Monday, September 30, 2019
Education †teacher Essay
Education Many people in the world think that education is an absolutely wonderful thing and that its necessary by all means. Yes it is a good thing and is needed to be more successful but it is not necessary by all means. Education can set you up to be more success and in the long run make more money but also it can take away from the importance of outside experiences and street smarts. As school goes on it even becomes less enjoyable because its more of the things that they believe is what needs to be taught and not what the student is interested in. In many students’ opinions, most classes they take in college and even high school provide them with no type of worthy knowledge or experience for the real world. It is there to just suck money from you and act as almost like a filler. Throughout high school, the material learned often looks past fiscal obligations and real life challenges. In high school, most courses tend to deal with complex mathematics and scientific equations that the average American citizen wouldn’t dream of using in their daily routine. Most intellect that is used is often the simple knowledge that we acquired in elementary. Who has gone to the supermarket and whipped out a calculus equation? Who needed a scientific formula to mow their lawn? Usually the common individual doesn’t think about mnemonic devices, hominems, or other mnemonic devices that supposedly help us speak the english language. We just think what we want to say and in a matter of milliseconds what our brain has processed is out of our mouths. Personally, education began to become uninteresting as soon as Freshman year started. They started to give us all the unnecessary formulas and equations that mean nothing in the real world around this time. This is more of the system’s fault, not even as much as the teachers as you may think. The system comes up with all of these special requirements and expectations that we must achieve to graduate or move on to the next grade level. For example, you needed to take a public speaking class which some people might not need at all in life, or already might be a great speaker and then the class will just be another filler wasting your time. In this time you could be learning something useful to you or your overall well being. Another problem is the teachers. Not every teacher, but a good portion. Especially the teachers that don’t care about their students and you can tell they don’t. They’re just there for the money and nothing else. They’ll go through slide after slide of information and you sit there and write it all down in your notebook. That is not the way to teach because yes, there might be some students that like to learn that way and understand. But there are also at least a couple others in the class that don’t really know what’s going on and are just basically writing down words on the paper that almost mean nothing. Another thing that can be a problem is when teachers don’t connect with their students or try to mix in a little fun here and there. That’s what you need to keep the interest of a student on point. Throw a curveball in there every so often. Instead of taking notes one day, conduct a whole class activity or show some videos that pertain to the lesson or information you’ve been reviewing. Don’t think that it’s completely the teacher’s fault that students aren’t interested or involved. Some of the blame is to be put on students themselves! Most students don’t even bother to try to get involved or learn the material. You need to at least put forth some effort in whatever you do to be successful in it. So you cannot say that you are failing a class purely off the teacher or because the material. Because if you tried to learn and understand or talk to the teacher about it, half the the time you’d find yourself in a much better position than were you previously started. As stated before most think that education is a necessity in life by any means, it is not. It is still important and can affect how the outcome of your life will play out though. You will find that most young adults and individuals who do not attend school will end up in bad situations with not as good jobs, cars, houses, etc. But this is not all because they didn’t have a good education. Yes it may have helped but there are so many other factors that play into a persons life that you can’t go and say just because the education wasnt there is the sole reason that they ended up how they did. At most you could say that it played a major role. Overall education is still a very important thing but is not completely needed to be success by any means. There are a good amount of things that are wrong with the education these days, but then again there are also a plentiful amount of things that are very good about it. In conclusion education has things wrong with it at every level from the highest ranked individual in the system, to the teachers who teach and lecture, and even to the students who are there to learn and try to comprehend it all. Everyone along the line needs to try a little harder and rethink how to approach education altogether!
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Clinical Reflection Essay
The first three weeks in my clinical placement at Facility, I have already gained a lot of practical experience that is different from what I am familiar with. During our orientation at the facility, we met the nurse manager of the third floor who is courteous enough to share a little bit of information about working in the facility and how the system works in the long- term care facility. The nurse manager even told us, that she is also an international educated nurse. Knowing this has inspired me to become successful in my chosen career. After the orientation, our group was divided into two and we were given directions on which wing we will be assigned. There were three of us in my group, and each one of us was assigned to a resident attendant. We were given instructions to just shadow and observe on how things are being done during the first three hours of the resident attendant’s shift. Since I had the experience in a long-term care facility, I am familiar with some of the procedures and routines that are being done by the Personal Support Worker (PSW). That being said, I could say that I was comfortable in assisting the resident attendant/ PSW in providing nursing care to the clients. Although I was familiar and comfortable with the setting of a long-term care facility, I still felt anxious on how I can provide the best care possible for the residents. In this clinical placement, I have learned that being too comfortable and excited is not always a good thing especially for a student. Because of my eagerness to learn new things, I was not able to pay attention on the sign that was posted in a clients’ room. The client was in isolation for contact precaution. The incident happened while I was walking at the hallway and the client called my attention by waving her hand. It made me think that she needed help and I immediately came to her aid without even looking at the sign. The PSW saw me going out from the clients’ room and told me right away that I should not be in the clients’ room without any personal protection equipment (PPE). I suddenly realized that I broke a policy that is highly implemented in every healthcare facility, and that is the â€Å"Infection Control†. My teacher saw what happened and reminded me about the rules in the facility. I apologized and owned up to my mistake. I was embarrassed of what I have done, but also I have learned something that I will never forget. I have learned to be more aware and attentive of my surroundings. As a nurse, I should be one-step ahead, especially when it comes to clients’ safety. I almost put the client at risk by not following the directives on the precaution signs posted on the door of the resident. It may be the risk that I don’t know that I could actually cause greater harm, for this reason I need to be more vigilant and use practice routines in all patient care activities.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Technology and the mind Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technology and the mind - Essay Example One gadget receiving the greatest use the world over is the mobile phone for its communicative importance. Psychologists have expressed concern on grooving excessive use and addiction to mobile phone in today’s society which comes with negative health ramifications. Some scientists have also opined this growing to technology aided by communication gadgets hinders our scientific abilities as people tend consume just what has been made available instead of thinking deeply and innovatively. in other words technology is making us more lazy in terms of thinking critically problematic use of some technologies such as the mobile phone is significantly interfering with quality of life negatively. The amount of time spent on the phone is not the real problem with technology but the need to stay connected. This could be the core reason as to the addiction being witnessed. The response by individuals when their phone is removed is another important cue. Most will show signs such as anxiety, depression and withdrawal if their access to technology is removed. studies in Japan on children who posses phones has shown they are less likely to befriend peers who are not savvy, while another in one in Britain shows that 36% of students in colleges are not able to survive with their phones. According to Sheffield quoted in (Birdwell, 2007) â€Å"The most shocking figure was that 7 percent said the use of mobile phones had caused them to lose a relationship or a job.†On the hand there those who oppose the argument that technology is detrimental to the mind. Their position is based on the fact that technology is being used by all scientists in their work, it continues to enhance life in every area. E-mail, PowerPoint presentations, the internet, mobile phones and other technologies they argue are part and parcel of any scientist’s life. They agree to the notion that information overload may cause
Friday, September 27, 2019
The Twentieth Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Twentieth Century - Essay Example Not only does Kathe continue to teach art, she also explores different forms of art such as sketching, sculptures and self portraits. After spending a life dedicated to art, Kathe passes away just before the end of the war in 1945. Answer – Kathe’s prints and her drawings allow viewers to feel the emotion that she was portraying. Many of her pieces have a strong feeling and an apparent view of what she is trying to convey. Manu of Kathe’s prints and drawings capture real life situations. Her self -portraits are very satisfying and capture what many may have been feeling during that time. Her drawings are an exact match as to what was happening in the early 1900’s, as they show war, fear and sadness that many felt. Although a large portion of her work focuses on sadness in life, her art that shows life’s happiness is able to capture life’s most treasured moments. Many sculptures and drawings radiate life, happiness and joy. Answer- Although many of Kollwitz’s art are breathtaking, the piece that I have the strongest reaction to is the Mà ¼tter, 1919. This drawing seems to represent a lot of feeling. Each person in the drawing has their own expression. The expression is different for each individual but still portrays the same message. Some elements in the piece that allow me to have such a strong reaction are the way the adults are holding the children. They have a look of determination as well as fear while they protect their children. I respond to the piece so greatly as it represents what many families were going through during that era and it is an interpretation of real life. 1. Engage Pollock’s statement that â€Å"the modern painter cannot express this age †¦ in the old forms of the Renaissance or any other past culture.†What in this picture speaks specifically to mid-twentieth-century American culture? Answer- The statement made by Jackson is an accurate statement and example of why Jackson has taken on a
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Health, Safety and Security in the Salon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Health, Safety and Security in the Salon - Essay Example The staff can pose health risks to clients when they use wet hands in washing the hair and when working with wet hair. The clients and the staffs normally suffer from dermatitis, increased skin sensitivity and severely dry skin. The use of wet hands in delivering the services to customers occurs when there is no usage of non latex gloves by the staff. In addition, the staff may not have necessary training to dry their hands thoroughly and to reduce the moisture when handling wet hair. Further, the staffs are not provided with non perfumed hand cream to ensure that their hands are dry (Green, 2004). Hair dressing products and chemicals also pose safety and health risks to clients and to the staff. Lightening bleach products may cause eye or skin irritation to the staff and clients. This is due to the purchasing of dusty bleaches and their usage in the salon. Dusty bleaches affect the health of clients and the staff because they lead to breathing allergies and irritation. Other chemicals such as hydrogen peroxide used as a developer or neutralizer may also cause eye or skin irritation if not used well by the staff. This is due to the inability to use the recommended concentrations. Hydrogen peroxide may also be stored closer to light, heat and other products. Further, oxidative colorants also cause eye and skin irritation to the workers in the salon as well as the clients. Wrong usage of oxidative colorants is due to the inability of the staff to check the customer history of allergy so as to prevent damage to the scalp.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Paraphrase Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Paraphrase - Article Example gement competencies are based upon two factors: (1) a process can never get managed properly if the developer is not familiar with it; and, (2) the develop should well understand the business and culture behind the project. The PMBOK Project Competencies Table, which lists 20 competencies, defines these points in detail. Out of these 20, 12 competencies come with business experience; 5 can be achieved through combining business experience with training; 2 can be achieved through training; while, 1 requires project experience. No competency needs IT know-how. Hence, the most significant pre-requisite is professional business experience. So, assuming business experience as the most important, and that the candidates’ qualifications and individual capabilities are alike, you would eliminate both the IT manager and the recent graduate as good candidates. Your recommendation should be to hire such an individual who has extensive business experience, which should be enhanced through training. He should be encouraged to lead smaller projects in order to get familiarized with the process, before handing him over the mission-critical project. The second priority recommendation is to go for a candidate who has both business and project management
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Presentation of the Figure of the Slave in the Romance Era Essay
Presentation of the Figure of the Slave in the Romance Era - Essay Example Through his ability to quote John Milton and the Bible, important secular and religious books, he surprised the public with its high literary quality and caused many to seriously question what they'd been told. Approximately ten years after Equiano's work was published, Robert Southeby wrote his poem "The Sailor Who Had Served in the Slave Trade." The poem captures the essence of a lost soul dealing with the guilt of his past treatment of slaves, for his failure to recognize them as humans and also God's chosen creatures. By exposing the progression of the lost sailor's great sin, Southeby provides a glimpse into the general attitudes of the British people, showing a strong shift in understanding from the past to Southeby's present. Both works make use of contrasts to combat common beliefs that Africans were a separate species more like animals by showing them instead to have equal or greater intellectual capacity, to have a civilized frame of mind, and to be included within the Chri stian framework of existence. Evidence of Intellectual Capacity Just the idea that he was able to write his own story, without requiring someone else to transcribe what he said, made Equaino different from many other former slaves whose stories have been immortalized. While all surviving stories of slave experiences are considered valuable: "Their literacy, accompanied with their position as former slaves, provides their narratives with an added sense of authenticity and authority on the subject of the slave trade" (Gunn, 2007: 6), Equiano's was different. He did it with such a high degree of skill that the British, expecting to find a relatively amateur accounting, instead found themselves fully engaged in a thrilling story of adventure... Taken together, Equiano and Southeby provide a clear way to look at the prevailing attitudes and beliefs about slaves at that time. They do this by exploring concepts of individual intellectual pursuit, culture and society, and their characters' position within the framework of the Christian church. Equiano proved he was an intelligent individual, capable of expressing himself to the most educated of English society with skill and persuasively, when he wrote his book. He brought into question whether Africans could be trained to be on a par with white people intellectually speaking, which further questioned whether Africans were truly an inferior, more animal species. Although Southeby's sailor hadn't thought it strange that slaves were flogged to death on a regular basis on the slave ships and had to be forced to touch the slaves in order to make them eat before, he changes his mind after the murder. He is a creature of feelings and emotions, acting on base elements of dominance as he follows through on his captain's orders. Similarly, Equiano shows his society back in Africa to be highly organized and quite civilized, including a rich strand of the arts interwoven into daily life, as compared to the brutality and force depicted in Southeby's world.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Dissertation - 1
Evaluating ICT Use in Teaching Dyslexic Students in the Mainstream Primary Schools in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example 4Study Sample 40 3. 5Ethics 40 3. 6Administration of the Questionnaire 42 3. 7Conclusion 42 Chapter 4: Result and Analysis 43 4.1.Introduction 43 4.2.Response Rate 43 4.3.Characteristics of the Study Sample (Demographic Data) 44 4..2.1.1Academic Qualifications 44 4..2.2.1Major 45 4..2.3.1Minor Major 46 4..2.4.1Teaching Experience 47 4..2.5.1ICT Training 48 60 4.4.Discussion 83 Chapter 6 Conclusion 88 6.1Achievements of the Study 88 6.2Implications for practice 88 6.3Strengths and weaknesses in the study 91 6.4Implications for further research 92 References 94 Abstract Since the introduction of computers in schools in 1970s the role of computers has progressed form tutor to topic to tool. Today, information and computer technology (ICT) has far reaching implications in every sphere of life. Education and learning process have achieved new dimensions with the integration of ICT in the process. It is of special significance for teaching of children with special needs since these student s are characterized by deficits that have adverse impacts on their academic performance. Among the learning disabilities, one of the major causes of concern is dyslexia due to its high prevalence and multivariant manifestation and is characterized by marked reading disability. Use of ICT based intervention strategies have shown potential for overcoming these deficits. Integration of ICT to learning renders the teacher training for ICT imperative. The current study attempts to investigate the availability and integration of ICT resources for the education of regular and dyslexic students in Saudi Arabia and the perceptions of teachers regarding its efficacy for the purpose. The study involved participants from primary schools of Riyadh, KSA who were provided questionnaires comprising of close ended questions on their educational qualifications, experience and ICT training; use and availability of ICT related hardware and software; and their opinion regarding the efficacy and obstacle s in the use of ICT. Significant results from the quantitative research proved a positive correlation existed between ICT training and efficacy of ICT as an educational tool; thus indicating the importance of teacher training in influencing teachers’ perception and usage of ICT. ICT AND DYSLEXIA For people without disabilities, technology makes things convenient; for people with disabilities†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦it makes things POSSIBLE. (Treviranus, 2000) Chapter 1: Introduction This chapter introduces use of information and communication technology (ICT) for education of students with dyslexia and the importance of study of various aspects of dyslexia for an individual as well as a teacher. In order to achieve this aim, the chapter attempts to outline the rationale behind the study, followed by an update on special education status with special attention to Saudi Arabia as the researcher’s country of residence as well as United Kingdom (UK); researcher residing in UK for the major part of the research process. Finally the chapter outlines the aims of the research along with the various objectives followed to achieve the aims. 1.1 Introduction The last two decades have witnessed tremendous advances in information and c
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Managerial policy in HM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Managerial policy in HM - Essay Example Many people continue to refer to the discipline by its older, more traditional titles, such as, personnel management. The trend is changing. The new term nowadays used in industry circles is HRM. Its significance lies not so much in the observable practice of its functions but in the assumption that it permits practitioners to make. The assumption are that - (i) it is capable of contributing to, and drawing from, the highest levels of managerial policy; (ii) It is driven by both strategic and operation goals; (iii) It conceives of the organization as an environment in which managerial discretion is permitted freer ruin than in a more traditional employment relationship; (iv) employee attachment and engagement in the organization are seen and accepted as major managerial responsibilities which are not moderated by external bodies such as trade unions. What is more interesting is the fact that HRM activities are now expected to contribute to organizational effectiveness. Looking at the broader perspective of HRM policy within organization, HR practitioners and academicians are also of the opinion that by aligning HR policies and practices with business strategies, the field of HRM can become a greater strategic contributor to organizational performance and success (Mathis and Jackson). HRM, its concepts definition, study and application have d... Secondly, the unity and diversity of these models serve as initial inputs in drafting tailor made HRM model for organizations. Thirdly, these models offer answers to quite a few dilemmas that practitioner encounter in their mission to pursuer an organizationally dove tailed and business aligned human resource function. The focus of HRM is on keeping the optimal quantity and quality of people needed to achieve the objective of the organization. HRM first emerge as a concept in the mid-1980 when American researchers produced two models. One of the model is called Harvard model developed by Beer et al. (1984), who defined HRM as that which maximizes organizational integration, employee commitment, flexibility and quality of work. They emphasized a need for coherence in HRM policies and role of the line managers. But it is the Harvard Model that has exerted considerable influence over the theory and practice of HRM. Harvard Model of HRM: The type of HRM policies and practices an organization prefers should be dependent upon its organizational vision, mission, strategy, Goals and objective. In quite a few cases, such HR practices shall also be devised and adopted in time with external environment of organizations. In other words, HR policies and practices are subject to influence by internal and external environment of organizations. Harvard model of HRM propounded by Michael Beer, Richard Walton, Quinn mills, P. Lawrence and Bert Spector highlighted this influence of environment on HRM is their book titled Managing human Assets published in 1984. This model also known as soft model of HRM / Harvard Map of HRM / multiple stakeholders model, argues that human resource policies are to be influenced by two significant considerations: (1) Situational factors: The
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Assessing Your Company for Noble Cause Essay Example for Free
Assessing Your Company for Noble Cause Essay In the past few years, dramatic change has been observed in the ways that are being used for completing a job, as it is not difficult to find and keep great employees in the company. An overall shift in workplace values has been raised, which is a fact, and which, has changed the ways that were used to perform and complete the work by the employees. In this regard, it is very important to understand the abovementioned shift, in order to build a strong company, while saving on the payroll. Some other factors have played a vital role in changing the attitude of these employees, as well as, their values in the company. The trend of global market is one of the factors, by which, the position of potency of the employees have been strapped securely. In addition, worker empowerment and change in demographics have also played a crucial role in thrusting so-called knowledge workers in the front seats of the company. The need of a better work and life balance has also tends the career to be sacrificed by the employees in this determination. Traditionally, turnover has been stemming by the offering of incentives, such as, promotions, raises, etc. by the companies. However, a more organic crop of incentives has been turned by the human resource directors forcefully. Some of the reasons of this change have been the global competition and wages, which have rise significantly in the past years. In addition, hierarchies have collapsed and the promotion pool has shrunk in these years. Wise companies will not let any short-term downturn alter their efforts to become one of the most desirable places to work†as suggested by a West Coast-based retention strategist and speaker, John B. Izzo. (Withers, 2001) Demographics cannot be changed by the human resource directors. However, the employer-employee power dynamic, which is being affected by the fourth factor, can be responded by the companies today. Lines are now being drawn in the sand, as an increment has been observed in the risk of burnout tenfold by the working of longer hours and less leisure time of the employees. In this regard, a pace of change unprecedented in history is being faced by the workers in companies. It has been observed that self-identity is being tied up with the work identity by today’s workers, as shown in different studies. Instead, work and leisure is being tried to balance with the help of different ways that are being explored by these workers. In this regard, shifting of the values of these workers has been observed discernibly. The ways are intensifying, which are being implemented by the workers, in order to achieve their personal goals. In this regard, great staff is being found, kept, and engaged with the help of following strategies: Practical situations and offers should be made to the employees with the regard to the improvement and enhancement of their work and life balance. A sense of a deeper cause should be promoted for the employees. Different opportunities related to the professional development and growth of the employees should be offered. Employees should be treat like partners rather than treating them as servants. A community should be created in the workplace, in order to help workers in their office work, as well as, their homework. Trust should be rebuilt with the workers in every way. Suggestions for Companies An initial assessment has been designed from the following statements regarding the way an organization and its departments are doing in response to the procedures of search for employees with perspective of a noble cause. Thinking will be guided from this assessment, however, no definitive quantitative appraisal will be provided by it. A scale has also been provided to asses the statement regarding your work environment. The deeper meaning of the product or a service has been described by a statement of the company. For instance, human life has been improved and preserved, people are made happy at home, etc. (It ‘Yes’ is the answer, but, it is rare, then 1 point should be assigned. If the statement is real and applied often, then 3 points should be tallied). Company provides opportunities regarding the different volunteerism and community services to the employees. (If the opportunities have been provided by the company, then 1 point should be given. If training and encouragement is given to the employees, then 2 points should be given. If payment is given to the employees who participate in these activities, then give 3 points) . The people are inspired by higher ethics, in order to perform the right thing with the help of a set of values in the company. (If a set of values is in the organization, but it is rarely applied, then give 1 point. If these values have been employed, and ensuring methods have been implemented, then 3 points should be given. If such a statement is in the company, but the values are not observed by the company, and it has become a joke for the employees, then subtract 2 points) . In the community, a reputation regarding the commitment has been gained by the company with regard to the larger community. (one point) . Profits are not considered the only way of presenting the results of the company. However, the people who have been impact by the services of the company are often presented during large company meetings. (If these habits are performed by the company, then 1 point should be given. If services are given stronger preference over profits, then 3 points should be given) .
Friday, September 20, 2019
Online Shopping Environments In Developing Countries
Online Shopping Environments In Developing Countries Chapter 1: Introduction and context The emergence of online shopping as an alternative to the traditional shopping model has become a global phenomenon. According to Karake-Shalhoub Qasimi (2006: 4), consumers in both the developed and developing countries have moved with speed and glee to take up this opportunity to enhance the shopping experience and benefit from the ensuing benefits. In spite of the growing number of internet users and frequency of internet use among the current users, there exist variations on the global scale, with most of these variations closely related to the intrinsic features of the local environment. In a study by Alam, et al. (2008), over 600 million individuals have used this model; with the e-commerce market having surpasses $228bn as at 2007, with the projections for placing the figure at $320bn. The increased usage of online shopping is clearly written in the features of the model, with the advantages cutting across shoppers of all ages and demographics. In most cases socio-economic, cultural, political and infrastructural aspects of the environment contributes to the trajectory taken by the spread of online shopping by consumers within a specific geographical location. Studies by Zwass (1999); Wolcott, et. al. (2001) and Travica (2002) cited in Efendioglu, Yip Murray (n.d), indicated that infrastructural differences were the main sources of disparity between the consumption of online shopping services across difference environments. Other studies (Mcknight et al, 1998 and Lee Turban, 2001) have indicated that the cultural and socio-economic factors that have significant influence on online shopping with far reaching impact on the uptake of online shopping by the consumers in the developing countries. In this study, we take an insightful research into the online shopping environment in the developing countries. Environmental factors have a significant influence on the attitudes and behaviors of consumers, and the main focus of the investigation will be environment in china and how its influence on the online shopping aspects of the Chinese population. Through a quantitative and qualitative analysis, the research will depict the acceptance and diffusion of online shopping in China. Research aims and objectives The research objective was the exploration of the facets of the environment in china, with a critical investigation of their influence on online shopping. Just like in any other developing country, there are numerous factors that influence the choice of shopping model, with the availability of online shopping facilities being the most prominent. As a result, this study will depict the environmental factors that influence the consumption of internet services as well as the factors influencing the decision of sellers and retailers to offer online shopping services. The most prominent research questions include: * How online shopping environment affects customers behaviour? * How online shopping can contribute to promoting social and economic development? * In China and other developing countries, what problems are online shopping have and how to improve it? Chapter 2: Literature review The growing demand for better services by both consumers and shoppers have driven retailers and sellers to invent an endless number of models, each bearing a certain set of advantages of the preceding one. According to research by Alam Yasin (2010), success in rolling out online shopping facilities is depended on the acceptability of these factors, availability of enabling infrastructures and technical elements as well as positive customer attitude towards the internet as an avenue towards satisfaction of certain needs and wants. According to Alam Yasin (2010) the overriding need to ensure customer satisfaction as a way of enhancing customer loyalty remains the most prominent reason behind implementation of strategies in a business. Online shopping, just the traditional model, relies on the ability of the seller to attract and retain customers, thereby augmenting his returns. In most developing countries, the consumption of IT is complicated and hampered by the concentration of SMEs, which remain unviable options for online shopping as indicated by Olajubu, Afolabi Ajayi (2009). In the business-to-customer (B2C) model, online shopping culminates in the purchasing, selling and exchange of products facilitated by computer networks (internet), with electronic settlement of the transactions. Numerous models have been proposed to aid in analysis of consumer behavior in response to introduction of novel ICT structures. The most common include Rogers Diffusion model (Lawson, 2000), the perceived characteristics of innovation (Sideridis, 2010: 67), the reason action theory, the planned behavior theory (Mendes et al, 2004: 58) and the model for technological acceptance (Liu Ye, 2001: 336). Infrastructural aspects of online shopping have a significant influence on the ability of individuals to access the goods and complete the transactions as indicated by Teo, Wang, Leong, (2004). In the developing countries, economic development or underdevelopment has significantly contributed to the slow uptake of online shopping as an option, with most individuals preferring the traditional model. The lack of connectivity and communication infrastructure necessary for implementation of online services by the shoppers limits their choices, while making it an unviable option since only a small number of individuals will be willing and able to utilize the model in most cases, online shopping in developing counties has surfaced as a strategy for a select few categories of goods, limited to a small number of locations where the consumption of internet is significantly reliable. Even in those location, most individuals have not yet fully grasped and appreciated the intricacies of online shopping, thereby leading to the part-consumption of the service. As indicated by Wang (2003) the key determinants of success or failure depends on the quality of the services on offer and value-addition capabilities of the model in application. In addition to price and online presence, online shoppers are also in search for quality services, and a reason not to prefer the traditional shopping model over the online model. This originates from change in the attitudes of the individuals towards online shopping, mainly hinged on the ensuing trust on the part of the customers (Lee Turban, 2001). The numerous barriers to development of trust in the business to customer platform are closely related to the online shopping environment, which originated from the differences in both models as observed by Wang (2003). The environmental factors to be concern about include the political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental issues (Teo, Wang, Leong, 2004). Each of these factors has an overriding influence on the ability of consumers to utilize the internet for shopping as well as the availability of the goods online. The unavailability of case work and sufficient information to base the assessments regarding the spread in online shopping and retailing is the most prominent hindrance as observed by Findlay, Paddison Dawson (1990: 106) Developing countries have found it necessary to embrace technology as a way of measuring up to the steepening competition on the global scale. The increased competition by the global business unit has made it necessary for every business to avoid passing up on any opportunity to increase and retain its market share. As a result, it has become common for retailers and sellers to avail any kind of service to the consumers, in order to improve their current and future earnings. According to, online shopping is not a silver bullet to improvement in earnings. As indicated by the numerous failed ventures and organizations which relied on online shopping as a core strategic move to improve earnings, there is more to offering the goods and service online. According to Kamel (2006: 70), technological aspects of online shopping are a major aspect of the online shopping environment. Over the past decade, the number of individuals using the internet for day to day chores has increased tremendously, making it impossible for most individuals to operate without the internet. In the developing countries, investment in online service and communication infrastructure is still in its initial stages. However, the number of individuals consuming internet services grows by the day and for a country like China, it is true to postulate that there are a substantial number of internet users to warrant investment on e-commerce by businesses. In addition to shopping for goods and services, numerous individuals will be searching for information, making it a widely used service. The quality of online services such as website features (Shergill Chen, 2005) and home page design (Ho Wu, 1999) were observed to influence the consumers ability to choose online shopping. Political factors also influence the spread of online shopping practices in a developing country. Political structures influence the trajectory of development and availability of resources as well as public policy, which affects the availability of investments in the necessary sectors. As a result, political influence is a major contributor to prevalence of online shopping in a country, especially the developing countries where political structures are either underdeveloped or absent completely. As observed by Wilson (III.) (2004: 223 )â€Å"the new technologies have influenced social behavior, accelerated entrepreneurism, enhanced transparency and promoted new ideas.yet the market is substantially driven by competitive jockeying among powerful groups in agencies, ministries, government-owned companies and private bodies, including ISPs and ICPS.†Their influence on the spread of online shopping is undeniable, with the supply-side and demand factors culminating from their acti ons. Social factors influence the attitudes and perception of individuals. According to Efendioglu, Yip Murray (n.d), the long-standing preference of off-line transaction systems have a significant influence on the ability of individuals to migrate to the online facilities. Having served the needs of most individuals for long these off-line models, such as telephone and catalogue sales pose a threat to the implementation of the online shopping owing to their ability to provide the same level of perceived utility, in addition to having inculcated transition trust and the opportunity to socialize, as it is customary in China and other developing countries. As a result, the robotization of the shopping process is bound to conflict with the contemporary perception of the shopping process. According to McKinnon et al (2010: 327), success depends on establishment of online presence by the prospective consumers, and consequently adoption of the new shopping model. Chakrabati (2002: 81) posited that not all goods were suited for online shopping. The type of products on offer and on demand also influenced the spread of online shopping. The Study by Kamel (2006: 66) revealed that developing countries only account for 18.5% of the digitized information, which is small percentage as compared to the rest of the world. Consumption of infrastructural components has an influence on the environment, owing to the increased generation of e-waste (Zwass, 1996). Lack of disposal mechanisms of such wastes in addition to the increased need for energy to power the systems is bound to influence the environment. With each home having an internet connection, there originates the need for increased generation of energy thereby necessitating development of policies to address the environmental impact. Karake-Shalhoub Qasimi (2006: 209) and Kamel (2006: 71) noted that the legal quagmires facing cyber space still dog the developing countries, where legal systems are faced with numerous challenges. The inability to develop sufficient laws regarding conduct in cyber space to match the laws govern the real space is directly attributable to the inability of most individuals to take up online shopping as a viable alternative to traditional shopping. According to Wilson (III) (2004: 300) and Anwer et al. (2010) the unique nature of the internet presents real challenges even for developed countries, with policy agenda lacking with regard to privacy, security, protection of online consumers, electronic signatures, domestic and international trade as well as taxation matters. Chapter 3: Methodology The research will comprise of a qualitative and quantitative analysis. Through the use of a 25-question questionnaire, data will be gathered from a selected sample of 200 individuals. The data gathered will be analyzed through statistic means and presented in both tabular and graphical terms. Inferences from the data will be used in the generation of findings and conclusions. Chapter 4ÃÆ' ¯Ã‚ ¼Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡Practicalities The developing economies form a significant portion of the global market place. The immense number of consumers presents a potential market for goods and services, from both developed and developing markets. Rational consumers in search of maximization of utility are bound to prefer the most efficient model and the source of value addition, thereby making it imperative to understand the intrinsic nature of online shopping and the environment in developing countries. This research will present an insight into the challenges and successes of introducing online shopping to China, classified as a developing country, with sufficient data and information to provide guidelines applicable to other developing countries. The inferences and recommendations originating from this research are adaptable to other developing countries with slight customization to cater for differences in environments in the countries in question. Chapter 5ÃÆ' ¯Ã‚ ¼Ãƒâ€¦Ã‚ ¡Ethical aspects Owing to the necessity for human participation in the research, ethical issues arose regarding the conduct of the data collection process as well as the use of the findings from the study. As a rule, any data, information and assertions made by the targeted sample was to be used solely for the current project with strict privacy rules. The data collected through questionnaires was to be done on a basis of anonymity of the individuals, thereby making it impossible to tie the responses to a specific individual. Since the assertions made in the study were to be utilized in formulation of conclusions and recommendation, it was deemed representative of the situation and true to the knowledge of the individual. For this reason, the study was to be carried under strict adherence to the Universitys policy regarding research involving Human Participants, data and Tissue.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essay
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer comments on moral corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. He criticizes many high-ranking members of the Church and describes a lack of morality in medieval society; yet in the â€Å"Retraction,†Chaucer recants much of his work and pledges to be true to Christianity. Seemingly opposite views exist within the â€Å"Retraction†and The Canterbury Tales. However, this contradiction does not weaken Chaucer’s social commentary. Rather, the â€Å"Retraction†emphasizes Chaucer’s criticism of the Church and society in The Canterbury Tales by reinforcing the risk inherent in doing so. In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer portrays the Roman Catholic Church as an institution in which corruption runs rampant. Chaucer attacks almost all of the pilgrims who are officials of the Church. For example, in â€Å"The General Prologue,†the Prioress is â€Å"so charitable and so pitous†that she feeds her lapdogs â€Å"With rosted flessh, or milk and wastelbreed†(143, 147). However, considering the impoverished condition of many people during the Middle Ages, would it not be more charitable for the Prioress to give meat, milk and bread to the poor, instead of to her dogs? Furthermore, the Friar breaks the Franciscan vows of poverty, chastity and service. Instead of helping lepers and beggars, the Friar â€Å"knew [knows] the tavernes wel in every town, / And every hostiler and tappestere†(GP 241-2). The Friar is also wealthy from the profits of bribed confessions; he dresses not like a poor Franciscan should, but â€Å"lik a maister or a pope†(GP 263). The Pardoner also admits and even boasts about his own hypocritical morals. He explains that the relics he sells are fake, along with the absolutions he gi... ... the presence of corruption within the Church; the personal interests of the Wife of Bath, the Franklin, and even the Sergeant at Law reflect the effects of the Church in society. The stark contrast between the devout tone of the â€Å"Retraction†and the critical tone of The Canterbury Tales highlight Chaucer’s commentary on the corruption of the Church. The â€Å"Retraction†reminds the reader of the severe consequences of opposing the Church during the Middle Ages. Chaucer’s profession of faith, which appears so out of context in comparison to many aspects of The Canterbury Tales, actually reinforces the theme of corruption within the Roman Catholic Church and within society. Separately, the â€Å"Retraction†and The Canterbury Tales give contrasting views of medieval life; together, they create a unified account of individual immorality caused by corruption of the Church. Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales Essay -- Chaucer Canterbury Tales Essay Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales In The Canterbury Tales, Geoffrey Chaucer comments on moral corruption within the Roman Catholic Church. He criticizes many high-ranking members of the Church and describes a lack of morality in medieval society; yet in the â€Å"Retraction,†Chaucer recants much of his work and pledges to be true to Christianity. Seemingly opposite views exist within the â€Å"Retraction†and The Canterbury Tales. However, this contradiction does not weaken Chaucer’s social commentary. Rather, the â€Å"Retraction†emphasizes Chaucer’s criticism of the Church and society in The Canterbury Tales by reinforcing the risk inherent in doing so. In The Canterbury Tales Chaucer portrays the Roman Catholic Church as an institution in which corruption runs rampant. Chaucer attacks almost all of the pilgrims who are officials of the Church. For example, in â€Å"The General Prologue,†the Prioress is â€Å"so charitable and so pitous†that she feeds her lapdogs â€Å"With rosted flessh, or milk and wastelbreed†(143, 147). However, considering the impoverished condition of many people during the Middle Ages, would it not be more charitable for the Prioress to give meat, milk and bread to the poor, instead of to her dogs? Furthermore, the Friar breaks the Franciscan vows of poverty, chastity and service. Instead of helping lepers and beggars, the Friar â€Å"knew [knows] the tavernes wel in every town, / And every hostiler and tappestere†(GP 241-2). The Friar is also wealthy from the profits of bribed confessions; he dresses not like a poor Franciscan should, but â€Å"lik a maister or a pope†(GP 263). The Pardoner also admits and even boasts about his own hypocritical morals. He explains that the relics he sells are fake, along with the absolutions he gi... ... the presence of corruption within the Church; the personal interests of the Wife of Bath, the Franklin, and even the Sergeant at Law reflect the effects of the Church in society. The stark contrast between the devout tone of the â€Å"Retraction†and the critical tone of The Canterbury Tales highlight Chaucer’s commentary on the corruption of the Church. The â€Å"Retraction†reminds the reader of the severe consequences of opposing the Church during the Middle Ages. Chaucer’s profession of faith, which appears so out of context in comparison to many aspects of The Canterbury Tales, actually reinforces the theme of corruption within the Roman Catholic Church and within society. Separately, the â€Å"Retraction†and The Canterbury Tales give contrasting views of medieval life; together, they create a unified account of individual immorality caused by corruption of the Church.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Use of Allegory and Symbols in William Goldgings Lord of the Flies Es
Use of Allegory and Symbols in William Goldging's Lord of the Flies          William Golding's Lord of the Flies allegorically shows the good and evil that co-exists in every human being. Each character and symbol renders this possible by what it represents. Ralph and Jack allegorically represent opposing political forces: Jack as the dictator or fascist and Ralph as the prototype of a democratic leader. The island represents the archetypal garden and the conch shell represents power. Golding uses British schoolboys to show progressive degeneration and to prove that a little bit of evil exists in all of us. Each of these symbols aid in proving that we all have some evil in our hearts.    Ralph begins the story as a carefree boy who does not understand the tragedy befallen upon the boys. Ralph soon realizes a need for authority and becomes the true leader of the boys. He represents a democratic leader and a traditional form of government. To enforce a parliamentary procedure, he uses to conch shell. It symbolizes power and authority. No boys are aloud to speak at a meeting without holding the conch. He symbolizes the exact opposite of Jack; his evil and rage remain well hidden which aides in keeping peace on the island for most of the time. In one scene, when Jack and Ralph are brought together physically after Jack refuses to help build the huts, Golding seems to prepare the way for a larger contrast of two life-views as he opposes Jack-the-hunter to Ralph-the-builder. Ralph also helps to bridge the world of his common sense and Piggy's intelligence. Golding's comparisons are reminiscent of moral allegories. Ralph could not defend civilized ideals without his sidekick Piggy's insightful ideas.    Pig... ... parachutist symbolizes as the past, the legacy taught by history, which the older generation always expects the younger generation to accept and follow. It could also represent the wellspring of evil, which becomes manifest most obviously in the act of one man killing another. Perhaps it represents fallen man, whom Simon later redeems or sets free.    Lord of the Flies teaches many valuable lessons about evil and its impact on human behavior. Golding uses allegory effectively to remind us of this potential hazard. Recent events in Afghanistan and New York City painfully remind us of this flaw in human nature. Hopefully, this powerful novel will open people's eyes to the evil inside of them so they will not make the mistakes made by the characters in this book. Works Cited: Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Putnam Publishing, 1954.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Utopia Essay -- essays research papers
Utopia Utopias are generally said to be societies in which the political, social and economic troubles hampering its inhabitants has been done away with. Instead the state is there to serve the people and ensure the peacefulness and happiness of everyone. The word utopia, which means "no place" in Greek, was first used to mean a perfect society in 1516 in the publication of Saint Thomas More's story "Utopia". The story depicted life as it was with its people and social institutions on an imaginary island. More's Utopia gained critical acclaim and a wide audience. The term was subsequently used by all prominent social thinkers and visionaries to define other concepts of this kind. During the 19th century many attempts were made to actually establish communities which followed the beliefs of a utopian society. Most were experiments in utopian socialism. Although they differed considerably in their specific views, most of them agreed that ideal societies could be created without much difficulty. They felt all that was needed was to have the formation of a few small, cooperative communities made up of their followers. The comte de Saint-Simon regarded technological progress and large scale economic organization as being the most important keys to the establishment of these communities. It was felt that industrial growth was the key to happiness for people in the future. Another visionary, Fourier, was quite the opposite of Saint-Simon. He Spoke strongly against the use of industry. His opinion was that agricultural communities would be better suited for this situation. He favored these communities as he saw them as small, self-sufficient and more importantly, free from the restraints that were being imposed by civilization. Experimental societies based on the theories of the utopians were also set up in Europe and the Unites States. They included Robert Owen's cooperative communities in New Harmony, lnd., and New Lanark, Scotland. Most of these did not survive long. One of the longer lasting of these communities was the Oneida Community. It lasted from 1848 to 1881. By the middle of the 19th century the utopian socialists were beginning to be eclipsed by more militant radical movements. These... big leather lazyboy in front of the t.v. would also be required. Electronic gizmos of all shapes and sizes would surround me. Then as my children grew older, I'd hope to be able to provide them with the opportunity to receive a college education, as this is key to success. To see them go on to do well for themselves would make me very proud. By then I would start to contemplate retirement. I'd hope to have a nice little nest egg stashed away so that I may live comfortably for the rest of my life. I hope to grow old peacefully, and as gruesome as this may sound, I hope that when my time does come, I die in my sleep. Never felling a thing. I know that many of the things I just mentioned may never happen. Many of my wishes are just that, wishful thinking. It is just a concept of a type of life I would like to live. Real or not. But after all, its MY private utopia. Plus we must remember that utopias in these times in their most technical definition do not exist. They are merely ideas and concepts of the world as man would wish it were. Being a man in this world of ours, I have my wishes too.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Buried Child Essay
It represents the fragmentation of the American nuclear family in a context of disappointment and disillusionment with American mythology and the American Dream, the 70s rural economic slowdown and the breakdown of traditional family structures and values. It reflects the universal frustrations of American people. The postmodern style of this play incorporates surrealism and symbolism. Surrealism is part of the play. The use of symbols such as the rain and the corn give the play a symbolist element. The humor is also an essential element. All these stylistic elements give the play a postmodern feel. Eclecticism and skepticism have also to do with postmodernism. Dodge + Halie = Tilden and Bradley Tilden has son Vince whose girlfriend is Shelly The character of Ansel: he is the son that Halie idolizes as an All-American hero despite his death. Tilden and Bradley: both failed their parents’ expectations. Both are expected to take over the farm or at least care for their parents in their old age. However both are handicapped: Tilden emotionally and Bradley physically. They are unable to care for their parents and thus unable to carry out the American Dream. Tilden: he has no purpose, no direction in his life. He had sex with his mother. (Vince) Bradley: aggressive, lost his leg. He Is emasculated by the removal of his leg. Dodge: felt the failure of the farm and the family. He failed to make the farm successful. He is an alcoholic. He has been emasculated by his son and the infertility of his fields. The Priests reflects the breakdown of morality and ethics in America. The act of incest and the murder breakdown the family values. It’s a dysfunctional family.
Health & Social Care Essay
An emergency is an unexpected situation that poses immediate risk to health, property or environment. Emergencies require immediate and direct actions in order to prevent or reduce the possible after effects of this emergency. The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 defines emergency as ‘an even or situation which threatens serious damage to human welfare, the environment or security in a part of the United Kingdom’. Emergencies focus on three types of threat. Those are threats to the environment, people’s welfare and security. An earthquake is an emergency because it is unexpected and cause severe damage to environment and properties or lands. It can also severely harm human beings who happen to be in the designated area. In order to be prepared for unexpected situations like this there are some procedures people can follow to ensure safety around them. These are before the earthquake happens †¢ Make sure to have a working fire extinguisher, communication device and torchlight. †¢ Learn first aid Learn how to turn off the gas, water and electricity †¢ Make a plan and an escape route and an assembly point to meet your family after the earthquake. †¢ Don’t leave heavy objects on shelves. †¢ Learn the earthquake plan at school or workplace. During an earthquake procedures have to be taken to ensure maximum safety. †¢ Stay calm. If indoors then stay in and if outdoors stay out. †¢ If you’re indoors, stand against a wall near the centre of the building, stand in a doorway, or crawl under heavy furniture (a desk or table). Stay away from windows and outside doors. If outdoors, stay away from power lines and buildings as they may fall on you †¢ Don’t use matches, candles or anything that could start a fire. †¢ Don’t use elevators. After an earthquake: †¢ Check yourself and others for injuries. Provide first aid if needed. †¢ Check appliances, water, gas and electric lines for faults or damages. If damages then shut off the valves. †¢ If indoors and it smells of flammable gas then open all windows, eave immediately and report to authority. †¢ Follow earthquake plan and listen to the instructions of the person in charge [authority figure] †¢ Expect aftershocks. Whilst evacuating the building members should remain cal and contain their dignity and self respect. Everyone should treat each other as an equal and direct them all towards safety. For example, in a nursery setting some children may have disabilities therefore might find it more difficult to follow the procedures instructed by teacher. They should still be seen as an equal and help must be given when needed however, they should not feel as though they are being treated differently from the others. The advantage of having an earthquake plan is that it prepares the individuals with an escape route and gives them a head start on how to deal with it. Having an earthquake plan means the individuals will know what to do when the situation arises and that will save time and less panics. However, the disadvantage of having an earthquake plan is that it is time consuming. It takes time to make one and one must have the knowledge of the setting in which the earthquake plan will take place. In addition, there may be some who are not informed of this plan therefore will be at loss when the earthquake arises. It is not guaranteed that everyone will follow the plan which contradicts the reason of the plan itself which is the safety of all people at that certain time and place. Plans are bases on predictions and estimations of the future which means there may be turn of events. For example, the plan may direct people towards the safest and quickest exit but what if that certain exit is damaged and blocked due to the earthquake?
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Petroleum Exploration
Petroleum Exploration and Production consists of four major processes of exploration, well-development, production and site abandonment. In this assignment, we had chosen the major process of exploration and production. Petroleum Exploration is conducted to find and detect the site which contains oil or natural gas. Visible surface features such as oil seeps, natural gas seeps, pockmarks provide basic evidence of hydrocarbon generation. However, most exploration depends on highly sophisticated technology to detect and determine the extent of these deposits using exploration geophysics.Areas thought to contain hydrocarbons are initially subjected to a gravity survey, magnetic survey, passive seismic or regional seismic reflection surveys to detect large-scale features of the sub-surface geology. Features of interest are subjected to more detailed seismic surveys which work on the principle of the time it takes for reflected sound waves to travel through matter of varying densities and using the process of depth conversion to create a profile of the substructure.Finally, when a prospect has been identified and evaluated and passes the oil company's selection criteria, an exploration well is drilled in an attempt to conclusively determine the presence or absence of oil or gas. On the other hand, after the process of exploration and well development, the thrid process will be the production of oil. Petroleum is recovered mostly through oil drilling.This comes after the studies of structural geology at the reservoir scale, sedimentary basin analysis, reservoir characterization mainly in terms of porosity and permeable structures. It is refined and separated, most easily by boiling point, into a large number of consumer products, from petrol or gasoline and kerosene to asphalt and chemical reagents used to make plastics and pharmaceuticals. Petroleum is used in manufacturing a wide variety of materials, and it is estimated that the world consumes about 88 million bar rels each day.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Causal Determinism
Philosophy Mini Paper 1 Causal determinism claims that our past, initial conditions are deterministicly conditioned by natural laws. Causal determinism deals with conditional predictability, which says that if I know all of my past/present material conditions and natural laws, then I can know my future causal path. Since we always base our choices on our highest desire, we can easily predict what choices one is going to make. It seems very plausible for casual determinism to be true. With causal determinism on one end of the spectrum, and existentialism on the opposite end, we have two conflicting philosophies of romance vs logic. It seems only logical for us to assume that indeed, we base our decisions based upon what we deeply, truly desire the most. The notion that we lack the capacity of free will, though, is daunting. To think that we have no control over our lives is really rather terrifying, so it becomes very apparent why someone would want to reject these theories. Causal determinism hasn't necessarily affected my views of life dramatically, but it helps keep everything into a conscious perspective. To live a meaningful life it's important to live consciously, that is to say, to escape the hypnotizing effects of living life monotonously. I believe that in order to accomplish a lucid life, it's important to retain existentialist aspects in daily life. To live life on a path without the sense of freedom seems like it would be similar to those nightmares we have in which we know the horrors that are about to happen, but can do nothing to prevent it. To live a robotic life is too easy. To throw everything into the wind and say that we have no control over our lives is too easy. To say humanity has an inability to control itself is far too pessimistic and a twisted way to live one's life. It's empowering to believe in one's ability to make something of their life, to truly live life spiritually. I don't feel that causal determinism should impacts one's views on moral responsibility drastically. To think that whatever is going to happen will happen anyway, and to avoid morality, is definitely a flawed way of thinking. Because of our desire to live in a morally praiseworthy fashion, we may let moral values influence the decisions we make. We should not simply disregard everything happening in our surroundings because we think we have no control. As far as friendship goes, yes, we typically befriend those that are like-minded in some regard or another. This isn't a new or unusual concept, this notion is widely known. There are countless psychological factors that are at work with the ongoing process of friend-making. Causal determinism doesn't change what is already known about making friends. Love is one of the most confusing of human emotions. To say that there is a soul mate for each person would be agreeing with causal determinism. It seems, in an odd sense, too romantic for the theory, but they're one in the same regardless. Some believe in soul mates, that there is one person each is destined to belong with. It would make sense for a causal determinist to believe in the idea of a soul mate. Causal determinism feels far too depressing to follow religiously in a day-to-day lifestyle. While the theory may be a logically correct way to look at life, it seems to strongly strip away what it means to live as a conscious human. Sure it's important to keep a balance of logic and romance in the way one lives their life, but it seems like following causal determinism may be tipping this scale too far to one side.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Nursing Theory Analysis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Nursing Theory Analysis - Assignment Example Before coming up with the Jane Watson theory of human caring, Dr. Jane Watson, who is also the founder of the Watson Caring Institute, received her bachelors, masters and Doctor of Philosophy qualifications. Apart from her professional and academic expertise, Dr. Jane Watson’s personal experience played a huge role in the development of the theory, which mainly focuses on human caring. Going through Dr. Jane Watson’s teachings, publications and writings, one will not fail to recognize the fact that human caring is diverse than had been perceived by other scholars as it incorporates the emotions of the healthcare provider as well as the inner subjective feelings. That explains why in most of her works, Dr. Watson strives to provide both voice and spiritual credibility to the practice of human caring. Dr. Watson asserts that her personal experience made her realize the extent to which the practice of human caring had been neglected in the models and practices of medicinal science. This follows a traumatic injury that she had, an uncanny golfing accident she went through with her grandson as well as the sudden demise of her devoted husband who committed suicide. The streak of unfortunate events made Dr. Jane Watson aware of the fact that both human caring and healing are the main principles of human nursing as a practice. Moreover, human caring should not only be left to nurses, but all healthcare professionals, health educators, health service workers as well as all the other entities involved in the caring journey should join hands in ascertaining that life is sustained. Apart from Dr. Jane Watson, who established the theory, different scholars have written various works on the hypothesis. Moreover, the scholars have reaffirmed that the practice of human caring should be founded on a professional, academic and personal
Thursday, September 12, 2019
For this week's discussion you will explore macros and security Assignment
For this week's discussion you will explore macros and security features provided by MS Word - Assignment Example The macro can also be used to highlight a particular text or word and then use ‘macro’ to navigate it to definition or detailed information. In addition, Macro can also be used to add more detail to a particular text or event mentioned in the document. U.S Department of Energy Computer Incident Advisory Capability defines, â€Å"Macro Virus’ as a piece of self-replicating code written in an application’s macro language†(Salomon, 2010). Macro Virus affects the entire document, therefore, if any document that has Macro Virus shall be replace with a new document. It can be prevented through using digital signatures and updating software on a regular basis (Salomon, 2010). The virus can affect the entire document and you may loose the entire information, the entire file, template or document may get corrupted and causing a series of automatic destructive actions to your
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
The Business of tourism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Business of tourism - Essay Example Obviously, the unaffordable travel cost in developed countries and all other impacts of economic recession on them have compelled people to choose India especially Kerala as one of the best tourist destinations. In addition to the unforgettable travel experience in this state of rich and dynamic culture, Kerala offers comparatively low-cost travel, cheap rate hotel pay and a variety of tour packages. It has become a choice for many western people to stay for the whole vacation in order to escape from the unbearable living expenses of their own home land. Besides the above mentioned features, as an emerging trend, medical tourism industry has become a fastest growing segment of the Kerala tourism. As the recent global financial crisis hit largely on European Countries, Asian countries have been highly benefited from medical tourism industry. The high cost of treatment in home countries has been pushing people to this region as alternative cost-effective destinations; and the trend has remarkably increased during recession. Majority of the patients in this category come from the countries like the United States and UK. Kerala enjoys its own remarkable share in medical tourism by providing its ancient system of medicine Aurveda. This herbal medication and technique of body massage known as ‘Panchakarma’ gained international admiration especially during the last decade. Traveling or staying in Kerala during recession would be an excellent idea to gain money and materials. As compared to other regions, living cost in Kerala is rather affordable. Moreover, recently there has been a notable fall in room rent and hotel bills since the economic downturn. (Iyengar P., 2008 p.59). Mumbai terror attack (2008) also affected Kerala tourism/hotel industry as there is only 1000 km distance between these two regions. (PRlog). Suppose in the United States, a room rent cost $10 for a day, it must
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Business Management Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Business Management Proposal - Essay Example (Rigby, 2005) The basic aim of the proposal would be to develop a modification of law based on the marketing plan for Visual Management Systems Ltd for expansion into the southern States of the country. Apart form this central theme it would also be looked upon there should be enough opportunity and specified methods to penetrate and expand market segments for the company in relation to the use and capability of the CCTV related security technology from the parameters of marketing and for this aspects too your moral and legislative help is extremely needed. The world is in the midst of an all-purpose technological revolution based on CCTV related security technology, defined here as visual security, software related surveillance techniques, and CCTV related security equipment. The macroeconomic benefits of the CCTV related security technology revolution are already apparent in some economies, especially the United States and United Kingdom. Historical experience has shown that such revolutions have often been accompanied by financial booms and busts, and the CCTV related security technology revolution has been no exception. But, while spending on CCTV related security technology goods is likely to remain stable ... While technological change is an ongoing process, there are periods during which technological progress is especially rapid, resulting in new products and falling prices of existing products that have widespread uses in the rest of the economy. Such periods are generally identified with CCTV related security technology revolutions. (Hood, 2003) Earlier examples include textiles production and steam power in the industrial revolution, railroads in the nineteenth century, and electricity in the early twentieth century (the automobile could also be included, but its development was relatively gradual). The effects of such revolutions have generally occurred in three (often overlapping) main stages. First, technological change raises productivity growth in the innovating sector; second, falling prices encourage capital deepening; and, finally, there can be significant reorganization of production around the capital goods that embody the new technology. (Hall, 2006) The growth of the CCTV related security technology sector in the 1980s was an important development for the economy, but it spurred relatively little policy or media interest. True, CCTV related security technology was recognized as a driver of comparative advantage for the US and the UK and there were a few initiatives involving industrial policy and military preparedness, CCTV related security technology was of interest primarily to specialists. (Prawer, 2005) A unique confluence of forces certainly came together in the 1990s: rapid technological advances in the technology sector; widespread recognition that security could be used to comparative advantage as well as process it; the rapid
Monday, September 9, 2019
Job Anaylsis Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Job Anaylsis - Assignment Example the interviewer and interviewee is at two different locations at the time of the interview. 2. The major challenge with one to one interview is that the in most cases the interviewer is only conversant with a limited scope of knowledge which is in line with his/her line of career or day to day duties which they tend to concentrate with during the interview. This is always a disadvantage to the interviewee more so when one is conversant with the line of interest of the interviewer because they don’t get to be tested in other areas that one may be good at but the interviewer don’t ask because they are not conversant with (Armstrong, et al.2012). 3. For the case of one to one interview, I would suggest that they have a panel instead of one panel so that each member of the panel will have a chance to ask a question in line with their area of competence. This will work to the advantage of both parties since they will be able to examine the applicant one most of the areas of their interest and the interviewee will also get a chance to prove that he/she has a line that is best in or they may prove to be good at different areas. In the telephone interview, I would urge the company to communicate early enough the exact date and time of the interview so as to enable the interviewee to do prepare and thorough research for the interview and one can also control his/her environment before the interview so as to avoid poor communication during the interview. 4. It is very important to carry out a background investigation for a job. This is necessary since it will enable you to really understand the company you want to work for better. It also helps one to make intelligent guesses of the questions one is likely to expect during the interview or at least one will be able to know which sections the employer might be really interested with. The interviewer may also ask a question about the company to determine if one is
Sunday, September 8, 2019
The United Nations Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The United Nations - Research Paper Example Thereafter, the delegates contemplated over the primary proposals presented by the United States, United Kingdom, China, and Soviet Union. Fifty countries signed the charter on 26 June 1945; subsequently, it was also signed by Poland raising the number of original Member States to 51. The five permanent members, namely, the United States, United Kingdom, China, Soviet Union, and France and a large majority of other signatories endorsed the Charter, giving official birth to the United Nations on 24 October 1945. The name ‘United Nations’ was first conceived by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during the Second World War to signify the union of twenty-six nations who had assented to mutually combat against the Axis Power (Hanhimaki 13). Thereafter, the first Declaration of the United Nations was drafted on 1st January 1942. The first meeting of the Security Council, a sub-agency of the United Nations dates back to January 1946 in Methodist Central Hall Westminster, London. Initially, the organizational headquarters were based in Sperry Gyroscope Corporation in New York from 1946 until 1952. Thereafter, it was transferred to the United Nations Headquarter building in Manhattan that was specifically constructed for this purpose. Primarily, six chief languages namely English, Chinese, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian are used for drafting documents and conducting meetings. Originally, the United Nations was composed of six primary bodies; however, after Palau became independent, the Trusteeship Council was terminated in 1994. The other organs comprise of the Security Council, Secretariat, Economic and Social Council, General Assembly, and the International Court of Justice. Except for the International Court of Justice in Hague, the other four bodies are located in the United Nations Headquarters, New York. This fundamental deliberative assembly constitutes of all member nations who elect presidents
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Global Technology Workforce Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Global Technology Workforce Management - Essay Example to provide data flow to take decisions of the bases of narrow characteristics available form international databases iv. List of methods for gaining and sustaining global technology leadership. Transnational IS development Staff training Update of resources Systems originally (intended to be sustain global technology leadership); Technologies deployed as individual solutions or as a part of an enterprise-wide HR information system (HRIS). (Johnson, 2005). Global technology supply chain as it relates to Technology Globalization i. Identify the advantages and disadvantages of a technology enabled global supply chain. Advantages: It integrates the supplier, distributor, and customer logistics requirements into one cohesive process. It links processes such as procurement or logistics, to supply goods or services from source through consumption. It makes more efficient the company's internal operations; It reduces inventory costs by asking suppliers to put off delivery of goods; It integrates demand planning, forecasting, materials requisition, order processing, inventory allocation, order fulfillment, transportation services, receiving, invoicing, and payment. It allow a company to deliver goods more rapidly to the customer Disadvantages: high cost of software solutions are very different from buy-side and sell-side perspectives. Security of data cannot be guaranteed by both sides ii. Address security concerns in deploying global technology solutions Data security ensure that valuable business data files on either disk or tape are not subject to: virus protection data protection unauthorized access unauthorized change Destruction (McNurlin, Sprague, 1997). Global... Systems that allow on-line inquiry and reporting must have data files secured. One set of users consists of all employees who perform clerical functions such as inputting employee data into the system. All individuals with this type of profile can update the system but can neither read nor update sensitive fields such as salary, medical history, or earnings data. Another profile applies to divisional managers, who cannot update their systems but who can read all employee data fields for their division, including medical history and salary. These profiles would be established and maintained by a data security system. A multilayered data security system is essential for ensuring that this information can be accessed only by authorized persons. Web pages can be constructed from bits of text, graphics, sound, or video that may come from many different sources. Each item may belong to a different entity, creating complicated is of ownership and compensation. Global Technology involves changes to the workflow system.
Learning and Sleep Essay Example for Free
Learning and Sleep Essay Title: 234 Provide support for sleep Level: 2 Credit Value: 2 GLH 13 Learning Outcomes The learner will; Assessment Criteria The learner can; 1. Understand the importance of sleep 1Explain how sleep contributes to an individual’s well-being 2Identify reasons why an individual may find it hard to sleep 3Describe the possible short-term and long-term effects on an individual who is unable to sleep well 2. Be able to establish conditions suitable for sleep 1 Describe conditions likely to be suitable for sleep 2 Minimise aspects of the environment likely to make sleep difficult for an individual. 3 Adjust own behaviour to contribute to a restful environment 4 Describe actions to take if the behaviour or movement of others hinders an individual’s ability to sleep 3. Be able to assist an individual to sleep 1Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assisting sleep 2Encourage the individual to communicate the support they need to sleep 3Assist the individual to find a position for sleep consistent with their plan of care 4Support the individual to use aids for sleep in ways that reflect the plan of care and follow agreed ways of working 4. BE ABLE TO MONITOR SLEEP 1ESTABLISH WITH THE INDIVIDUAL. and others how sleep will be monitored 2Record agreed observations relating to the individual’s sleep and the assistance given 5. Know how to access information and advice about difficulties with sleep 1Describe situations in which additional information or assistance about sleep would be needed 2Explain how to access additional information and assistance Additional information An individual is someone requiring care or support Agreed ways of working will include policies and procedures where these exist Others may include: †¢family †¢friends †¢advocates †¢line manager †¢health professionals. †¢others who are important to the individual’s well-being Unit aim (s) This unit is aimed at those working in a wide range of settings. It provides the learner with the knowledge and skills required to establish conditions suitable for sleep and support the individual to sleep. Assessment requirements specified by a sector or regulatory body (if appropriate) This unit must be assessed in accordance with Skills for Care and Developments QCF Assessment Principles. Learning outcomes 2, 3 and 4 must be assessed in a real work environment. Details of the relationship of the unit and relevant national occupational standards HSC216.
Friday, September 6, 2019
The overall sense New World Essay Example for Free
The overall sense New World Essay The overall sense prevalent in each of the three readings is that the beginning of the inhabitation of the New World by the colonists was one filled with trepidation and little exploratory overtures. The colonies were on the surface largely inhospitable, and its original inhabitants viewed as savages were viewed with prejudice, wariness, and dread. As the days progressed, however, it became evident that the savages were willing to explore some form of relationship and interaction with the colonists, and in both John Smith’s and William Bradford’s accounts, there were episodic moments of goodwill, friendship, and collaboration. In these accounts, the importance placed upon their belief in God was uncompromising. In them, the providence of God in bringing friendly savages to befriend them and to supply them was acknowledged. There exists a palpable atmosphere of gratitude and cheer when such events transpired. It was almost as if the settlers in general and the writers in particular knew just how daunting a challenge their situation was, and how perilous their enterprise promised to be. The writers’ mention of God in the execution of their enterprise and how their fortunes rested on his statutes and goodwill bring out the stark contrast of the human displays of treachery, slander, and scant regard for the natives, whom they viewed as savages. This conflict would continue in their later dealings with the other tribes of the interior, and such janus-faced behavior appears schizophrenic, to say the least. Yet, the reliance on and the zeal with which they displayed their faith marked the beginnings of the settlements characterized by these three locations as mentioned in the writings. This faith then was the thread of continuity that existed in the different accounts and narratives of the settlers, and in spite of the different types of settlements founded by different groups for diverse purposes, the Christian basis was contingent on them all. It was needful for them to rely on a comforting system of belief, and one that provides them strength of hope, unity of oneness, and a certain security of what and where they had originated from. Yet, it is also very clear on a closer inspection of these three writings that William Bradford’s and John Winthrop’s accounts were more God-centric. This of course is a reflection of the foundations of their voyage and expedition. The colony of Jamestown, as displayed in John Smith’s account, was meant to promote business and reap profits, an enterprise by a joint stock company. Plymouth was for pilgrim families in search of a new life, a new beginning that was homely and familial. Boston, as characterized in John Winthrop’s account, was Christo-centric in its most fundamental conceptualization, foundation, and development. Little wonder that reading his account was akin to reading an interpretation of Scripture. The level of devoutness corresponded with the motivation for the founding of the colonies. Employing basic textual analysis, it is evident that the concern, thrust, and feelings surrounding their brave ventures centered on the role of their functions in the new settlements. Every one of these accounts ended in some measure of success, and each of them concludes with a triumphant tone that their efforts had not been in vain. From Winthrop’s firm exhortations to Smith’s tentative positive conclusion, it could be deduced that the strength of their convictions determined their celebration of the outcomes. Their struggles and searching out of the land, while battling disease, climate, lack of provision, and facing hostility from the natives, were definitely an arduous struggle. Yet, this brings out the reality of the situation and circumstances facing them, and as one gets drawn into the narrative, one begins to feel the proximity and reality of the connection. The desperation of the settlers at Jamestown was palpable, and the eventual sigh of relief gave way to a resigned air of fatalism, that the difficult labour exercised by the less-than-scrupulous figures that dominated the narrative would finally be put to rest. The more positive gratitude of Bradford’s account was dotted with certain moments of sorrow, yet, the overall emotion that emanated forth was that here was a place where industry and good Protestant ethics would prevail and reap them a good harvest, first a thirty-fold, then a sixty-fold, and finally, a hundred-fold. Winthrop’s account was a direct call to Christian virtues, with his sermonizing extolling the promises of God in accordance to their practicing of the faith, in spite of the difficulties that may appear from time to time. These narratives are the blood, sweat, and tears of our forefathers, and upon their shoulders are built the foundations of this great nation, America, that stand at once for freedom and liberty, and that proclaims, â€Å"In God we trust. â€
Thursday, September 5, 2019
No Coward Soul Is Mine Analysis
No Coward Soul Is Mine Analysis Emily Brontes No Coward Soul Is Mine was written in order to reach out and touch faith so to speak. Death, faith, and passion were things that did not run scarce in Emily Brontes life and with that No Coward Soul Is Mine was inspired and written. Writing to cope with the pain of growing up, neglected and uneducated Bronte reaches out to God to fill her wounds and give her a life after life. Within No Coward Soul Is Mine, Bronte whole heartedly reveals her views on God through the poems theme, provides descriptions of her interpretation of God himself as a character, allows the reader to illustrate what she sees through nature, and also pulls the readers attention with her use of passionate and powerful words while setting the tone of the poem. In No Coward Soul Is Mine, the main purpose for Brontes use of first person is to express her thoughts, beliefs, and views on God and how other things relate back to him like faith and death (Fernà ¡ndez). Emilys beliefs are that God is everywhere and is the source of everything. She wants to show the world that God is her life and reason to live and does so in her own way. Her thoughts are brilliantly used in the form of nature, providing unique descriptions of nature to depict what God is like. Brontes beliefs are shared and expressed through her metaphoric use of faith throughout the poem, whether it is the breath she breathes, or her never ending love and adoration for God. Her view on God is moving and full of enthusiasm keeping the reader listening and wanting more of Brontes thoughts. In her very first line of the poem, where she states, No coward soul is mine (Bronte, p. 948), she wants to prove to everyone that she isnt a coward through God and never will be, and by making this quote the title enforces its importance to represent her as a strong and independent woman with the partnership of God. No Coward Soul Is Mine is also a very affectionate and emotional poem that Bronte allows the reader to feel and react to. Bronte allows the reader to effectively view her morals and values. The poem permits the reader to interact with and relate to where the author is coming from in an easy perspective. In addition, the poem represents a sense of reflection of Bronte herself and opens up her opinions and beliefs to the reader while also depicting her relationship with God. Her thoughts are obvious since the portrayed image of her character of God is very descriptive and personal, which is why it was written in the first-person. Brontes character of God is not a character at all but actually her faith and principles. In the first stanza she writes Heavens glories shine and Faith shines equal arming me from Fear (Bronte). In this line, she is saying that through God and faith she is fearless. Faith is the belief in something that cannot be seen, but in which one has complete trust (Fernà ¡ndez, 2000). In the second stanza, her character is strong and she states that anyone can possess him. Bronte is preaching about God and telling the audience what he can offer them and continues in the third and fourth stanza encouraging the audience to look away from evil and vain and to trust and give your faith to God. She continues on and compares her character to rocks and other objects in nature that symbolize someone that is strong not only physically, and emotionally, but also spiritually. She also makes references to the breath that we breathe and that gives us life although we cannot see it. Much like in The Pulle y by George Herbert, the character of God is so powerful and giving just at Bronte states. Herbert states that God gave us all of our blessings all of which are strength, wisdom, pleasure, beauty and honor. This poem also portrays a close relationship with the character of God (just as No Coward Soul Is Mine does), and also explains how man provides his respect for God through only Gods knowledge of eternal rest. Both poems give their character use of Gods recognition to the highest power and with nothing less than respect. Even though they cannot see him physically, they spiritually both reach out to him. His spirit is not dead, he is made one with nature, he is a presence (Pinion, 1975). Bronte is sure of two things: her faith and the certainty of Gods existence. Through nature, Bronte provides the reader with brilliant images of whom and what she sees as signs of a presence of God. No coward soul is mine, No trembler in the worlds storm-troubled sphere: I see Heavens glories shine, and faith shines equal, arming me from fear (Bronte, p. 948). Bronte Speaks clearly and gives the reader a chance to understand exactly what message she is portraying and providing clarity in her visual images. In this excerpt, she carefully paints the image of everlasting love and faith, also the afterlife. Her images are colorful and exciting and she uses large amounts of enthusiasm to express her feelings and expresses those by using powerful images of nature. By using physically powerful images throughout the poem to praise and worship God, she gives the audience a very clear and precise understanding on how God is portrayed through her eyes. As upbeat as most of the poem is, she also uses some degrading imagery, mostly towards those who live their lives in vain and continue to do so. Her strict intolerance is quickly expressed through her one simile in the poem which contains st rong use of vain. In moments of vision, religion can pierce the veil and become one with the universal and external spirit (Winnifrith Chitham, p. 59). Bronte also expresses how death is not to be feared and that even after you stop breathing your spirit and faith will live on somewhere. There is not room for Death, Nor atom that his might could render void: Thou -Thou art Being and Breath, And what Thou art may never be destroyed (Bronte, p. 948). She uses numerous things to associate God with and does so effectively and efficiently without confusing the reader. Even when speaking of death she does not disappoint the reader with a drop in tone; however, somewhere throughout the vivid images she does lose the rhyme of the poem although the tone seems to flow fine and smooth without it. The tone in No Coward Soul Is Mine is passionate, while the language is uplifting, emotional and even accusatory. Faith, death, and passion keep an even and overall happy tone throughout the poem. Using faith and passion to keep the reader content and open-minded, but also by using death to pull the reader back to reality, she balances the tone perfectly and does so without confusing the reader. The poem contains mostly metaphors with the exception of one simile which is referring to men. Worthless and withered weeds. Or idlest froth amid the boundless main (Bronte, p. 948). The use of the word as and the particular simile used here gives this phrase a nice tone, and also expresses Brontes contempt for the vain men (Elite Skills Classics). However, Brontes metaphors are not to be looked at individually but as a whole. Together they are characteristics of God and what he is through her eyes. Her religion is everything and without her faith she is nothing. Her commitment to her faith i s astounding and it is all based on her trust in God which she conveys in the overall tone by appearing to be so clam and care free throughout No Coward Soul Is Mine. Bronte uses these metaphors to exult God through the poem (Pinion, p. 201). She is not afraid of death because she knows that God will give her some kind of life after she is gone. She is not tolerant of those who take her God in vain or act in vain. She wishes to become a slave inseparable from her religious thoughts (Davies, p. 173). Overall the tone is conservative which is completely appropriate for Brontes religious and touching poem. Emily Brontes No Coward Soul Is Mine is a clear display of a strong faith and belief. Death, faith, and passion are what drive Bronte to continue to keep her faith in God and what he stands for. She is spiritual and expresses so within No Coward Soul Is Mine. Bronte whole heartedly reveals her views on God through the poems theme, provides descriptions of her interpretation of God himself as a character, allows the reader to illustrate what she sees, and also pulls the readers attention with her use of passionate and powerful words, while setting the tone of the poem.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
International Law: Piracy, Law of the Sea, and Use of Force Essay examp
This paper will answer the four questions presented below: 1. What is the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over piracy? 2. To what extent may European nations claim jurisdiction over acts of piracy committed off the Horn of Africa? 3. What international law enforcement co-operation mechanisms exist to assist in the investigation and prosecution of piracy committed in waters off the Horn of piracy? How these mechanisms assist in the investigation and prosecution of piracy? 4. What barriers to successful prosecution of Somalia piracy exist? What is the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over piracy? Explain your answer. Piracy becomes one of significant matters across regional, because the menace of piracy attack, especially in the hot spot area as the Horn of Africa is still going up and causes a plenty of loss. As piracy acts as universal crime, so that universal jurisdiction must be adapted to combat against piracy. Although, international community attempts to cope with this issue by establishing mutual-operation, but the final step is to bring pirates into legal proceeding. Some other countries seem to have a limit within their own jurisdiction, so that piracy cases may not be prosecuted after they were captured. Some countries may reluctant to participate in this content as same as reluctant to co-operate with international community. Hence, the establishment of international court which can take responsible on this matter will be an extra option to solve a problem. International criminal court is one of another option that may reduce the conflicts in the case of piracy. The jurisdiction of th e International Criminal Court can be explained under the Rome of Statue which provides a p... ...nal of International Law Rome Statue of International Criminal Court, opened for signature 17 July 1998, A/CONF.183/9 (entered into force 1 July 2002) Totten, Christopher & Bernal, Matthew, ‘Somali Piracy: Jurisdictional Issues, Enforcement Problems and Potential Solutions’ (2010) 41(2) Georgetown Journal of International Law Thedwwall, Craig, ‘Choosing the Right Yardarm: Establishing an International Court for Piracy’ (2010) 41(2) Georgetown Journal of International Law Treves, Tullio, ‘Piracy, Law of the Sea, and Use of Force: Developments off the Coast of Somalia’ (2009) 20(2) The European Journal of International Law Very, Francois, ‘African maritime Security: A Time for Good Order at Sea’ (2010) 2(4) Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs
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