases of AS. there may be mild febrility. loss of appetency and general uncomfortableness. Many people with AS besides experience bowel redness and iritis or uveitis ( redness of the eyes ) . About one tierce of people with AS will see redness of the oculus at least one time. Signs of iritis or uevitis are: Eye ( s ) going painful. watery. ruddy and persons may see blurred vision and sensitiveness to bright visible radiation ( Van der Linden S. 2009 ) . Changing degrees of weariness may besides ensue from the redness caused by AS. The organic structure must utilize excess energy to cover with the redness. therefore doing weariness. Mild to chair anaemia. may ensue from the redness. which can lend to an overall feeling of fatigue. In a minority of persons. the hurting does non get down in the lower dorsum. but in a peripheral articulation such as the hip. mortise joint. cubitus. articulatio genus. heel or shoulder. This hurting is normally caused by enthesitis. which is the redness of the site where a ligament or sinew attaches to cram. Inflammation and hurting in peripheral articulations is more common in juveniles with AS. This can be confounding since. without the immediate presence of back hurting. AS may look like some other signifier of arthritis. AS is more common in immature work forces than in adult females. Typically. 1 in 200 work forces have AS. whereas 1 in 500 adult females have the disease. The symptoms or form of the disease are different in adult females. Quoting Dr. Elaine Adams. â€Å"Women frequently present in a little more untypical manner so it’s even harder to do the diagnosings in adult females. For illustration. some adult females with AS have stated that their symptoms started in the cervix instead than in the lower back†( Adams. 2010 ) . The hurting usually becomes relentless ( chronic ) . is felt on both sides. and lasts for at least three months. Over the class of months or old ages. the stiffness and hurting can distribute up the spinal column and into the cervix. Pain and tenderness spreading to the ribs. shoulder blades. hips. thighs and heels is possible every bit good. Advanced AS sick persons finally experience deficiency of spinal mobility due to spinal merger. Spinal merger occurs when harm to the joint and environing bone causes Ca to construct up which acts like a cement to maintain the castanetss from crunching together. Fusion eliminates the hurting caused by the castanetss crunching together. but creates the complication of limited flexibleness or stationariness. Diagnosis There is no direct trial to name AS. A clinical scrutiny and X-ray [ gt ; 0 ] surveies of the spinal column. are the major diagnostic tools. A drawback of X-ray diagnosing is that marks and symptoms of AS have normally been established every bit long as 8–10 old ages prior for alterations to be seen on a field movie X-ray. which means a hold of every bit long as 10 old ages before equal therapies and interventions can be introduced. Options for earlier diagnosing are tomography [ gt ; 1 ] and magnetic resonance imaging [ gt ; 2 ] ( MRI ) of the sacroiliac articulations. but the dependability of these trials is still ill-defined. Besides. MRI can be cost prohibitory ( Thomas E. 1998. pp. 343-7 ) . A physical scrutiny by a physician or rheumatologist is necessary in decently naming AS. The scrutiny would imply looking for sites of redness. and look intoing for hurting and tenderness along the dorsum. pelvic castanetss. sacroiliac articulations. thorax and heels. Other symptoms and indexs are besides taken into history. including a history of iritis or uveitis ( redness of the oculus ) . a history of GI infections ( for illustration. the presence of Crohn’s Disease or ulcerative inflammatory bowel disease ) . a household history of AS. every bit good as weariness due to the presence of redness. The Schober’s trial [ gt ; 3 ] is a utile clinical step of flexure of the lumbar spinal column performed during scrutiny. Ankylosing Spondylitis is considered a familial disease and surveies have linked AS with a familial marker called HLA-B27. However. proving positive for this marker is non a warrant that a individual will contract the disease. Approximately 90 % of AS patients carry the HLA-B27 marker but 10 % who exhibit AS disease features do non. The association between AS and HLA-B27 varies in different cultural and racial groups. 95 % of people in the Caucasic population who have AS trial HLA-B27 positive. However. merely 50 % of African American patients with AS possess HLA-B27 marker. Therefore. 5 % of Caucasians and 50 % of African Americans who have AS do non transport the HLA-B27 marker. In 2007. a collaborative attempt by an international squad of research workers in the U. K. . Australia and the United States led to the find of two cistrons. ARTS1 and IL23R [ gt ; 4 ] . that besides contribute to the cause of AS. The findings were published in the November 2007 edition of Nature Genetics. a diary that emphasizes research on the familial footing for common and complex diseases ( Brionez TF. 2008. pp. 348-91 ) . Together with HLA-B27. these two cistrons account for approximately 70 % of the overall incidence of the disease. Treatment with Medications There are many medicines available to handle AS and its symptoms. Depending on the phase of the disease and its rate of patterned advance. different medicines are recommended. Peoples respond to medicines with changing degrees of effectivity. therefore it may take clip to happen the most effectual medicine for handling person with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs ( NSAIDs ) NSAIDs are the most normally used category of medicine used in handling the redness and swelling associated with AS and therefore cut down hurting and stiffness. For illustration. Ibuprofen is a generic NSAID and is found in nonprescription hurting stand-ins such as Advil and Motrin. They normally come in tablet signifier and are taken orally. Sometimes high doses of NSAIDs are needed to keep alleviation from the symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis. This can present a job in that NSAIDs can do important side effects. particularly in the GI piece of land ( tummy. bowels. etc. ) . NSAIDs can do decrease in the protective mucous secretion in the tummy. which can do stomach annoyance. In clip. this can take to heartburn. gastritis every bit good as ulcers and even hemorrhage. Peoples can take other medicines. such as alkalizers. to neutralize or forestall the production of extra tummy acid or take drugs to assist coat and protect the tummy and aid reconstruct the lost mucous secretion. Harmonizing to Spondylitis Association of America. there is a different category of NSAIDs known as COX-2 inhibitors ( or COXIBs ) have helped some patients cut down the hazard of GI complications associated with traditional NSAID therapy. An illustration of a COXIB is Celebrex ( Celecoxib ) . which is still being used to handle spondyloarthritis. Others. such as Vioxx. were pulled from the market because of possible cardiac side effects ( SAA Medication Treatments. 2009 ) . Although NSAIDs are normally the first line of medicines used to handle Ankylosing Spondylitis. sometimes they aren’t adequate to command the symptoms. NSAIDs may merely be partly effectual or the side effects excessively terrible to go on their usage. In this instance. a physician may order one of the undermentioned medicines: Sulfasalazine Sulfasalazine is one type of medicine that can be helpful to some people with this terrible disease. It is known to efficaciously command non merely hurting and joint swelling from arthritis of the little articulations. but besides the enteric lesions in inflammatory intestine disease. It comes in tablet signifier and is taken orally. Side effects are comparatively infrequent. but can include concerns. abdominal bloating. sickness and unwritten ulcers. Rarely. person being prescribed this medicine can develop bone marrow suppression. which is why it is of import to on a regular basis supervise blood counts. Methotrexate Originally developed to handle malignant neoplastic disease. this chemotherapy drug is widely used and frequently really effectual for the intervention of arthritic arthritis. When prescribed for handling Ankylosing Spondylitis. it is given in much smaller doses. Methotrexate can either be taken via a self-injectable shooting. or orally in tablet signifier. When taking amethopterin. it is besides necessary to take the vitamin folic acid in order to assist stamp down possible side effects. Oral ulcers and sickness are the most common side effects. but can be minimized by taking folic acid. Because of other possible serious side effects. the frequent monitoring of blood counts and liver trials are required. Methotrexate lowers the ability for patients to contend infection. Therefore. patients taking it should avoid contact with those who are ill. Corticosteroids Corticosteroids such as Orasone can be effectual in alleviating the redness of AS. but the side effects of long-run usage can be really terrible. Corticosteroid injections into the inflamed articulations can supply impermanent alleviation of the hurting caused by arthritis or bursitis. In cases of Achilles’ tendinitis. such injections are seldom. if of all time used because of the hazard of tearing the Achilles sinew. Besides. the utility of corticosteroid injections to alleviate the symptoms of plantar fasciitis ( list hurting ) is non clear. Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha inhibitors AS patients produce excessively much of an inflammatory substance called Tumor-Necrosis-Factor alpha ( TNF-a ) . TNF-a blockers are biologic medicines that have shown great promise in handling AS by adhering the extra TNF-a. therefore cut downing redness. TNF-a blockers slow the advancement of AS in the bulk of clinical instances. assisting many patients receive a important decrease. though non riddance. of their redness and hurting. They have been shown to be extremely effectual in handling the arthritis of the articulations and the spinal arthritis associated with Ankylosing Spondylitis. Examples of TNF? [ gt ; 5 ] blockers are: Enbrel ( etanercept [ gt ; 6 ] ) . Remicade ( infliximab [ gt ; 7 ] ) . Humira ( adalimumab [ gt ; 8 ] ) and Simponi ( Golimumab ) . Besides the frequently high cost of over $ 600 per injection. the most serious known side consequence of the TNF blockers is the fact that these drugs increase the hazard of infections. particularly TB. Therefore. a TB trial is normally required before get downing any of the TNF therapies. Patients taking the TNF medicines are advised to restrict their exposure to others who are or may be transporting a virus ( such as a cold or grippe ) or who may hold a bacterial or fungous infection. A really rare possible complication is increased frequence of malignant neoplastic disease. particularly of the blood. such as leukaemia or of the lymphatic system as in lymphoma. ( SAA Medication Treatments. 2009 ) .
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Child Soldiers in the Republic of Congo
Child Soldiers in the Republic of Congo The deadly conflicts experienced by the Democratic Republic of Congo at the end of the twentieth and the beginning of the twenty-first centuries caused numerous negative consequences resulting in the severe social crisis in the country. The Second Congo War that started in 1998 has become one of the most dreadful armed conflicts of the second half of the twentieth century (McMullen, O’Callaghan, Shannon, Black, Eakin, 2013).Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Child Soldiers in the Republic of Congo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Recruitment of child soldiers is one of the practices often used by official and nonofficial armed forces in the country. Such practice presents a serious threat to the life and psychological health of children as the experience gained in the army leaves irreversible changes in their social attitudes and psyche. Finding an effective solution to the problem of child soldiers in Congo is necessary for ensuring the healthy environment for the population of the country. Though numerous actions were taken to demobilize the child soldiers after the official end of the war, a certain number of children is still recruited by military groups. The process of demobilization of child soldiers is complicated by the fact that many children do not find support in the society and do not consider themselves a part of it. Investigating the social and ethnic background of former child soldiers can contribute to the success of prevention of future recruitment. The aim of this paper is to answer the questions related to the social and ethnic identity of demobilized child soldiers. The research is aimed at checking if the hypothesis that most soldiers come from the same social and ethnic group is true to life. Confirming or refuting the hypothesis are of vital importance, as the identification of a certain group of children most vulnerable to being recruited by the army will help t o prevent further recruitment by encouraging proper institutions to focus on providing appropriate preventive activities for this group. The Overview of the Research Design As the purpose of the study is to answer the questions about the background of the child soldiers in Congo, descriptive research design seems to be the most appropriate one. A good description is â€Å"fundamental to the research enterprise†as it contributes to the knowledge of the nature of the society (What is research design?, n.d., p. 1). The specifics of descriptive research fit the purpose of the study, as such research helps to obtain the information that is crucial for devising hypotheses and proposing associations (Monsen Van Horn, 2008). As description â€Å"paves the way to prediction†, the chosen research design will help to predict the association between the social and ethnic background of children and their inclination to participate in the Army (Mitchell Jolley, 2013, p. 272).Adve rtising Looking for proposal on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Quantitative research, as a type of descriptive studies, appears to be suitable for the study, as it will help to collect data about the issues discussed above and organize it into valuable descriptive statistics (Monsen Van Horn, 2008, p. 5). The choice of data collection and analysis methods should correspond to the chosen research design. The Data Collection Methods Gathering data about the social and ethnic background of former child soldiers in Congo can be done by using survey methods. As the researcher is learning French, which is the first language in Congo, it will be relatively easy to use such method of data collection as focus group interviews. Focus groups will include family members of demobilized child soldiers and the members of civil society. Each of the group will consist of 5-9 people (Kwok-to Choi Chan, 2013). Suc h survey data collection technique as constructing necessary questionnaire will be used to create an appropriate basis for the interviews. Each group will be requested to answer a certain number of questions during an-hour-long sessions. The participants will be asked to share their views on the discussed issue, and the appropriate records will be made. Monitoring of narratives of demobilized children in Congo will also be used as an additional method of obtaining data for the study. The narratives will be selected based on careful analysis to identify certain features related to social and ethnic background common among child soldiers. Analysis Methods The collected data will be analyzed by reviewing the answers of the participants and identifying if they reflect common social and ethnic patterns typical of child soldiers in Congo. The detailed statistical analysis of obtained information will be conducted to demonstrate if certain social and ethnic groups prevail among former chil d soldiers. Descriptive statistics analysis will suit the purpose of the study and help the researcher to find the association between the investigated factors and the willingness to participate in the army. Descriptive statistics will help to describe the basic features of the data obtained during the study and provide summaries about the sample (Trochim, 2006). Such statistics will enable the researcher to describe what the data shows. Two variables, social background and ethnic origin of former child soldiers, will be analyzed. As it is rather difficult to calculate the statistics when there two or more variables, appropriate statistics program should be used. The data will be put to Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program to get the appropriate table of results.Advertising We will write a custom proposal sample on Child Soldiers in the Republic of Congo specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More A Sampling Scheme A rando m sample will be used to ensure that the results can predict the features common to the whole population. A sample frame will be defined to determine a complete list of the population from which the sample should be selected. The creation of sample frame database will enable the researcher to conduct random number selection. The necessary information about the families of former child soldiers will be attained from appropriate institutions, and ten families from different parts of the country will be chosen based on the method of probability sampling. Ten groups of the members of civil society living in various regions of the country will also be chosen randomly. Such method of sampling will help to prevent inaccuracy and ensure that the identified patterns refer to all child soldiers. The written narratives for analysis will also be selected randomly from the database of appropriate institutions located in different regions of Congo. The total number of chosen narratives will be tw enty. The assessment of the selected sample will be conducted to eliminate the risk of missing certain groups of population and getting subjective results. Sample validation will be carried out to ensure that the selected participants truly represent the whole population. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research Design The main strengths of the research design include its suitability to the purpose of the study. The chosen research design enables the researcher to answer the initial research questions and check the hypothesis. Besides, such research design enables the researcher to ensure that the data obtained during it is objective, and the results can be applied to the whole population. The objectivity of the results is of vital importance, as it lets the researcher make well-grounded claims and encourage further research based on already gained relevant information on the issue. Usage of group based interviews will help to monitor a big number of the people living in Congo in a relatively short period. On the other side, the absence of individualistic approach in group interviews can be defined as a weakness of the research design. However, careful and friendly communication with the individuals included in the groups will help to eliminate the risks related to lack of individualistic features of the survey.Advertising Looking for proposal on ethnicity studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Descriptive statistics analysis will help to analyze the collected data and draw certain conclusions. The researcher will be able to find the correlation between certain social and ethnic groups and the level of children’s participation in military groups. The usage of SPSS software will help to prevent any possibility of making mistakes while calculating the statistics. Usage of random sampling gives numerous benefits to the research, as it helps to ensure that the results are appropriate for being considered typical for the whole population of Congo. Though such sampling requires more time and effort, careful communication with appropriate institutions will help to overcome these challenges. The chosen research design has numerous benefits and will enable the researcher to answer vital questions about the nature of the phenomenon of child soldiers in Congo. The gained results will help other specialists to suggest the appropriate strategy for combating children’s inv olvement in military organizations in Congo. References Kwok-to Choi, M., Chan, K. (2013). Online dating as a strategic game: Why and how men in Hong Kong use QQ to chase women in mainland China. Berlin: Springer Heidelberg. McMullen, J., O’Callaghan, P., Shannon, C., Black, A., Eakin, J. (2013). Group trauma-focused cognitive-behavioural therapy with former child soldiers and other war-affected boys in the DR Congo: A randomised controlled trial. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 54(11), 1231-1241. Mitchell, M., Jolley, J. (2013). Research design: Explained (8th ed.). Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Monsen, E., Van Horn, L. (2008). Research: Successful approaches (3rd ed.). New York: American Dietetic Association. Trochim, W. (2006). Descriptive Statistics. Retrieved from What is a research design? (n.d.). Retrieved from
Friday, February 21, 2020
How life is influenced by science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
How life is influenced by science - Essay Example Landis confessed of using other drugs but not testosterone in 2010. He was also found out to be guilty of illegal blood transfusion. Floyd was then stripped of his title as the world champion of 2006. Testosterone is a steroid hormone; it is the principle male sex hormone and anabolic hormone. This hormone plays a major role in the development of male reproductive tissues, bone mass and body growth . Its anabolic effects are growth of muscle mass and strength and the simulation of bone maturation and linear growth. Testosterone levels in the body should not exceed the normal level, this is the basis of the testosterone test (Webmed). This test tends to find out the reason for higher performance than usual especially to the athletes who are suspected to be using synthetic testosterone. This was the test performed on Floyd to confirm the allegations. At the end of the day we learn that science has a great potential of being used and at the same time revealing whether it is being misused or not. It is better if we make good use of scientific facts for the betterment of the sports but without taking the advantage of it to pretend to be what we are
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Instrumentation principles for media technology microphone technology Essay
Instrumentation principles for media technology microphone technology - Essay Example According to Snoman, a microphone, casually referred to as mic or mike, is a device that â€Å"converts sound into an electrical current that is then transformed into an audio signal at the end of the chain†(152). How well the sound gets captured by the microphone and un-obstructively reproduced and transmitted to the audience, and how well the microphone meets the live or studio requirements of sound, is the main concern. There is no doubt that when you go for a high quality microphone, you are ultimately ensuring excellence of the sound; however, every microphone has its own tonal quality that is different from other microphones. Thus, choosing the right microphone is what requires good sensible knowledge about the microphone technology and some basic tips and tricks of utilizing this technology. â€Å"Microphones are a key factor in achieving high quality recordings and sound reproduction†, says Peterson. The first microphone ever developed consisted of a metal diaphragm connected to a needle which was further connected to a metal foil. When the diaphragm would catch differences in air pressure, it would cause the needle to move which would scratch out specific patterns onto the metal foil. When these scratches were later run by the needle, they would cause the diaphragm to move which reproduced the recorded sound (How Stuff Works). The latest microphone technology, however sophisticated, works on the same principle that is, converting air pressure waves into electrical current. Whatever the type of the microphone is, all have one thing is common. That is the diaphragm which is actually a thin paper or a thin piece of aluminum or plastic, located in the head of a typical microphone, and vibrates when it catches sound waves produced by differences in air pressure (see Fig. 1). Vibrations in this diaphragm cause vibrations in other modules of the microphone as well
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
The Study Of Paranormal Phenomena Psychology Essay
The Study Of Paranormal Phenomena Psychology Essay The study of paranormal phenomena or paranormal belief is a component of parapsychology. According to Kennedy (2005), paranormal belief is still a poorly understood aspect in humanity. Some people believe in it but some are strongly opposed to the idea of paranormal phenomena; both parties are standing firmly in their own viewpoint to an extreme. According to Cline (n.d.), parapsychology is a field that engages the study of psychological phenomena which are unexplainable by means of science or can say that it has against the principles and theories of science. The term parapsychology was invented in year 1889 by a psychologist, Max Dessoir. Paranormal phenomena can be divided into three types which are clairvoyance or precognition, telepathy, and telekinesis. Telepathy is the capacity to sense and exchange information across the spaces through mind power. Telekinesis is the using of mind power to move objects. Clairvoyance or precognition is the capability to predict future events. Y et Tobacyk (2004) has divided the belief in paranormal phenomena into seven dimensions namely traditional religious belief, psi, witchcraft, superstition, spiritualism, extraordinary life forms, and precognition. Paranormal beliefs have been found in many cultures for more than a thousand years (Jahoda, 1969 as cited in Wiseman Watt, 2004) and the recent surveys showed that these paranormal beliefs are continuing to flourish nowadays (Newport Strausberg, 2001 as cited in Wiseman Watt, 2004). Paranormal phenomenon was experienced and believed by people of all cultures. This means that people from different cultures will have different belief systems toward paranormal phenomena. According to Irwin (2009), people will normally reckon all these paranormal phenomena as realities or truths instead of just a belief system that should be adopted by them in term of their own cultures. Besides, the paranormal belief within a society also consists of its cultural and chronological contexts. In the cultural context, a particular paranormal belief is largely endorsed by a culture setting but it is not necessary to have endorsed by people from other places who practiced different cultures. On the other hand, in the context of chronological setting, the paranormal belief that is mostly adopted in one time might be abandoned in another time within the same community. This may be due to that particular community has become skeptical and is being more emphasized on scientific evidences in viewing events or maybe the belief is just no longer adopted within that community. Why are there so many people believing in the paranormal phenomena? According to Hood (2009), paranormal beliefs are not simply spreading by people and making others what to think. However, he claimed that human brain has a mind design that guides them naturally to form and understand the world schema and to make sense of it by constructing the intuitive theories. These intuitive theories produce a paranormal sense and feeling. He declares that all these can take place early in the development before culture emerges to lead peoples thinking styles. The influences of culture may happen later during childs development stages. Children will construct information about the world through their own intuitive reasoning which directs them to both normal and paranormal beliefs. Nevertheless, there is something in the human mind that guides people to belief. The sense of paranormal experiences or beliefs is a part of our mind design and thus it is deeply implanted in the ways of how we explain all these paranormal phenomena. On the other hand, according to Fritscher (2012), paranormal belief is a possible sign of disordered thinking in the field of psychology. There may have some lesions in the brain of the paranormal believers which cause them to have hallucinations. However, it is undeniable that the paranormal phenomenon has formed a crucial part of many belief systems and world views of the people which affected their interpretation of the world throughout their life. Problem Statement A lot of researches have been carried out in order to test the paranormal beliefs based on the demographic variables such as age, gender, socioeconomic status, races and culture. However, the hypothesis of social marginality had been used to predict the paranormal belief in these demographics (Irwin, 1993). Bainbridge (1978) and Wuthnow (1976) as cited in Irwin (1993) had declared that the socially marginal groups such as the people from low society status, jobless or having the low education level were prone to believe in paranormal phenomena. This may because they believe that these can lead them to a better life. On the other hand, a research which examines the social marginality hypothesis in paranormal belief has been conducted by Emmons and Sobal (1981). The finding of their research shows that females and unmarried people will normally associate with paranormal belief. The factors such as age, low education level and jobless usually do not have any correlations with paranormal belief. Therefore, it can be concluded that in terms of education level and employment, the social marginality hypothesis has a contradictory finding which failed to obtain the consistent results in all situations. Many researches such as the study of Irwin (1985), Mc-Garry and Newberry (1981), Randall (1990), Randall and Desrosiers(1980), and Tobacyk and Milford (1983) as cited in Irwin (1993) have showed that there are more female than male paranormal believers. However, according to Gray (1990), there was an absence of gender differences for the students from science or non-science courses. The male students of non-science courses showed the same level of strong paranormal belief as female students. Besides, the female science students showed low level of paranormal belief as male students. Thus we cannot generalize that females have stronger paranormal belief than males. Some researchers have claimed that the belief in traditional religions is same as the belief in paranormal phenomena, but this still remains questionable whether paranormal belief is related to religious belief (Irwin 1993). Some of the researches stated that religious belief was correlated with paranormal belief, for example, the research of Buhrmann and Zaugg (1983), Orenstein (2002), Thalbourne and Hensley (2001) as cited in Tam and Shiah (2004). On the other hand, the study of Ellis (1988) and Rice (2003) as cited in Tam and Shiah (2004) declared that religious belief is not related with paranormal belief. However, according to Rice (2003), in the relationship between religious belief and paranormal belief, there was a lack of confirmation whether their correlation is significant or not. This is because the relationship between them is much more multifaceted and diverse among the theories proposed. Besides the researches stated above, there are also many other researches about paranormal beliefs. There are some psychological inquiries which are very important and needed to be investigated and known by everyone. Why do people believe in paranormal phenomena? Which group of people will tend to believe in these phenomena? In this modern era, most people tend to be more logically and scientifically in forming their ways of thinking which are evidence-based yet it still has many people who believe in these paranormal phenomena. Therefore, it is necessary for us to know what kind of people and what are the reasons that lead them to believe in paranormal phenomena. On top of that, the identification of the effects or consequences of paranormal belief that may have for human life are very important because it may have a great impact on the development of human civilization. Significant of Study The research and career that related with parapsychology or transpersonal psychology are not popular in Malaysia. There is no research done on this topic by Malaysian as their dissertations or theses temporarily. Therefore, there is a need to carry out a research on this topic in Malaysia. People from different parts of the world will have their own unique type of paranormal beliefs regardless of their cultures. These paranormal beliefs will have some influences in different aspects of human life. For example, it can influence the critical thinking or cognitive ability, socioeconomic status and creativity of an individual. Thus, it is necessary to carry out a project at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) based on the students in Perak campus in order to examine their paranormal belief level and to identify the effects of strong paranormal belief in their life. It is important to know whether Asian females are stronger in paranormal belief compared with males, since almost all the western researches showed the consistent results that females will have a stronger paranormal belief compared to males. Moreover, it is interesting to know if religion(s) will make their followers to have strong belief in paranormal phenomena and how they achieved that. Lastly, it is interesting to know whether students from Arts and Science stream will have different paranormal belief level in Asian countries like Malaysia as most of the Western researches showed that Science stream students tend to have less paranormal belief compared to Arts stream students. All these researches carried out to examine gender differences, different religions and Arts and Science streams in level of paranormal belief are aimed to investigate whether the findings have cross-cultural consistency. Objectives To determine whether females are stronger in paranormal belief compared to males as shown in most of the researches carried out by psychologists from western countries. To identify whether Science stream students will have less paranormal belief compared to Arts stream students as they have more scientific knowledge and more scientifically ways of thinking. To find out whether the different religious beliefs will influence the belief of paranormal phenomena. Research Question Is there any difference in paranormal belief between males and females? Is there any difference in paranormal belief between Arts and Science stream students? Is there any difference in paranormal belief among different religious beliefs? Hypothesis Females will have stronger paranormal belief than males. Students from Arts stream will have stronger paranormal belief than Science stream students. There is a difference in paranormal belief among different kinds of religious beliefs. Operational Definition Sex According to American Psychological Association (APA) (2011), the term of sex is referred to the biological category of an individual, which is being classified as male and female. The term of gender was not suitable to use in this study as gender is referred to the behavior or attitude given by culture or society that is linked with the individuals biological sex according to APA (2011). Religion It still remains undefined under the international law (Gunn, 2003). However, according to Yinger (1970), religion is a system of beliefs and practices in which a group of people are struggling with the ultimate questions of life. There are many different religions in Malaysia, such as Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Sikhism. However, this study is mainly focused on Buddhism, Taoism, Hinduism and Christianity as most of the UTARs students are Chinese and Indian. Nevertheless, other religions like Islam and Sikhism are very rare. Arts stream The faculties of Arts stream in UTAR Perak campus are Faculty of Business and Finance (FBF), Faculty of Arts and Social Science (FAS), Faculty of Information and Communication Technology (FICT). The courses offered by FBF are Banking and Finance, Business Administration, Communication and Network, Accounting, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Financial Economics, and Finance. In FAS, it consists of the courses such as Languages and Linguistics, Psychology and Counseling, Journalism, Public Relation and Advertising. For FICT, the courses offered are Computer Science, Business Information Systems, Information Systems Engineering and Computer Engineering. Science stream The Science stream departments in UTAR Perak campus are Faculty of Science (FSc) and Faculty of Engineering and Green Technology (FEGT). The courses of FSc included Logistics and International Shipping, Agricultural Science, Biological Science, Biomedical Science, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Statistical Computing and Operations Research and Microbiology. While FEGT offered the courses of Electronic Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Petrochemical Engineering, Construction Management and Industrial Engineering. CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW Numerous journals, dissertations and theses about paranormal beliefs have been published by Western researchers. Almost all findings are consistent with the hypotheses stated. Below is the review of some journals, dissertations and theses about the concept and history of paranormal beliefs, its theoretical framework and paranormal beliefs based on the demographic variables of sex differences, religions and different areas of study (arts and science stream). Paranormal Beliefs Besides the term of paranormal, there are also other words which have the same meaning such as superstitious, magical and supernatural. According to Lindeman and Svedholm (2012), psychologists have raised the awareness and interest in the issues of paranormal, superstitious, magical and supernatural (PSMS) since the year of 1800. The term PSMS belief is defined as category mistakes which confuse the basic knowledge of material objects, mental phenomena, living organisms, and the development as a whole. This term has been applied inconsistently in many research literatures. PSMS came out with the conceptual definitions which are classified into domain-general and domain-specific since last two decades. The definition of domain-general consists of five sets, namely belief in scientifically impossible phenomena, false beliefs, and associative biases (irrational acts, co variation bias and laws of sympathetic magic). Nevertheless, this definition failed to differentiate other unfounded b eliefs from PSMS beliefs as they covered a wide range of beliefs. The domain-specific definition can be further divided into two groups which are intuitive and counterintuitive beliefs about the phenomena of biological, physical and psychological. This definition is more appropriate to classify the PSMS beliefs because it can explain some of the types and dissimilarities among them. Overall, there is no significant difference among the operation of PSMS beliefs. (pp. 1-11) Richman and Bell (2012) found that the levels of paranormal belief dropped over the years. This can be seen from two experiments by Richman and Bell (2012) with the university student latest sample (2010) as well as Tobacyk and Milford (1983), which were both carried out in Southeastern US state university. Even though there were similar levels of belief in a variety of phenomena for two samples, there were still some aspects of the paranormal beliefs which decreased dramatically over the period of 27 years. The paranormal belief subscales of precognition and traditional religious belief showed less significant differences for the two samples. Precognition will be endured due to the reality that more people had experienced the predictive dream compared to other paranormal phenomena. In this case, the study of Royalty (1995) showed a significant relationship between the paranormal belief levels and the self-reported history of paranormal experience (as cited in Richman Bell, 2012). F or the subscales of traditional religious belief in paranormal belief, it has been a human continuous lifestyle regardless of cultures and age groups. Furthermore, there were some researches, including Richman and Bell (2012), proposed that traditional religious beliefs have little or no relation with paranormal beliefs, for example, Randall and Desrosiers (1980) and Rice (2003) as cited in Richman and Bell (2012). There are various personalities and factors which cause people to belief in paranormal phenomena, for instance, high fantasy proneness, sensation seeking and high openness, external locus of control and neuroticism may also contribute to paranormal beliefs. (pp. 197-206) Moreover, Oh, Kim and Oh (2011) had done a cross-cultural study and revealed that Korean students have higher paranormal beliefs compared with United States (US) students in general. Nevertheless, the paranormal beliefs, in both religious and non-religious people, have decreased in Korea and US throughout the ten year period whereby it can be seen from the two testing periods which are 1999 and 2009. A dramatically decrease can be seen in Korea. Korean students have higher paranormal beliefs in all subscales besides traditional religious belief compared with US students at the year of 1999. In 2009, Korean students still have stronger paranormal beliefs than US students apart from spiritualism and religiosity although there is more decrease in Korean students compared to US students. Therefore, the differences in paranormal beliefs between Korean and US students were not significant in 2009. This result obtained is most likely due to the advance in scientific knowledge which may affe ct their thinking. The findings showed that people who possess and understand scientific knowledge will have lower paranormal beliefs and this idea is consistent with the study of Lim (1983) as cited in Oh, Kim and Oh (2011). (pp. 35-51) Sex and Paranormal Beliefs There are many researches that have been done to examine the relationship between sex and paranormal beliefs. Many researches reported that females have higher level of paranormal beliefs than males. The review of Irwin (1993) pointed out some of the studies which proved that females will have higher global paranormal beliefs than males, such as Randall and Desrosiers (1980), McGarry and Newberry (1981), Tobacyk and Milford (1983), Irwin (1985), and Randall (1990). There are lots of studies stated in the review of Irwin (1993) illustrated that females will normally has higher belief in ESP than males in terms of precognition and telepathy, for example, Kennedy (1939), Emmons and Sobal (1981), Thalbourne (1981), Haraldsson (1981, 1985a), Tobacyk and Milford (1983), Irwin (1985), Gray (1990b), and Clarke (1991). According to Irwin (1993), females also portray higher paranormal belief in the subscales of psychic healing (Gray, 1990b), superstitions (Emme, 1940; Scheidt, 1973; Blum Blum , 1974; Blum, 1976), traditional religious concept (Hay Morisy, 1978; Emmons Sobal, 1981; Tobacyk Milford, 1983; Black, 1990), reincarnation (Gray, 1990b), astrology (Salter Routledge, 1971; Zarour, 1972; Wuthnow, 1976; Emmons Sobal, 1981; Fichten Sunerton, 1983; Grey, 1988; Gray, 1990b; Clarke, 1991), and hauntings (Haraldsson, 1985a). On the other hand, males have showed higher belief in extraordinary life forms like Loch Ness monster (Tobacyk Milford, 1983; Tobacyk Pirttila-Backman, 1992), and in UFOs (Gray, 1990b; Clarke, 1991). (pp. 8-9) The research of Wolfradt (1997, pp. 15-19) revealed that females have higher level of paranormal belief compared to males because they scored higher on some subscales of the Revised Paranormal Belief Scale (RPBS) such as superstition, psi belief, spiritualism, witchcraft and precognition. Nevertheless, there were no sex differences at the RPBS subscales of belief in extraordinary life forms and religious belief. On the other hand, Eder, Turic, Milasowszky, Adzin and Hergovich (2010, p. 521) declared that females will generally portray higher paranormal beliefs in the subscales of spirituality and traditional religious belief, but it was less significant to the subscales of witchcraft and psi. Besides, males showed higher paranormal belief in subscale of extraordinary life forms. However, there was no sex difference in the subscales of precognition and superstition. On the contrary, the study of Blackmore and Moore (1994) stated that there were no significant gender differences in par anormal beliefs in term of Paranormal Belief Scale (PBS) score (p. 95). Gray (1990) revealed that females are prone to adopt the paranormal beliefs like psychic, reincarnation, astrology and ESP, while males tend to believe in extraterrestrial life forms like aliens compared to females (p. 181). This is because males will take the initiative to think and learn while females put more emphasis on their feelings or sentiments (Abele, 2003, pp. 768-776). Thus, females are more likely to believe in verbal phenomena such as psychic readings and males tend to believe in physical paranormal phenomena or science phenomena like UFO or aliens (Hauser, 2008, p. 1). Simultaneously, Houran and Lange (2007) concluded this as the cognitive differences between males and females in which males are more headed to naturally related phenomena while females are prone to humanly related paranormal phenomena (as cited in Hauser, 2008, p. 1). Therefore, these researches indicate that there are sex differences in the type of paranormal beliefs, but not the quantity of paranormal beliefs. Furthermore, the study of Preece and Baxter (2000) drew a conclusion that sex differences were basically being discovered at each year group with females are normally less skeptical than males in term of paranormal beliefs such as ESP and psychic ability. This is because according to Preece and Baxter (2000), females have been influenced by the popular media such as newspaper articles or magazines. On the other hand, males are usually less skeptical than females about the UFO belief. Males tend to belief that aliens from other planets had visited Earth in the past. This may due to the particular interests of males in space traveling and universe which are always being portrayed in the films or novels according to Preece and Baxter (2000). Nevertheless, the critical reasons for both males and females to adopt different types of paranormal beliefs might be the combination of biological aspects like genetic and cultural aspects like social norms whereby different roles were being instil led to them based on their gender. (pp. 1147-1156) Kennedy (2003, pp. 27-39) claimed that males will always be extreme skepticism toward paranormal belief because they tend to put a significant assessment on manipulation and rational thinking. Therefore, they may frequently imagine that they are threatened by all these paranormal beliefs and thus showing aggressiveness toward different belief systems. National Canadian survey also obtained a consistent finding which claimed that males are prone to be the extreme skeptics of paranormal beliefs and think that spirituality was insignificant, while females will have the higher paranormal beliefs and think that spirituality was significant. According to Blackmore (1994b), most of the males were not concerned or attracted by the paranormal phenomena in terms of examining the atypical declaration or trying out the psychic experiences by themselves, they just uphold their own belief systems (as cited in Kennedy, 2003). The fact contributed to these phenomena which has been stated by Kennedy (2003) is that males possess the genetic predispositions for analytical thinking and social authority. On the other hand, the findings of Lindeman and Aarnio (2006, pp. 597-599) stated that females possess higher intuitive and lower logical thinking and thus it seems to be the generative mechanisms for females to have adopted more paranormal beliefs compared with males. Art and Science Stream text in Paranormal Beliefs The research of Gray and Mill (1990, pp. 162-172) showed that English graduate students tend to adopt more paranormal beliefs such as ESP, UFO, astrology, psychic healing and reincarnation compared to Biology graduate students who have stronger belief in non-paranormal phenomena like evolution. The Biology graduate students needed fewer signs compared to English graduate students for the analysis of the information in the text they read. Even though less signs are needed by Biology graduate students on the scientific contents, their performances were not significant different with English graduate students. However, there was a significant positive relationship between the number of signs required and paranormal belief in which the more signs required in order for completing a scientific context, the stronger the belief in paranormal phenomena. This is because they do not approach the scientific evidences with a proper critical standpoint. Therefore, this study pointed out that there were more English graduate students who have the higher paranormal beliefs compared to Biology students. Besides, the study of Craig (1991) demonstrated that the students from music-art and English-foreign language majors have stronger paranormal beliefs than the students from social studies and mathematics-science majors (p. 64). Morier and Keeports (1994, pp. 443-453) stated that students from science and pseudoscience class (treatment group) were generally having lower level of paranormal belief compared with the students in psychology and law class (control group). Initially, both groups did not show any differences before the course started. However, the participants from treatment group revealed a significant decrease in paranormal belief than control group in which the standard score units for control group only dropped with an average of 0.17 while treatment group was dropped with an average of 1.08. The ultimate cause that science and pseudoscience course has successfully changed the level of paranormal beliefs may be due to the dealing with such beliefs obviously and clearly during the class. In addition, Jones (1980) also proposed that paranormal beliefs can only be eliminated through the direct confrontation with the paranormal phenomena (as cited in Morier Keeports, 1994). This is because the sci ence and pseudoscience course has provided students with more scientific knowledge which lead them to acknowledge science as a way to investigate and evaluate the paranormal events or misconceptions. Overall, the findings for this study discovered that skeptical behavior can be achieved by scientific teaching or critical thinking abilities. These results support the study of Grimmer and White (1992) whereby it claimed that science education may add to the better skeptical attitude as science students will normally have a lower level of paranormal beliefs compared to arts students (as cited in Preece Baxter, 2000, p.1154). We can see that when an individual has more scientific knowledge or is interested in science, then he or she will tend to have lower paranormal beliefs compared to others who know little or nothing about science. Prichard (2011) had done a research to investigate paranormal beliefs and science motivation among the biology and psychology students. The participants consist of the students from advanced biology, introductory psychology, and advanced psychology. The findings showed that introductory psychology students have more paranormal beliefs compared to the students from advanced biology and advanced psychology. Although science motivation is assumed to have an effect in reducing the paranormal beliefs, there was no significant difference between advanced biology and advanced psychology students in paranormal beliefs, albeit Biology students have higher level of science motivation compared to both introductory and advanced psychology students. Thus, Prichard (2011) had found that s tudy through psychology course may become the greater predictor for reducing the paranormal beliefs compared to science motivation. Therefore, it cannot be concluded that science motivation will lead to a more rational thinking about paranormal beliefs as it is not the only factor for skepticism. (pp. 2-20) Religious Belief and Paranormal Beliefs There are a lot of researches that have been carried out to investigate the relationship between paranormal beliefs and religiosity. In the review of Irwin (1993), Irwin (1985) reported that global paranormal beliefs such as psychic healing, precognition, telepathy, psychokinesis (PK), and astral projection have a positive relationship with religiosity; however there is no relation between the global paranormal beliefs and religiosity reported by Alcock (1975). Besides, Tobacyk and Milford (1983) declared that there is a positive correlation between belief in precognition and religiosity (as cited in Irwin, 1993). Both researches of Haraldsson (1981) and Thalbourne (1984) claimed that belief in ESP was associated with religiosity in which ESP belief is positive correlated with praying, reading the religious materials and attending religious gathering (as cited in Irwin, 1993); but according to Irwin (1993), this was not proved by Irwin (1985) and Clarke (1991). Nevertheless, Jones et al. (1977) claimed that church involvement do not have significant relationship with global paranormal belief and belief in various paranormal phenomena (Alcock, 1975; Sheils Berg, 1977), but Wuthnow (1976) reported that there is a negative correlation between church involvement and astrology belief (as cited in Irwin, 1993). On the other hand, according to Irwin (1993), religious affiliation has been declared that there is no significant relationship with either ESP belief (Murphy Lester, 1976) or global paranormal belief (Jones et al., 1977). Although Sheils and Berg (1977) reported a correlation between religious and paranormal beliefs, Thalbournes (1981) had reexamined the data and pointed out that the result was not significantly different (as cited in Irwin, 1993). Tobacyk and Milford (1983) had examined the religiosity in which it has a positive relationship with witchcraft belief, a negative relation with spiritualism, and do not have significant relationship with superst itions and extraordinary life forms belief (as cited in Irwin, 1993). The study of Clarke (1991) revealed that religiosity have a positive relationship with psychic healing belief and negative relation with belief in UFO or aliens (as cited in Irwin, 1993). (pp. 13-14) The research of Shiah, Tam, Wu and Chang (2010, pp. 367-382) had been conducted in Chinese population to find out the relationship between paranormal beliefs and religiosity. They reported that the believers of traditional Chinese religious will generally have stronger paranormal belief compared to Christian believers and atheists. Therefore, the greater participation of traditional Chinese religious believers in the activities which focus on paranormal experiences might contribute to greater paranormal belief, especially when it was compared to Christianity. The findings are consistent with the connotation that Christianity might have less paranormal belief compare with other religions. According to Hergovich, Schott and Arendasy (2005, pp. 293-303), the findings showed that there was a low but significant relationship between paranormal belief and religiosity. People who are self-reported religiosity and intrinsic religiosity have stronger relation with paranormal belief compared to people who held extrinsic religiosity. Yet, the relation of Catholics and Protestants to paranormal belief is little or even portrayed a negative relationship between intrinsic religiosity and paranormal belief. Besides, there was a stronger paranormal belief with the participants who do not have the religious attachment. However, all these findings proposed that paranormal belief can be a substitute for the traditional religious belief. The main idea of this research is that there was a slightly positive relationship between paranormal belief and religiosity. Aarnio and Lindeman (2007) had conducted a research showing that the different results have been found for the correlations of religious
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Reforms Are Need In Canadas Government :: essays research papers
Reforms Are Need In Canada's Government Canada is a country who's future is in question. Serious political issues have recently overshadowed economic concerns. Constitutional debate over unity and Quebec's future in the country is in the heart of every Canadian today. Continuing conflicts concerning Aboriginal self-determination and treatment are reaching the boiling point. How can Canada expect to pull herself out of this seemingly bottomless pit? Are Canadians looking at the right people to lay their blame? In the 1992 Referendum, "The Charlottetown Accord" addressed all of these issues, giving Canadians the opportunity to finally let the dead horse be - but oh, if it were that simple. A red faced Brian Mulroney pontificated that a vote against the accord would be one against Canada. Canadians would essentially be expressing the desire for Quebec to remain excluded from the constitution. How could the Right-Honorable Mulroney expect anyone to vote on a document that contained so much more than simply the issue of Quebec sovereignty? Ironically, hidden deep within "The Charlottetown Accord," was the opportunity for Canadians to make a difference; to change the way the government ran, giving less power to the politicians and more to the people. This was the issue of Senate Reform. Why is Senate Reform such an important issue? An argument could be made that a political body, which has survived over one hundred years in Canada, must obviously work, or it would have already been reformed. This is simply not true, and this becomes apparent when analyzing the current Canadian Senate. In its inception, the Senate was designed to play an important role in the Government of Canada, representing various regions of the federation. Quebec, Ontario, the maritimes and the west were allotted twenty-four Senators each. Considered to be the heart of the federal system, the Senate was to be a crucial balancing mechanism between Upper and Lower Canada (Mallory pg. 247). It was important for there to be equal representation, and not representation by population. Senators were to be appointed, in order to ensure that the House was independent and had the freedom to act on its own. As well, Senators had to be seen as a conservative restraint on the young, the impressionable, and the impulsive in the House of Commons (Van Loon and Whittington pg. 625). They therefore had to be over thirty years old and own property exceeding four thousand dollars in the province they represented. This idea was called 'second sober thought.' As this independent, intellectual body, the Senate's main function wasto ensure that all power did not come from one source.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Negligence Essay Essay
Mark sued a bank for injuries. He was not paying attention as he entered the bank because he was looking at his phone. And he fell suffering $10,000 in injuries. Prior to the fall, the janitor had buffed the floor. The janitor had an IQ of 70. Normally, the janitor was closely supervised. However, today his manager was extremely tired, and the manager didn’t notice that the janitor had carelessly used way too much floor wax that was extremely slippery. Is the bank liable for the janitor’s negligence (be sure to go through all the elements. Additionally, note that under the doctrine of respondeat superior the bank WILL be liable for any potential negligence of the janitor employee)? What defenses will the bank assert? Assume that the jurisdiction does not recognize assumption of risk or contributory negligence. The jurisdiction does recognize the defense of comparative negligence. In order to title a negligence claim a person must first show that the defendant had to hav e acted a certain way toward the plaintiff. Second that the defendant failed to act in a reasonable manner. Finally, the plaintiff must show they suffered actual damages or loss due to the unreasonable behavior. Negligence is a behavior or conduct creates an unreasonable risk or harm to others. The bank will be responsible for the janitor’s negligence. The janitor is considered an employee of the bank. Therefore, under the doctrine of repondeat superior the bank is responsible for the negligent actions of the janitor. Repondeant Superior, states that the employee is liable for the actions of an employee when the actions take place within the scope of employment. This gives a person injured in a place of business a better chance of recovering damages, In this case the employer is considered the principal and the employee the agent. Under respondent superior the principal has control over the agents’ behavior and must take responsibility for the agents’ actions. In this case the bank must take responsibility of the janitor. The bank could argue that Mark contributed to the fall for not paying attention to his surroundings by paying more attention to his cell phone than to where he was walking. They could argue that if he had not been on his cell phone he would noticed the shiny slippery floors. This is called Contributory Negligence, but the courts do not recognize this defense. Mark could then go for his damages or loss under Comparative Negligence. Meaning he could do one of the two things: 1.) he could have all his damages totaled and then reduced by what would be his negligence in the matter or 2.) The courts could say he can’t recover anything if they find that he was just as negligence as the bank or janitor.
Friday, January 3, 2020
The Importance of Being a Competent Communicator Essay
Everything we do in our life involves communication because it is a way for a sender to send message to the receiver by verbal and non-verbal communication. However, in some parts of the world messages that are delivered sometimes are not received in a way it is supposed to. A way to solve this is by using competent communicator and intercultural communication because it makes it easier for people from other cultures to communicate in general. On the other hand, there are also some problems faced because different cultures have different ways to express their way of communication. By understanding these types of communication and by defining them may solve this dilemma. In addition to that, there are also types of communication to consider†¦show more content†¦3. EXAMPLES OF NON-VERBAL COMMUNICATION 3a. Universal gestures Universal gestures are used almost all over the world in order to communicate with people either from different culture or even in the same culture. It is another way of sending messages without using verbal codes. For example, when someone is shrugging it means they don’t know, when someone nods their head means they disagree and when they clap shows a sign of appreciation. Another example that is widely used by men is when they describe an attractive woman; they would describe them by outlining s female body. 3b. Eye contacts To be a good communicator they must have a good eye contact. With a positive eye contacts can bring a person’s interest or attention. It also helps us to be in control because with strong eye contact because our eyes shows a sign of emotion. However, when with weak eye contact maybe interpreted as a sign of not interested hence, bad communicator. 3c. Body language Using body language as a communicator can help send messages properly and our body can be used as a barrier to show that an individual is not interested. On the other hand, using body language as a way of communicating can also give positive feedback towards theShow MoreRelatedCommunication Competence Scale Assessment On Myself And Calculated My Total Score863 Words  | 4 Pagescommunication which has certain relational implications. Based on the scale, I do not perceive myself to be a very competent communicator. In fact, I only rated myself highly in a few of the questions that were a part of the calculations in step 2, the questions that would yield a â€Å"positive†result relating to communicating. However, I do believe that I am a competent communicator in a few areas such as business and social gatherings and also when meeting new people. I am one of those peopleRead MoreDear Sacramento Chinese Community Service Center,. I Have1409 Words  | 6 Pageswith a bad communicator, is it obvious that someone is not an effective communicator? 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