Thursday, December 26, 2019
Taking a Look at Word Processing - 880 Words
Word Processing Term Definition 1 Word Processing The process of a computer processing to achieve its data and other functions 2 Document A file that provides information that can later be changed by the user 3 Word Wrap When a word is too long to go on the edge of a document, it will automatically be moved to the left below the sentence above 4 Justify The ability to change the look of a document by changing the location of the text within each file 5 Scrolling Moving the screen across a web page in order to visit other parts of it 6 Editing Changing a document to make modification 7 Thesaurus A book of knowledge that give you synonyms of another word 8 Formatting To rearrange data into a specific way 9 Font Different styles of text 10 Orientation The choice of have your page to be oriented in a horizontal or vertical direction 11 Footers A piece that text that constantly appears at the bottom of each page of the document 12 Cursor The indictor on the monitor that corresponds to your movement of the track pad or mouse 13 Template A document that serves as a starting pointing 14 Superscript A character that is always above a sentence 15 Indent A small block of space that is away from the margins 16 Hanging Indent Where only the first sentence has been indented but the rest of the sentence arent 17 Wingding A type of font that uses symbols as letters 18 Bullet An asterisk that is automatically placed at the beginning of another sentence 19 Find and Replace TheShow MoreRelatedHistory Of Data Processing1288 Words  | 6 PagesData processing is a shop that works in many different working fields. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
How Successful Is The War On Drugs Essay - 1001 Words
The war on drugs has maintained an accumulation of prohibitions on illegal drugs and mandatory minimum sentencing strategies for drug offenders. Incarceration rates have also increased due to the increase of laws against illegal drugs. In Eugene Jarecki’s film, The House I Live In, Jarecki states that the penalties for crack users were harsher than penalties for regular cocaine users. This suggests that penalties are more of a double standard theory. The â€Å"War on Drugs†is more of a failure that places restrictions and prohibitions on drug offenders and has not necessarily shown a sense of equal stability; thus, leading to faulty sentences, misinterpretations of the real purpose of this initiative, and an overpopulation of prisons. These†¦show more content†¦The sentences that different drug users get is a double standard when it comes to the type of situation the drug offender might be in. Different drug offenders actually get longer sentences than other a nd most of them cannot get anything lower than twenty years. This is due to the minimum mandatory sentences placed during this time period of the â€Å"War on Drugs†. â€Å"[The] laws that enforce the policies differentially punish those who sell particular types of drugs and those with the least involvement in selling activities†(Radosh, 2008). There are different ways that these drug offenders get off the hook with the potential harsh sentences that await them. â€Å"If offenders have information that can be traded for a reduction in charges or immunity from prosecution, then they fare better than those with little or no information to trade†(Radosh, 2008). The minimum mandatory sentences really do not apply to drug offenders who might have valuable information, the law should punish them and these drug offenders should not be let off easy. Most of the time these criminals do not even make it to prison for the same reason. You can have a long-time dedicated drug dealer and a small-time crack user. The one who would really get the brutal sentence will be the small-time crack user, why? He or she is of no benefit when it comes to information or leads. â€Å"Those with the most information, or those with the most involvement in the distribution network,Show MoreRelatedCausal Analysis Of Mexico And Theu.s.1440 Words  | 6 PagesOver the past decade drug cartels has had a free flow through Central America to import illegal drugs to the U.S. Even with a strict drug policy drugs are still crossing the Mexican border. Due to corruption and political influence drug cartels are able to manipulate the government to go undetected. The drug cartel is infamous for their ability to kidnapped, corrupt, and kill anyone trying to crackdown or expose any operation. Due to this corruption within local governments drug activity has been ableRead MoreThe Drug Crisis Of Colombia1594 Words  | 7 PagesIt is astounding how a group of traffickers in Co lombia have been able to keep a drug trade business going despite the government rejections. The traffickers started off with importing marijuana into the United States, and later turned to cocaine. The amounts of drugs being traded also grew rapidly. â€Å"†¦shipments grew from individuals carrying small amounts of large quantities on boats and low-flying airplanes†(Gilmore). The growth of drug trade in Colombia created two cartels, one that was led byRead MoreHow Congress Has Influenced Our Current Ineffective Drug Policy1521 Words  | 7 Pagesnation s general drug history and look critically at how Congress has influenced our current ineffective drug policy. Through this analysis I hope to show that drug prohibition policies in the United States, for the most part, have failed. 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Our society needs to implement new and effective laws and programsRead Moreâ€Å"Drugs Take You To Hell Disguised As Heaven†8 Simple Words1396 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"Drugs take you to hell disguised as heaven†8 simple words but they mean much more, drug therapist ,Donald Lynn Frost, said this. He’s talking about how the drugs have a person feeling like they’re in heaven, but the y are really just putting deeper into a own personal hell. The people of the 70’s know this feeling, in their society drugs were everywhere were a normal part of life. The 70’s culture was something that dealt with rights, rebellion, and particularly women’s rights. 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As I further researched I learned what the term, â€Å"War on Drugs†really means. The â€Å"War on Drugs†is about the prohibition of drugs in society. Therefore, I strongly believe that the Drug War is a ve ry controversialRead MoreThe Journalist Of The Year, By The Los Angeles Press Club1196 Words  | 5 PagesThe Journalist of the year, named by the Los Angeles Press Club, Radely Balko is the author of Rise of the Warrior Cop. Balko writes about how the increase in militarization of police forces have caused a lot of harm in the past decade. He questions what the proper role of law enforcement should be and discussed the effect of the drug on war has had. The main focuses of this book started off by giving a quick history of cops in America (also the name of chapter 3). In the remaining chapters he examinesRead MoreThe New Jim Crow : Mass Incarceration Essay1401 Words  | 6 Pagesvote among other rights because he, â€Å"has been labeled as a felon and is currently on parole†(1). Other information Alexander presents in her introduction are her qualifications as an author of the book, and gives a brief summary of each chapter and how each one is laid out. Her qualificat ions are she is African-American civil rights attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and is also an Associate Professor at the University of Stanford Law School. From a critical standpoint, AlexanderRead MoreThe War On Drugs And The United States1555 Words  | 7 PagesThe War on Drugs has been an ongoing effect ever since the Civil War introduced the drug morphine to the world. In the years since people have been coming up with drugs more lethal than morphine such as cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, and so on and so forth. The War on Drugs is dangerous and leads to many deaths throughout the years. America has set up agencies such as the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and other drug task force teams throughout the United States. Even though we may not be able
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Innovation and Managing Consumer Markets
Question: Discuss about the Innovation and Managing Consumer Markets. Answer: Introduction Consumer markets characteristically refer to the place where the customers or buyers are able to acquire the particular good or service they require. In general consumer markets refer to those particular markets which offer goods or service which the buyer has to consume and cannot be offered for resale. This distinguishes the consumer market from the typical market where the both kinds of products i.e. the ones that the buyer has to consume and cannot be resold by the buyer to anyone other buyer e.g. foods, and services, and the other kind of market is the one place from where the buyer is able to purchase products which they themselves can use and if they desire they can sell it to another individual (Ang, n.d.). Management of the both kind of the markets vary based on several factors such as the psychographic, demographic, geographic, and behavioral factors. The focus of this paper being the consumer markets management a discussion on these factors and the impacts these factors ha ve on the business is presented here with the view to provide a brief yet comprehensive understanding of this particular aspect. Importance of sustainable business practices for both business and society The essential objective of sustainable business practices is to preserve the natural resources of the environment along with carrying out entrepreneurial activities. This objective was adopted by businesses after the need to preserve the environment and ecological balance around us felt. It is evident that businesses rely on natural resources in order to sustain therefore, the need was felt that the resources were indispensable, and in order to carry on the modernization of the businesses resources were required. However, the exploitation or wastage of the natural resources in business practices could be avoided if the businesses were extra conscious (Caouette Caouette, 2008). This step was necessary in order to preserve and maintain the balance in the environment so that the future generations would also be able to enjoy their lives. With this perspective the businesses had to adopt corporate and social responsibilities in their infrastructure which would serve as a yardstick to me asure the businesses commitment towards environmental sustainability (Yesawich, 2008). In addition, laws were also framed which prohibited the businesses from exploiting or damaging the ecosystem in any manner. The legalization of the sustainability served as deterrent measure which deterred the businesses from willingly exploiting or damaging the environment in any manner. This measure led the businesses to adopt initiatives which would further engage them in the Environmental Protection, Economic Development, and Social Development. The environmental protection activities which the businesses are compelled to adopt in their business practices restrain them from damaging the environment ("Contract Pricing in Consumer Credit Markets", 2012). The economic development clauses make it mandatory for the businesses to provide fair wages to its employees and proper incentives. The social development clauses obliges the businesses to provide a healthy working environment to its employees, along with it providing proper health programs if the business activities require exposi ng employees to potentially hazardous environments, in addition, social development further disallows businesses from practicing racial, national or religious discrimination in its practices. Identification of service product opportunities The products that the particular business offers to its consumers are typical Vietnamese delicacies which are meticulously prepared to attract the modern food lovers who love eating foods which resemblance towards fast foods. The observation is evident from the menu items like the Fried Lemongrass Chicken Wings which of course is a variation of the typical chicken wings prepared by most of chain fast food businesses, and its Fresh Noodle with Grilled Lemongrass Fiillet Fish and Fried Spring Rolls which is obviously a variation of the fish noodles prepared in Chinese or Japanese cuisines. The variation can be found in the restaurants Vegetarian Bento Sets which offer the consumer a typical Vietnamese cuisine. The possible opportunity that the business has is that the business should to promote more Vietnamese food items in their menu instead of creating something out of the existing (Hassan, 2011). Although it is not recommended that they should remove the other similar food items fro m their menu but they would have a very potent opportunity in making their business a success if they would promote more Vietnamese cuisines. At present the restaurant offers parcel or to go or pickup services to its customers along with the option where the consumers would be able to sit and eat in the restaurant. They also provide delivery services to their consumers their delivery services cater to the customers desired destination. The business at present is providing the conventional services which most of the fast food restaurants incorporate in their infrastructure and there is less need for altering any kind of services at the moment (Keegan, 2009). Functional areas that must collaborate to consumer markets for sustaining a viable business The chief focus that the business should have is the quality of the products and services they are offering to their consumers. This is due to the reason that the business is typically a consumer based business and the serving the consumers with efficiency and variation in their products would be the best possible marketing option for them (Yesawich, 2014). For this the business requires to understand the taste and preference of the consumers in general. This will include consumers who are regular to the establishment and the consumers who often choose the establishment for food. Understanding this would go a long way to manage the consumer market for the business. When it comes to managing the consumer market the essential focus should be on the manner the business is presenting itself in front of its customers. Therefore, the functional area that relates to the presentation of the business practice should be taken into consideration in this regard. This will include the behavior of the employees towards their customers (Lindbeck Wikstrom, 2010). Behavior does not only include the manner the serving person behaves while taking order or attending customers it also refers to the overall performance of the entire team while a customer is present in the establishment which further includes, employee behavior, order processing, duration taken for processing the order, entertainment services for those eating in the establishment, maintaining the hygiene in the preparation of the food to serving the food, and maintaining the overall hygiene of the establishment. The business should also conduct market researches in order to learn the advantages their competitors are having over them in order to gain competitive advantage. This would provide them with the extensive knowledge and understanding regarding the taste and choices of the people in general and later on they can design their menu accordingly based on the analyses they had performed on the taste and preference of their prospective customers. Landscape of modern economies in the tropics and its development The modern businesses have a potential business opportunity in the tropics at the present moment. This is essentially due to the reason that the tropics are becoming the center of tourism business in the recent times. This is due to the reason that most of the other regions have been more or less visited or explored by numerous tourists and there are numerous other sources from where the people are able to acquire a taste of the other regions. However, the tropical countries have not been the center of tourism in the past, and this is the primary reason that tourists love to travel to this places with the view to gain firsthand experience of the tropics. Therefore, in this regards businesses in the tropics are certainly expected to observe heightened traffic as a consequence to the added numbers of the tourists. These businesses also have the opportunity to promote their businesses in the international levels if they are confident enough to do so. The tourism would provide the requir ed marketing advantage they would require in order to promote their businesses in the overseas market. Another important aspect is that the businesses in the tropics are experiencing a developing economy which aids greatly in gaining foreign investments. This is due to the reason that the foreign investors from the developed economies would easily be able to invest their capital as a result of the devalued currency (Paxton, 2011). This essentially means that the investors would be able to invest more as the value of their currency would be higher than that of the currency value of the concerned nation they are investing in. Recommendations The prime target of the consumer management is to satisfy the consumer with the product or service of the customers choice. Therefore, in this regard the business is required to focus on maintaining and developing on the quality of the food and service they are offering to their customers. The business can simply make certain that the recipes that they involve in creating their cuisines are kept secret so that the customers find their choice of food from them and their stores only (Rajagopal, n.d.). In addition, they should look upon the aspects of services and provide more appeasing services such faster delivery system compared to their present one and the delivery system of their rivals. This would compel the consumers to avail their services instead of going to other businesses. This is due to the reason that the consumers would be able to obtain better and faster services which would in turn aid the consumers in saving good amount of time. The business for better sustainability and preserving their regular customers can incorporate subscription facilities to them. This kind of facility would facilitate the consumers to obtain various food items for their lunch or dinner as they would prefer. This would save the customer from the daily hassle of placing a delivery order each and every day (Schrank Running, 2016). They would simply be required to subscribe to a certain plan which the business would design to suit their customers taste, the business then would deliver the food to the customer on the appointed time on regular basis. The business can also provide a certain amount discount or other benefits to the customer as with this approach they would be able to heighten their customer retention. Conclusion Consumer management can be a critical task but greatly aids the businesses in sustaining their business, products and services. The more sustainability the products and services have the more success the business is capable of gaining out of it (Wang Haruvy, n.d.). This approach further requires understanding the essential business approaches like understanding the importance and aspects of sustainability, and understanding the psychographic, demographic, geographic, and behavioral factors that critical affect the business. This has been the primary focus of this paper and an effort has been made to provide an understanding on the critical subject matter. References Ang, E. Innovation and Consumer Markets.SSRN Electronic Journal. Caouette, J. Caouette, J. (2008).Managing credit risk. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Contract Pricing in Consumer Credit Markets. (2012).Econometrica,80(4), 1387-1432. Hassan, S. (2011). Strategic Competitiveness in the Globalizing Consumer Markets.Journal Of International Consumer Marketing,3(4), 7-14. Keegan, S. (2009).Qualitative research. London: Kogan Page. Lindbeck, A. Wikstrom, S. (2010). The ICT revolution in consumer product markets.Consumption Markets Culture,4(1), 77-99. Paxton, M. (2011). Company study: managing mature markets.Journal Of Consumer Marketing,8(3), 63-67. Rajagopal, D. Managing Global Brands in Bottom Line Markets.SSRN Electronic Journal. Schrank, Z. Running, K. (2016). Individualist and collectivist consumer motivations in local organic food markets.Journal Of Consumer Culture. Wang, Y. Haruvy, E. Tiers in Consumer Fractional Ownership Markets.SSRN Electronic Journal. Yesawich, P. (2014). A Market-Based Approach to Forecasting.Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly,25(3), 47-53. Yesawich, P. (2008). Planning: The Second Step in Market Development.Cornell Hotel And Restaurant Administration Quarterly,28(4), 71-81.
Monday, December 2, 2019
The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty free essay sample
The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty As the dominant philosophical school for around two thousand years in Chinese imperial history, Confucianism is always regarded as the most representative ideology of China, associated with numerous books, poems, artworks and stories that glorify Confucianism’s permeation into every corner of Chinese society. However, before Han Wudi, Confucianism was only one of those competing philosophical schools founded in Spring and Autumn period. During the Warring States period and Qin dynasty, Legalism took place of all other philosophical schools and helped King Zheng, the First Emperor, to unify China for the first time. Why Confucianism defeated Legalism as well as other philosophical schools in Han dynasty and thrived thereafter is a very interesting and important topic in Chinese history. This essay focuses on the transition from Legalism to Confucianism and elaborates the adaptation of Confucianism in the period of Han Wudi. When Han was first established by Gaozu, the country was in a mess due to the lasting wars. We will write a custom essay sample on The Daoism and the Confucianism in Han Dynasty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The industries were devastated severely, the population decreased, the peasants were in exile, the economy was backwards and the national treasury was empty. What was worse, Gaozu made a mistake by â€Å"rewarding his old comrades with large territories to govern as vassal states†, because â€Å"dispersed power proved a danger to the emperor†(Ebrey 64). Under this kind of unfavorable circumstance, the first several emperors of Han, e. g. Gaozu and Wendi, chose to govern the country without imposing too many harsh policies and consolidate the regime in a more Daoism way rather than a Confucianism way. Ebrey describes Gaozu’s and Wendi’s ideas of ruling class as the following: The first Han emperors, although prudently avoiding the harsh policies of repudiated Qin, were not partial to Confucianism. Gaozu found the Confucian scholars of his day useful primarily as formulators of court rituals that would elevate him above his erstwhile companions and keep them from getting rowdy in court. Wendi (r. 179-157 BC) favoured Daoism, finding much of value in its laissez-faire message. (77) The goal of that era was to maintain peace and harmony in the society and develop the economy to make people’s life better. Therefore, the first several emperors of Han relieved the harsh laws prescribed by Qin, reduced the taxation and solved the conflict with those nomads by conciliatory policies, e. . â€Å"wooing the Xiongnu leaders with generous gifts, including silk, rice, cash, and even imperial princesses as brides†(68). The government preferred Daoists’ laissez-faire way of ruling, which emphasized on the government’s reduced role over civilian lives and governing without action. Thus, consistent with the trend then, Daoism dominated in the early period of Han dynasty and helped Han achieve social and economical stability during Wendi’s and Jingdi’s reigns, which is called the Rule of Wen and Jing  in Chinese history. When Wendi’s grandson Wudi came to the throne, Han was very stable and prosperous. Daoism’s governing without action was not suitable for Han because Han was no longer vulnerable as before. Therefore, Wudi thought it was time for him to solidify his control over the country by centralization of authority. As Ebrey writes: Wudi set about curbing the power of princes and other lords; he confiscated the domains of over half of them on whatever pretext he could find. Moreover, he decreed that domains would have to be divided among all the lord’s heirs, thus guaranteeing that they would diminish in sized with each passing generation. (64) By impairing the power of vassal states, Wudi implemented his centralization over the whole country. Moreover, in economy, Wudi â€Å"curbed the power of great merchants†by â€Å"gaining new sources of revenue through his state monopolies and commercial taxes; in foreign relations, he â€Å"was especially aggressive, revising the early conciliatory policies†(65). However, it is always easy to start the process of centralization but difficult to maintain the state of centralization. Faced with this knotty problem, Wudi adopted Confucianism, which underlined â€Å"the moral basis of superior-subordinate relations, appreciating that in the long run the ruler would achieve his goals more easily and economically when his subordinates viewed their relationship with the ruler in moral terms of loyalty and responsibility†(65). In fact, Han’s Confucianism is not the same as the Confucianism during the period of the Spring and Autumn or Warring States.
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